Creative Event: Fall Poetry Contest - Creative Archive Goldmine - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Creative Event: Fall Poetry Contest

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#1 Myzery


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 01:05 PM

Welcome back! Myzery and Dawnte hosting another contest for you amazing members of the community.
This time around we wanted to give people a different avenue to express their creativity.



The theme for this one is Ragnarok Online Poetry.






Come one, come all

Now is your time

To show us all how you can rhyme 


A new hat awaits

In this endeavor

But only if your words are clever









This contest will run from September 15th until the 30th at 11:59 PM PST.


Your poem must be Ragnarok Online themed.


It can be about anything, but we must ask that you keep things classy.


Anyone found insulting another player or staff member will be disqualified.


We must also ask that you keep things fairly short and not too long.


Poems come in all different forms. You do not have to rhyme if that's not your style.


All submissions must be new for this contest. I don't expect any plagiarism here, but if you suspect someone of this, then please send myself of Dawnte a PM here on the forum.


If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to contact either of us.


Most of all, just have fun!









The top 3 poets will receive a costume Carnival hat




There will be no participation prizes this time around, so make sure you do your best!

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#2 dawnte


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 01:13 PM

I love reading and writing short poems. So I'm hoping for a lot of submissions *_*


Goodluck everyone :p_laugh:  

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#3 KriticalAssassin


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 02:29 PM

"Ode to Thieves"

Start off as a novice

but seems all you can do

is nothing but miss

those lil pink globs of goo


Time to pick a job

one to settle the beef

And maybe to rob?

Alas, you'll be a thief!


You Grow so fast

and strengthen your skill,

while having a blast!

Those Porings shall run for the hill


You've reached end-game? wow!

with an aura so...yellow

you look back now

what a skillful fellow


IGN: Kritical assassin

Server: Chaos


Edited by KriticalAssassin, 15 September 2015 - 02:30 PM.

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#4 ZeAlpaca


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 11:23 PM

"Performer's call"


Eternal love is what one need,

Desire or passion, whatever you call,

Wanderer is all you need to heed,

For us Wanderer, love is for all.


Round and around, we dance all night,

rhythm and beat are missing none,

Helping our friends with all our might,

For every quests, having them done.


When time has come, we will arise,

helping people, those who seek,

Raining arrows from paradise,

protecting those life that are weak.


Music is love, for which we lust,

Maestro is nothing but our soul,

strumming the guitar, until the last,

thawing away all those foul.


Love is love, is everyone need,

spare some love for us performer,

Wanderers and Maestros everyone should heed,

we are nothing but spectacular.


IGN: Wolfie777

Server: Chaos






Edited by ZeAlpaca, 16 September 2015 - 12:39 AM.

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Posted 16 September 2015 - 12:42 AM

~A Companion~



Open the page and I see it

The greatest thing I want to do

Over ten times I try to edit

Making a poem about my boo



The only thing I ever have

It's worth matter protect and save

Homunculus that I called it Moo

The love it has others can't do



Help me kill counts don't have to wait

Heal me with love and tenderness

Although it has to lose some weight

Well I don't mind 'cause its cuteness



Thank you Moo Moo my only friend

Vanill homun who loves the scell

Our friendship will never end

Because I nurture you very well







Server: Chaos (Renewal)

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#6 kinkyninja123


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Posted 16 September 2015 - 07:48 AM

"That Silly Crown" By Chewy

It’s been many a year and each time I come back

Even though I’ve planted bombs as a terrorist and raided in a world of warcrack

But nothing fulfills me like the joy I get in town

Camping in the streets of Prontera for that silly looking crown

When I find it I squeal with excitement and glee

Until I find out that I am a level too low…ok…3.

So I buy some battle manuals and head over to Eden

I walk over to a party not knowing what class that they’re needing

I make sure to show all my skills to attract them

Arrow showering every Bathory and Freezer for action!

