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SoulSight's guide to pve Dragoon class

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#1 SoulSight


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Posted 21 August 2015 - 09:45 AM


I am known as TheZealot in-game, I play as a dragoon. 

Some main reasons I make this guide are

- I do not see many people enjoy Dragoon class.

- I was inspired by other people.

- I desire to clarify confused players.


Note before you read :



Dragon Saga’s combat is fast and intense so players need to master the unique attacks, combo chains and advanced skills of their class to stay on top.

So depends on players' creativity, it does not matter if you might have your different way. You can comment my guide but do not show your guide here, you could post a new topic for your guide.

This guide is written since version 0.3.77 so if there is any change in the future, I might change it as well.

You must play tutorial.

I go straight at late stage so that you will not waste any reset scroll so you might be a bit weak at early stage but you will strong at late stage.

I am not English expert so there might be broken English somewhere.

I might not finish this guide at once so I will continue.

Dragoon is known as a tanker class. Therefore there will be a lot of strength stat which leads to huge physical damage and a lot of health which leads to huge defense. So if you play and build correctly, you can even solo well by endurance! Since there are many skills which cost a lot of Skill Point (SP), newbie can waste a lot of SP easily then spend reset scroll and even spend IM to buy the scroll which is not very ideal.

This class is originally a Warrior, through promotions, they become a knight then a paladin then a dragoon. So let's start at the beginning.



Blow : Thrust forward to knock enemies down with slightly longer range than a normal attack. This skill costs 10 SP but it does not bring a lot of damage. On the other hand, it is not a good use. However, you will need for the next skill so skill it 1/5.


Cutdown : Attack and damage up to standing or down enemies on the ground and launch them into the air; launch higher with level 3 above. This skill costs 20 SP but it does not bring of a lot of damage. On the other hand, it is not a good use. However, you will need for the next skill so skill it 1/5.


Storm Blade : Use sword to cause a storm to cast 6 combo attack enemies in the air randomly chosen. This skill costs 20 SP and it brings more damage than cutdown. So why don't we skill 5/5?


Hammer Crush : Attack and stun standing or down enemies on the ground with a giant hammer. This costs 10 SP and it brings a lot of damage. So why don't we skill 5/5?


Blazing Youth : Attack and burn with a flaming hammer to damage enemies; launch slightly with level 3 above. This costs 10 SP and it brings a lot of damage. However, we finish mobs quickly so do not launch mobs. Skill it 2/5.


Sword mastery : Add physical attack power. This costs 10 SP. I do not see much different so it is quite useless, do not skill it.


Air Combo Launch : Attack and launch enemies into the air; launch higher with level 3 above. This costs 15 SP and it is a bit good use instead of Cutdown to mix with a combo with Storm Blade. However, Air Combo Launch does not bring a lot of damage and you need for the next skill so skill it 1/5.


Re-Launch : Attack and re-launch down enemies. This costs 10 SP but it seems unwanted because most of the skills that we already skilled do not push enemies down and kill enemies right away in the air. However, you need for the next skill so skill it 1/5.


Sword Dance : Throw a sword to the front and back onto enemies to knock them down; range increases each level. This costs 10 SP and it seems very simple because it does not bring a lot of damage. However, you need for the next skill so skill it 2/5.


Icecold Heart : Attack enemies with an ice hammer to damage and cause ice freezing effect (decreases movement speed, attack speed, physical and magical defense power); launch slightly with level 3. This costs 10 SP and it brings a lot of damage. Same with Blazing Youth! Skill it 2/5.


Warrior's Bonds : Buff 20% of BASE physical defense to everyone around users. This costs 5 SP but actually, there is no different. You will waste point accidentally so do not skill it.


My comment : With low cooldown hammers (3 hammers), players can finish mobs quickly and easily. Everything i have told, it will be like this

At level 19, players need to use reset scroll, which is free from the gift box, for saving SP for coming up jobs. After you use reset scroll, you skill like this


My comment : Without hammers, players will face difficulty with jobchange. I recommend asking people to help. I know that you have lost a lot of power but you could bring more power lately. You can also manage and replace your combo with :

- X -> X -> X -> X ->X -> Storm Blade.

- Cutdown -> Storm Blade.

I wish you luck for jobchange!



Aerial Smackdown : Similar to Cutdown but casters will dash toward from the air to the ground. This costs 20 SP so of course, you just skill it 1/5.


