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Suggestion of Transfer re-oppening

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#1 lutherkings2pid


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 04:15 AM

i would suggest that you open again account server transfer  TRIFRI to NOVA  never mind NOVA to TRIFRI and also less lag from TRIFRI server 


lets see the changes cause many players transferring to nova using low level characters and get boring  cause they don't like starting all over again

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#2 Lyia


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 10:21 AM

Does Trifri really gets lagged due the high amount of players online? heh


I'd rather see a shared AH... oh, and a chance to move a clone from Nova to Trifri. Since our battlefield bug still unfixed, I think it will be more than fair.

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#3 Kazara


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 10:22 AM

I think the best solution is move nova players to trifri, and close nova. There are lots of ways to fix the PK problem!

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#4 Dyshana


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 11:05 AM

It's funny to see that Trifri players want to close Nova...

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#5 Kazara


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 11:09 AM

Trying to help nova players, but everyone would benefit from that.

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#6 Dyshana


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 11:28 AM

It's funny because the 2 players left on Nova aren't asking for it... maybe it's just some Trifri fail players that want someone to pk. I don't see how pve players could benefit by being forced to pvp.

Edited by Dyshana, 02 September 2015 - 11:28 AM.

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#7 Kazara


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 11:36 AM

Do you at least read what I said? I know that Nova players would like to move to trifri and there are various topics about it. I also said there are many ways to fix PK system so it doesn't force nova players to pk.

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#8 Dyshana


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 11:44 AM

Maybe you forget and don't want to admit that:

- not all Nova players want to be moved, just a few. Do you know that all Nova players chose a pve server? With the clone thing or creating new alt/accounts, all Nova players choose this server, so now 2-3 players like you want to change (unable to read pve when you create a char?) and all must be forced to change. Ridiculous

- Nova became pve when Gravity wasn't able to fix pk. Did you forget that we had 1 server with pk shield for pve and it was a super big fail? Why doing it again?


You ask for it almost every week... I suspect you have some clones on Nova and want to get them moved to increase your lants/items in Trifri, so stop saying you try to help Nova.

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#9 Kazara


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 12:10 PM

Omg bro xD I haven't any char on Nova, I thought it was a good thing for Nova players. It's ok, I won't ask it again if nova player doesn't want it. I was only trying to help nova players (look how many nova players complain about their server ^^), and help Requiem in general, nothing personal.

Edited by Kazara, 02 September 2015 - 12:12 PM.

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#10 Dyshana


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 12:16 PM

How many? The 2 biggest guild don't want to move to Trifri and excluding those 2 guilds, the players left are less than 10. People complains for what? low population? Trifri has some more players but not a lot, so they will complain anyway (and every day someone quit so it's just a matter of time). Battlefields broken? PVE players that want to PK all the time? They choose the wrong server, so they can just create a new toon.


With all the exp/reinf events, you can take 2-3 days to get 90, fully geared and reinforced if you do it during an event. No reason for a merge.

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#11 lutherkings2pid


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Posted 03 September 2015 - 09:09 AM

OMG...this topic went rage...i just wanted for Admins to open transfer of accounts.....TRIFRI to NOVA  not NOVA to TRIFRI and i assure you guys that NOVA will be more populated than TRIFRI ^_^  just thinking in advance peace

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#12 TontonAlarcon


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Posted 03 September 2015 - 12:37 PM

Maybe you forget and don't want to admit that:

- not all Nova players want to be moved, just a few. Do you know that all Nova players chose a pve server? With the clone thing or creating new alt/accounts, all Nova players choose this server, so now 2-3 players like you want to change (unable to read pve when you create a char?) and all must be forced to change. Ridiculous

- Nova became pve when Gravity wasn't able to fix pk. Did you forget that we had 1 server with pk shield for pve and it was a super big fail? Why doing it again?


You ask for it almost every week... I suspect you have some clones on Nova and want to get them moved to increase your lants/items in Trifri, so stop saying you try to help Nova.


not true. i got to play nova because it's the only server available on Facebook. i'd like to move my toon to Trifri if possible. back when i was playing in 2013, i was still able to do PK on Nova. I PK a lot there.

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#13 kenkayo


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Posted 03 September 2015 - 04:47 PM

BIG NO!!! We dont want cloned items to be transfered!!! just stay there or make new character in Trifi.

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#14 Sandyman


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Posted 05 September 2015 - 08:15 AM

Another "Problem" that occurs during a Server transfer is the reset of all Quests.


So when they increase the level cap, Players could use this "mechanic" or Service to Quest endless.


That`s simply cheating into my Eyes.

Edited by Sandyman, 05 September 2015 - 08:16 AM.

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#15 Crftwise


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Posted 09 September 2015 - 10:27 AM

1. Close Nova.

2. Transfer characters to Trifi (if they did it like they did it when Lintra merged with Valdez, it will only allow 6 toons. So if your have toons on both, you are gonna have to pick which ones stays)

3. Fix PK issues

4. yes there will be cloned items..... But they should of thought of that before hand....(dumb cloning). Hell they would prob like that as people would have to buy unbinds by the plenty... besides, most items are better now then at the creation of Nova.

5. Quest resets.... Not an issue til they raise cap... Sure, it may help the 10-20 people from Nova LOL.. Big deal....

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