Some suggestions to revive battlefields :
1. Increase the max contribution of FOC/ION MINE/5VS5 from 1200 per level to 3600 per level (x3) and theme battle from 4000 per level to 12000 per level (x3).
Now a player can max in 2 minutes the points and most of them go afk after they maxed points (or they join last 2 minutes), contribution haven't a meaning anymore if everyone can max so easy.
2. Battlefields should always give the same amount of honor points.
Now if a player max points in a FOC he will get 50 honor points, if he max again 25, then 12...always half until you get 1 honor point per battlefield, even if you max points, and most of the players join only the first battlefield for the honor points.
Make battlefields always give the same amount of honor points would contribute in battlefield partecipation.
3. Update SvS rewards.
Same rewards as S1 of Requiem...still no updates...
4. Add new dailys "Win 1 time in 5vs5 battlefield", "Win 1 time in SvS" and "Win 5 Battlefields".
First one will give 60 foc points, second one will give 400 SvS points, and the third one will give a Vial of Blood.
5. Balance Classes
Don't need to explain this....
With all this changes, most of them very easy to apply, battlefields would be crowded like it should be.
P.S : you can even add +50% battle reward score at item mall to make more moneys.
Edited by Kazara, 11 September 2015 - 04:40 AM.