Shoulder Tackle : Attack and launch victims into the air lightly; launch higher and target down enemies. This costs 15 SP but it does not bring a lot of damage. However, you need for next skill so skill it 1/5.


Spear Jab : Cast 5 fierce stab combo atttack to enemies and knock them down. This costs 20 SP and it brings a lot of damage. Why don't we skill 5/5?


Pressure : Drop a heavy weight on enemies to give them damage and slightly launch them into the air. This skill costs 15 SP. We already have 3 skills to launch mobs into the air. There is no reason why you need to skill it 5/5 but you need for next skill so skill it 1/5.


Spin It Bear! : Summon a spirit of bear to cast spinning attack and launch slightly on enemies 5 times. This costs 15 SP and it brings a lot of damage. Why don't we skill 5/5?


Shield Mastery : Increase blocking rate and physical defense. This costs 20 SP. Like i said, this class is rich at strength and health, there will be a lot of defense already, therefore there is no point to maximize it. However, you will need for the next skill so skill it 1/5.


Parry : Increase blocking rate. This costs 15 SP. Well, similar to Shield Mastery, skill it 1/5.


Increased Defense : The name has told everything. This skill costs 10 SP. Same to Shield Mastery, skill it 1/5. But you could use it if you want, it is not useless at all.


Giant Growth : Add temporary HP. This skill costs 10 SP. This is not permanent so why do we need to maximize it? Skill it 1/5 for the next skill.


Body Activation : Increase permanently HP. This skill costs 20 SP. This is a good skill because it brings a lot of HP to players, increase the survival ability a lot. Skill it 5/5.


Aerial Blow : Damage launched enemies by hammer. This skill costs 15 SP. Well, we already had Storm Blade, didn't we? So don't skill it.


Impervion : Endure any attack effect but still take 100% of damage. This skill costs 20 SP. In pve, we finish mobs quickly so there is no point to skill it even the boss can launch you but probably not much use. Therefore don't skill it.


Revenge : We do not skill Impervion so nothing much to elaborate.


My comment : From level 20->40, there might be shortage combo so you have to be a bit flexibly creative. Here is some recommended combos :

Aerial Smackdown -> Storm Blade.

Spear Jab -> Pressure -> Storm Blade.

Spin it Bear -> Aerial Smackdown -> Storm Blade.

Everything I have told, it will be like this

I wish you luck for jobchange.



Armor Mastery : Increase BASE physical defense. This costs 20 SP. Similar to Shield Mastery, skill it 1/5 for next skill.


Armor Break : This name has told everything, it also causes damage; knock down enemies with level 4 above. This costs 15 SP. It brings a lot of damage but it's a one-hit skill so no need to maximize it. Skill it 1/5 for next skill.


Joint Break : Attack and launch slightly victims into the air, cause dash-block and decreases movement speed and attack speed; target down enemies with level 3 above. This costs 10 SP. You could either skill 1/5 or 3/5 to mix your combo. If you decide to use it as a part of combo, level 3 is not bad at all. Joint Break has an unwanted animation after the strike to try to cancel by pressing Jump to cast Storm Blade immediately.


Weapon suspension : Attack and crease enemies' weapon for 5 seconds. This costs 15 SP. it brings a lot of damage but it's a one-hit skill so no need to maximize it. Skill it 1/5 for next skill.


Weapon Crasher : Attack and decreases enemies' physical and magical power; knock down enemies with level 5. This costs 15 SP. It brings a lot of damage but it's a one-hit skill. Skill it 2/5 for next skill.


Crosscut : Attack every enemy in range and knock them down; target down enemies with level 3 above; target enemies in air with level 5. This costs 20 SP. It brings a lot of damage and it's two-hit skill so why don't we skill 5/5?


*Skip Iron Skin, Barricade to -_-roach life then go backward.

Iron Skin : Increase physical defense. This costs 10 SP. Similar to Shield Mastery, skill it 1/5 for next skill.


Barricade : Transform into a combat cop, give slow heal, gain endure (superarmor), absorb incoming damage, eliminate negative effect and cease caster. This costs 20 SP. Well? During pve, we need to kill mobs quickly so there is no point to maximize it. Skill it 1/5 for the next skill. You could maximize if you decide to play pure pve.


