Are you a casual player looking for a guild for grinding, farming or to afk in?
Are you looking for a guild to put your alts in?
Are you staying up all night because you can't stop thinking about how adorable my alts are and want to spend every minute you're on RO2 with them?
If you said "yes" to any of the questions above then this guild may be for you. In IcE the only requirement is to be an active player. The whole purpose of the guild is to provide a max level guild with maxed skills for casual players and/or alts. If you just want a guild for PvE, farming, grinding, etc. and avoid broken PvP and guild rivalry/drama, then come join us in IcE. There are no level requirements to join the guild, but you will be kicked without notice if I don't notice your character increasing in level for a long period of time (inactive).
If you are interested in joining please pm donchan or come find any of my adorable characters in ch 5 Prontera AH~ <3 :3 (See below)
Edited by donchan, 26 February 2016 - 12:03 AM.