Until the Priest party leader walks over to huff

He said he wants to report me for killing his stuff

So I scurry away quick and come across another party

I accept their invitation and they greet me so cordial and hearty

We grind for hours until I get my 3 levels

I thank the group for the party, their name? “Poring Rebels”

So I head back to the vendor who was selling the silly crown

To the right of the fountain wearing a Paperbag that was brown

Much cheer and rejoice as the headgear is still there!

I buy it, put it on, and then do the same thing next year

IGN: Chewy Bear

Server: Chaos (Renewal)

Edited by kinkyninja123, 29 September 2015 - 10:32 AM.

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#7 ka10


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 01:04 PM

tread on the ground, slow -

- as Sól's passage on Sograt,

clad in iron shirt;

fatal blows are but mild wind,

a diamond-thunderbolt.





Edited by ka10, 18 September 2015 - 06:27 PM.

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#8 Alkyda


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 02:31 PM

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I lub Dawnte
But she smells like poo


K thx bye 


Edited by Alkyda, 19 September 2015 - 07:24 AM.

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#9 quagsire96


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 02:56 PM

“Ragnarok Abeyance”

There was going to be a war beyond perfect eyes


There was will be blood spillage within demise


Treacheries for a good price


No one will be spared even from the smallest size


But who could have stopped this crisis?


Did fire answer the call of ice?


Yes, fire is the smart element of the intellectualized


So here he comes so nice,


And the Angel rolled the dice!


And behold we got snake eyes!


A victory for the ages!


Playing: Ragnarok Online

IGN: Quagsire96

Server: Chaos

Edited by quagsire96, 18 September 2015 - 01:03 PM.

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#10 ZeroTigress


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 04:11 PM

Are haikus accepted?
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#11 Myzery


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Posted 17 September 2015 - 04:49 PM

Are haikus accepted?


It's poetry, so sure.

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#12 aisakura


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 05:31 AM

The maple which falls,

In a beautiful autumn,

Are such lovely leaves!

IGN: - Wacky -

Server: Chaos (Renewal)


Edited by aisakura, 24 September 2015 - 03:12 AM.

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#13 ka10


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 03:46 PM

The maple which falls,

In a beautiful autumn,

Are such lovely leaves!

o! perfect example of haiku

with kigo (maple/autumn) and kireji (exclamation at the end)


Edited by ka10, 18 September 2015 - 06:08 PM.

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#14 Demeris


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Posted 18 September 2015 - 04:52 PM

Sitting in Lighthalzen, trying to recruit decent players for leveling


Chat up looking for RKs, ABs, Stringer, and Sorc


Waiting for 1 hour, I got a sorc, yay


Damn, the sorc left for another party


Chat up for another 30 minutes


Got a sorc, stringer left


Damn these impatient players


What to do?

Alt everything



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#15 tshin23


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 01:48 PM

Three two one

One four three

I wrote something

Will you read me?



Edited by tshin23, 22 September 2015 - 01:54 PM.

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#16 MilkyThief


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Posted 22 September 2015 - 04:49 PM

Ragnarok Online ABC's
is for Arch Bishop, which no party should be without.
is for Butterfly Wing, to help you get back home.
C is for Card, I hope your luck is good!
D is for Dead Branch, watch out for Biolab monsters!
E is for EXP, what every character needs.
F is for Fly Wing, Watch out for the MVP!
G is for GM. No silly, they don't need your login info!
H is for Heal, keep your HP high!
I is for Izlude, we all start our adventures here!
J is for Jellopy, a Novices bread and butter.
K is for Kafra, Open storage please! Cart Rental Please! Teleport Please!
L is for Lex Aterna, watch your HP!
M is for MVP, Have fun killing one. Hope you get a card!
N is for Niflheim, watch out for all the spooks!
O is for Orc Lord, watch out for Earthquake!
P is for Poring! Jellopy and Sticky Mucus for all!
Q is for Quiver, an essential for Archers!
R is for Red Potion, be sure to bring enough!
S is for Sanctuary, get the party in!  
T is for Turn In, be nice to Gramps!
U is for Umbala, be sure to bring your Utan dictionary!
V is for Valkyrie Randgris, wear Holy armor!
W is for WoE, time to get a castle!
X is for Xmas Town, time to see Santa!
Y is for Yggdrasil Leaf, Res please!
Z is for Zombie, Heal bomb!
MilkyThief - Chaos Server


Edited by MilkyThief, 23 September 2015 - 01:27 PM.