C0ckroach Life : Heal caster and increase defense for a certain time if caster's HP is lower than a certain %HP of the max. This costs 15 SP. I recommend this skill because it's a savior in emergency, pretty good use. However, it's not different between level 1 to level 5 to just skill it 1/5. You could skill 5/5 when you decide to play pure pve.


Chain Shield : Summon a chain shield and attack the enemies in the air. Don't we have enough air attack skill already? Do not skill it.


Mega Storm Blade : Very much stronger than Storm Blade. This skill costs 25 SP. Now you can understand why I recommended at Warrior stage. Skill it 3/3.


Provoke : Make mobs target the caster. This skill costs 15 SP. It seems useless because you kill mobs quickly so it's pointless. Do not skill it.


Shield Strike : Push the shield toward front, damage and stun enemies. This skill costs 15 points. Why do we need to stun when we finish mobs quickly? So do not skill it.


Concentration : Increase aim rate. This costs 15 SP. For now, it's glitched, it does not increase aim rate. Do not skill it.


Recovery Blessing : Heal; increase hp, hp recover speed yourself and members in party. This costs 10 SP. It's very good use since low SP cost, healing multiple people.


Aura Initiation : Share aura with members in party. This costs 5 SP. Skill it, you will know why soon.


Time Reversed Aura : Decreases Casting time and Cooldown Time, consume mp during being activated. This costs 15 SP. This is one of the skill which makes Dragoon age! Skill it 5/5.


Defensive Aura : Increase BASE defense, consume mp during being activated. This costs 15 SP. Well, there is no different and you even waste SP. Do not skill it.


To be continued.


Edited by SoulSight, 27 August 2015 - 06:10 AM.

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#2 Homurasan


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Posted 21 August 2015 - 03:13 PM

It's more a skill description than an actual guide (like the wiki with less pictures but with a few more bits of information, while some other things are missing) and it's nearly impossible to read correctly since there isn't anything you can rely on to let you know which part you're at (although there only are four for now).


Putting this aside, I believe that using all three of the hammers at low level (even though you seem to like this tool) is pointless : lv.3 Blazing youth & Icecold heart slightly launch ennemies into the air, which makes you completely miss them if you use another hammer immediatly. And if you wait for them to touch the ground again, your first hammer's cooldown already has refreshed.

I would have suggested not picking Icecold heart since it doesn't do anything (a freeze / slow only working on regular monsters, which you kill within a few seconds) and add points into Sword mastery and Sword dance since both increase your overall DPS by a large amount. Think of it as Sword dance > move to cancel animation > Hammer crush > Blazing youth (> Storm blade if necessary). Something like this.


Can't say a thing about higher-leveled Knights because I actually haven't played this class much, except that the active HP boost (Giant growth) is extremely benefitting along with Recovery blessing.

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#3 SoulSight


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Posted 21 August 2015 - 05:10 PM

It's more a skill description than an actual guide (like the wiki with less pictures but with a few more bits of information, while some other things are missing) and it's nearly impossible to read correctly since there isn't anything you can rely on to let you know which part you're at (although there only are four for now).


Putting this aside, I believe that using all three of the hammers at low level (even though you seem to like this tool) is pointless : lv.3 Blazing youth & Icecold heart slightly launch ennemies into the air, which makes you completely miss them if you use another hammer immediatly. And if you wait for them to touch the ground again, your first hammer's cooldown already has refreshed.

I would have suggested not picking Icecold heart since it doesn't do anything (a freeze / slow only working on regular monsters, which you kill within a few seconds) and add points into Sword mastery and Sword dance since both increase your overall DPS by a large amount. Think of it as Sword dance > move to cancel animation > Hammer crush > Blazing youth (> Storm blade if necessary). Something like this.


Can't say a thing about higher-leveled Knights because I actually haven't played this class much, except that the active HP boost (Giant growth) is extremely benefitting along with Recovery blessing.


Thank you for your advice and comment.

Since wiki is not accurate at all and quite complicated, I decide to rely on myself :)

I already tried reading lv.3 Blazing Youth & Icecold Heart. They both do not say lauching slightly so I was not very confused and you just clarified it.

Giant Growth sounds pretty good but it lasts 15 minutes. If you forget rebuffing, you will lose the temporary HP and...ya, it's complicated instead of not using it.

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#4 SoulSight


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Posted 21 August 2015 - 06:03 PM


Offensive Aura : Increase BASE Physical and Magical attack power, consume mp during being activated. It costs 10 SP. Like defensive aura, it does not change much. Do not skill it.


Sacred Protection : Since you do not skill Offensive Aura and Defensive Aura, you cannot skill this. However, I will elaborate about it later. This costs 15 SP.


My comment : During this stage, players will have more skills. They are able to cast many skills as a cycle especially level 2 Weapon Crasher (it has low cooldown). They are able to damage boss with their ground-hit skills. Here is some recommended combos :

Armor Break -> Spear Jab -> Aerial Smackdown -> Storm Blade.

Armor Break -> Spear Jab -> Joint Break -> Storm Blade.

*With Time Reverse Aura on

Weapon Crasher -> Spear Jab -> Weapon Crasher (you can skip) -> Spin It Bear.

Spear Jab -> Spin it Bear -> Crosscut (lv3 above).

Spin It Bear -> Mega Storm Blade.

Everything I have told will be like this

I wish you luck for jobchange.



Before you go on, you should understand that every attack skill in this job brings damage based on weapon, no individual strength. You should also gain 1 SP from hunter capsule, I will elaborate later.

Rolling Ground : Move and spin caster in a straight line, attack every enemies in range. This costs 25 SP. This is the most significant pve skill. Why don't we skill 5/5?


Awakening : Gain awakening gauge from killed mobs. This costs 1 SP. You will need for next skill so skill it.


Dragon Scale : Increase % BASE physical and magical defense. This costs 25 SP. Same with Shield Mastery, no need to skill.


Dragon Rush : Attack 20 enemies 8 times and knock them down with final strike, caster becomes unbeatable. This costs 60 SP. It is very strong and significant skill for pve. Worth skilling.


Ascension Dragon : Launch and attack enemies along caster into the air; launch down enemies with level 5. This costs 25 SP. I know you already have a lot of launching skill but this is the strongest one and you can mix many skills else. Skill it 5/5.


Dragon Dive : Same with Aerial Smackdown but caster brings damage along the path, launch the enemies when caster lands; target down enemies with level 5. This costs 25 SP. This is a unique skill that caster can bring a lot of damage from the air. Skill it 5/5.


Awakening Charge : Fill the Awakening Gauge by draining mana. This costs 10 SP. As long as caster uses any awakening skill, the awakening decreases quickly. To prevent from it, caster just has to use awakening charge. Skill it 1/3.


My comment : Players have got 3 new skills so there will be more combo. Here is some recommended combos

*With time reversed aura on

Spear Jab -> Spin It Bear -> Crosscut -> Rolling Ground.

Ascension Dragon -> Dragon Dive -> (Mega) Storm Blade.

Everything I have told will be like this


Wait a minute, I have not forgot about Scared Protection

Scared Protection : Increase party members' Physical and magical defense, absorb a less damage and caster takes the damage instead of buffed party members for a certain time. If you still remember of the use of Safety Foam, with Safety Foam and Scared Protection, caster and party members can become immortal during the effect. And yes, late stage, players face Elga. Elga is the final boss which is extremely strong and good use for this. From level 70, you could skill 3/5 because of limited SP. Scared Protection effect has limited range, keep an eye on each other.

It will be like this


My overall comment : Basically it will be simple in the late stage with continuous combo. Dragoon can support teammates also. Hopefully you enjoy my guide and your new dragoon! Thank you for spending time and reading this! Any relating question you have will be answered gladly.

Edited by SoulSight, 12 January 2016 - 03:15 AM.

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#5 SoulSight


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Posted 22 August 2015 - 06:34 AM

Update : Added and fixed description.


Additional comment : If you have good economy, buy Hunter Capsule to add some SP. Spear Jab is a skill mostly based on weapon, it's worth to expand; using 4 Lava boomboom card to blend and the hero necklace. Spear Jab will be come stronger than Crosscut (I have test and proof). Since Blessing Recovery and Weapon Suspension can be expanded by the earring, i suggest expanding Blessing Recovery. Spin it bear is a low amount target, you could expand to level 8 or 9 to increase targets and a bit damage, Snowfield Penryl Card is quite expensive.


Edit : Time Reversed Aura, Defensive Aura, Offsensive Aura cannot be used at the same time.


Edited by SoulSight, 04 September 2015 - 08:13 AM.

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#6 Agitodesu


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 09:45 AM

For pvp I am notorious for using ice cold heart and blazing youth.(Although I'm not really known much by pvpers)It is a really nice filler skill. For Dragoons if you do have enough sp I recomend getting it. And I'm not sure if you are think about pve homurasan because Paladins and overlords have many skills to follow/chain from that. Also you maybe right in the pve aspect, we have many other skills that do more damage than the filler hammers. In pvp, Especially if one is stunned then launched with an iceccold heart it is nearly impossible to air recover from that. I could name an excess amount of combos and situations the infamous f/I hammers would be used in. So basically do not get this unless you have no intention to pvp

Edited by Agitodesu, 14 September 2015 - 08:29 AM.

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#7 SoulSight


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 01:24 PM

*trying not to get out of topic* Rolling ground is fine. You just need a good weapon. Final critical rate is recommended. Watch my video for demonstration

Edited by SoulSight, 14 September 2015 - 12:32 PM.

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#8 SoulSight


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 03:51 PM

Equipment is one of important part in the game so I also guide you for pve equipment.
My guide is the way that is most saving-money, easy finding; suitable with current strength; no level cap and pure pve. Generally, it's convenient. There is missing stage of level, i mean i skip it and you just have to wear previous guided equipment.

Default costumes
Lv.1 to lv19 : Wear whatever is stronger than previous equipment. Try to find Shangka's shield or buy it.

Lv20~23 : Jobchange Set; Hero Sign of Fellowship; Farrell's Set (use the Gloves) and Sword of Bravery.

Lv25~31 : Aqua Spiritual Sword and Graveyard Earring.

Lv35~37 : Dark Soul Sword; Dark Soul Belt; Anukus Bottom (quest); Anukus Top, Shoulders, Shoes (2 in 3).

Lv40~45 : Elemental Sword; Mist Elf Helmet, Top, Shoulders, Shoes; Ryvius's Earring and Belt of Purity; Hero Sign of Kazeura.

Lv53~55 : Aram sword; Hydron bottom and backpack; 2 Hydron Rings; Hydron Belt; Hydron Shield.

Lv60~63 : (Hero) Undead Bone Top, Shoes, Helmet; Agnes' Fist; 5 stars eclipse Avice.

Lv67~70 : (Rare) Secmathian Bottom and Shoulders; Three Eyes of Carsharp helmet; Paris' Wings; Black Dragon Lord Belt (agility, health, strength) and Ring. (Hero) Secmathian Shoes, Top.

My guide is for lv70 but if you decide to go on, then keep scrolling down.

Lv75~81 : Black Dragon Lord Shield and Shoes; Protector of Stars Shoulders, Top, Wings, Bottom, Sword; 2 15* solar rings; Premium Agnes' Necklace (+50 health & 0.6% final critical rate).

IM costumes
Glasses, Unity Gloves, Ghost Buster Set, Lovely Gold Belt, Jobchange Ring, New Origin Ring, (Hero) Recovery Bless Earring, (Hero) Spear Jab Necklace, Gold Zodiac Sword, Black Zodiac Shield and Rune Knight shoulder.

Comment : From lv35~60, you start spending money a lot without having g farm so find every opportunity to find gold (by selling soul, medals, stuffs from dungeon and F7...etc). When you reach lv56, farm 250 devil soul stone instead of spending and finding 10 Signs of Hero for jobchange; in hidden area, time resets every hour and mobs drop stuffs so clean up your equipment inventory and watch the clock before coming in. Some of you might ask why I do not use Protector of Stars Helmet and Gloves! It's a good question and the answer is that Final Critical Rate is significant in pve, also Three Eyes of Carsharp Helmet and Agnes' Fist are very cheap!

Edited by SoulSight, 01 December 2015 - 08:01 AM.

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#9 SoulSight


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 04:26 PM

Medal is a part of equipment so it's also significant.

Also you need 70k Achievement points for jobchange so these are recommended medals before lv.60 during doing yellow and red quests & leveling.

Lv1~19 : Chatterbox and Fly Like Butterfly.

Lv20 : Godlike-control (try not to die before promotion) and Grind Master (if you promote within 24 hours after character creation).

Lv27 : Romantic Orc.

Lv35 : Anukus Master.

Lv40 : Rokko Expert.

Lv42 : Lavalon Dungeon Expert.

Lv53 : Verdurous Forest Master, Reborn Precious Treasure and Bubobubo Master.

Lv59 : Karkarous Master.


Medal you should use

Lv27~40 : Romantic Orc - aim rate and final critical rate is good!

Lv40~58 : Rokko Expert - health, agility and final critical rate is good!

Lv59~85 : Karkarous Master - a little moment speed to balance, final critical rate and agility is good!


Comment : Some of you will ask why I don't use Galaxy Expert, I would say because of final critical rate. 25 health is not very big because equipment has already taken care of it; 9% movement speed & 10% movement speed is not very different so is agility. Alexander Guru has aim rate, health and final critical rate but aim rate is not significant at that level anymore and Karkarous has better final critical rate.

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#10 Agitodesu


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 04:39 PM

Link to video is broken.

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#11 SoulSight


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 04:56 PM

Holy sorry! This video is quite old, before i build final critical rate so i'm slightly weak at this period.

Here is the video! Enjoy.



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#12 Agitodesu


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Posted 13 September 2015 - 07:12 PM

You need to copy paste your replies onto your guide. No one will scroll down too far for videos. Put them in the first few posts.

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#13 SoulSight


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Posted 06 December 2015 - 02:37 PM

Update :


Recently critical damage cap was expanded to 600%. With good final critical rate, investing critical damage is a good thing. If you can soulcraft your wings, weapons, belts, rings, earrings and necklaces, that will be fabulous. However, this content I am going to show you another certain way to invest critical damage : socket.


The 10 star socket gives you 40% critical damage and 5% HP. You can look up from Crete, page 23 of item combination.




You can put this socket in the backpack, shield, belt. Totally you will have 120% critical damage & 15% HP. That's much good for a pve dragoon! If you don't know how to get critical damage socket, look up here.


P.S : This critical damage expansion version is still in test phase, there is possibility to be changed again. Thanks for reading.

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#14 SoulSight


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Posted 07 December 2015 - 06:28 PM

For unknown reasons, Popcorn did not approve this post during my vacation. Thus I'll post the picture of it instead of re-write it.




Since the link cannot be clicked in the picture, you shall click this

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#15 adeshina101


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Posted 11 January 2016 - 04:20 PM

Is the POS Sword a big improvement over the Black Dragon Lord Sword for pve (I don't do pvp)?


I have/had the Black Dragon Lord Ice Sword (+14) and wondering If I should stop enchanting it (haven't been that successful so far) and wait for the POS sword, or bring up my current sword to +20. I'm not particularly keen on getting both to +20 seeing as I'm currently level 77 (almost 78) and getting to level 81 won't be very difficult.


Also, what ways can I raise my critical damage as a Dragoon? I've almost maxed critical rate (21% currently) and my critical damage is lagging behind at 245%. I'm assuming that the 600% ceiling is permanent.

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#16 Homurasan


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Posted 12 January 2016 - 01:34 AM

Maximum final critical rate (as in : the number of attacks that will critically strike) is 40%. Twice what your critical rate can give you, and nearly twice what you have now, so you might want to use IM gear to reach higher values.


The Protector of Stars weapon increases ATK by a lot (consider a ~3.000 difference between BDL and PoS weapons when they both are +20 legendary), which also increases damage dealt by skills by (supposedly) a good amount, depending on said skills' damage calculation. You will want it if you're aiming to deal the highest possible damage to monsters.

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#17 SoulSight


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Posted 12 January 2016 - 03:08 AM

According to "latest" patch note, Dragoon can build up 20% final critical rate via critical rate and agility (approximately 400% critical rate). 20% left is quite easy with Ghost Buster set, Fire/Water/Rune knight shoulder and Best Unity Gloves. However, I am still wondering if I should take off Best Unity Gloves to wear a full set Ghost Buster for 30% critical damage (comparing between 5% final critical rate & 30% critical damage).

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#18 adeshina101


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Posted 12 January 2016 - 08:51 AM

Maximum final critical rate (as in : the number of attacks that will critically strike) is 40%. Twice what your critical rate can give you, and nearly twice what you have now, so you might want to use IM gear to reach higher values.


The Protector of Stars weapon increases ATK by a lot (consider a ~3.000 difference between BDL and PoS weapons when they both are +20 legendary), which also increases damage dealt by skills by (supposedly) a good amount, depending on said skills' damage calculation. You will want it if you're aiming to deal the highest possible damage to monsters.

I assumed critical rate was limited to the 4.5k figure given in the character stats...interesting.


Do you think I should even both raising my BDL sword to +20 then? Getting to level 81 won't take long. How long does it take to farm the POS sword?


Also, how do the following skills scale damage wise with increasing Weapon ATK?:

- Ascending Dragon, Dragon Dive, Dragon Rush

- Rolling Ground

- Spear Jab, Cross-cut, Bear

Edited by adeshina101, 12 January 2016 - 08:52 AM.

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#19 Agitodesu


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Posted 12 January 2016 - 09:14 AM

Farming the pos sword is gonna take a long time unless you buy some of the materials.

1x Concentrated weapon heart. Should either buy it really cheap or should be able to get one through questing (You must have an elga weapon doesn't have to be elemental)

13x Star Metal Pieces (ezpz)

12x Cancer Fragments (ezpz)

40x Hydra Star Stones (o god... you can farm 3 a day...once a week. Will take at least 13 weeks to farm(I recommend buying them or get friends to help you out)

3x Concentrated Serpents Force (ezpz)


I don't know what to tell you, but the pos weapon is better than the elemental elga weapon end game for pve. If you plan to pvp it's still better only if you have cards otherwise getting an elga weapon would be better)


Since you are pve go for pos , no questions asked, it is better at the end.



Also critical damage does NOT work with the bonus 600 elemental attack damage an elga weapon gives. So you may do 10,600 damage and when you crit you hit around lets say 30,600 (300%) while the pos weapon would do somewhere around 11,500 and crits for 34,500 damage. (Estimating numbers it's not exact)


Having the extra damage in general will always be better than elemental damage in pve. The pos sword can get a special option of 585 max attack along with having 3k more attack at +20 than an elga. Free damage make it, use it, love it.

Edited by Agitodesu, 12 January 2016 - 09:19 AM.

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#20 Homurasan


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Posted 12 January 2016 - 10:06 AM

I assumed critical rate was limited to the 4.5k figure given in the character stats...interesting.


Critical rate indeed is limited to this value, but the probability to critically strike can increase to 40% for all classes. You might have noticed some equipments give "Final critical rate +x%" : this is a direct increase in this probability, counted after what your critical rate (~4.500 value) gives you.


As for the skills you mentionned, look at their info to see the %attack they deal as damage.

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#21 SoulSight


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Posted 12 January 2016 - 04:26 PM

According to this "latest" update, Dragoon can build 20% final critical rate by critical rate and agility (approximately 400%). As 40% has been being maximum final critical rate, reaching 40% is kind of easy by equipping Best Unity gloves, Water/Fire/Rune Knight shoulders and Ghost Buster set. However, I am wondering if I should wear the whole set of Ghost Buster for 30% critical damage (compare between 5% final critical damage & 30% critical damage).

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#22 momoshiror


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Posted 17 January 2016 - 02:24 AM

hi sry for english


what stats final critical success rate? good then cri rate?

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#23 Rainnowx


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Posted 17 January 2016 - 02:29 AM

How did I quickly understand that question XD


<Version 2>




Aaaand... Sorry, I'm not able to answer that kind of question.

I would say one should have both, but I suppose there would be wrong points to it.




Edited by Rainnowx, 17 January 2016 - 02:32 AM.

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#24 Agitodesu


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Posted 17 January 2016 - 02:33 AM

Final critical success rate > Critical rate. More Final critical rate you have, the better your critical rate will scale from. If you have no final critical rate and you stack critical rate, it will not be very effective.


Also stacking fcr and cr is easy, because fcr comes from single equipments and set bonuses most of the time. Critical rate rolls usually comes from weapon/accessory soul craft stuff.

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#25 momoshiror


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Posted 17 January 2016 - 05:02 AM

Final critical success rate > Critical rate. More Final critical rate you have, the better your critical rate will scale from. If you have no final critical rate and you stack critical rate, it will not be very effective.


Also stacking fcr and cr is easy, because fcr comes from single equipments and set bonuses most of the time. Critical rate rolls usually comes from weapon/accessory soul craft stuff.

final critical effect all lv monster and player? or i see in game U>stat>Cri rate "When you battle with some one same level as you....."

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