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#17 Annaliesa


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Posted 23 September 2015 - 10:14 PM

A wait for real

First I knew him through playing a game
Ragnarok Online was it's name,
Back then I was just one of the novice,
But little by little he came to notice.

Days has past, I became a priest.
To full support him just at least.
Then I became his closest friend,
He even helped me to transcend.

He helps me level and we talk a lot,
Then we figured, it's worth a shot.
We got married, officially in game,
In real life that we should aim.

Miles away, he'll stay late at night
For me to log in during twilight.
The time difference is hard to fight,
Long distance love, but its all right.

We won't wait long, our hope beams,
That someday we'll meet like in our dreams.
He'll dress like his Rune-knight, I'll be my AB,
Shining in love's aura, together finally.


Blight Deville
Chaos Renewal


Edited by Annaliesa, 27 September 2015 - 05:13 PM.

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#18 Purplefirefly


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Posted 26 September 2015 - 11:16 AM

The Unsung Hero~!


I'm simply the best
Saving strangers from danger
With one arrow storm
For I am a Ranger

No mob is too big
No mob is too small
Mob the whole map
I'll just kill it all

When you're in trouble
I will not refrain
I'm saving your life!
Please don't complain

No need to thank me
Of this I implore
Killstealing you say?
You're now on ignore

Report all you want
You'll be singing my praise
Remember the name
As I'm winging away


- By Stereo Love

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#19 gorgoroth1


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Posted 27 September 2015 - 12:02 AM


Adrieana (Arch Bishop) :
Tick, tick, tick, time is drawing near
Old ancient lore is nothing but true and clear
As long forgotten lullaby from father to a daughter
For every thousand death one shall plead mercy for life with precious worth century of prayer.

Belkor (Maestro) :
This is crazy, but i'm ready, hell i used to row a boat from veins to undead city
For king and friends, to what-ever end for my lady
And Adrieana, with such commanding voice yet she is so pretty
Once this all over, I promise to romance her with song full of lovely melody

Courax (Guillotine Cross) :
Did you see that? did you see that?
I'm the greatest of all in whole mid-gard!
Oh my skill strikes the foe like lightning from the sky!
Lex it Adrieana! give me courage Belkor with your battle cry!

Kiel Hyre:
Poison! Adoramus! loud sorcery voices on the air, an odd companion, yet moves with such grace and precision
My strength is fading, oh what a battle we are having, till the darkness claim my vision
Here i am, defeated and on my knee by the daughter of prontera
I bow to no men, but take this card as a token, forever i shall remember a woman warrior named Adrieana!


By _elKoR tiC


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#20 Ambur


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Posted 28 September 2015 - 03:13 PM

How can I support when everyone's dead?
The Sura ran off and died up ahead
Our Maestro is lost and didn't bring wings
A Warlock is crying because she doesn't have strings
All of these people, I start to despise 
Then a Wanderer asks "Are there any cute guys?"
To hell with this party, I'm getting irate
Go to South Pront if you're looking to date
She only giggles and gives me a wink
I start to respond, but before I could blink
Boys gather round from every direction
Waiting for her to make her selection
"Here take my hat, it's one of a kind!"
This is getting insane, I'm losing my mind
Then I remember and before they could stray
I end it right there in a bloodier way
"Res us right now!" is what they demand
But I just tele away, broken branch in my hand

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#21 Amykawaii


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Posted 28 September 2015 - 07:35 PM

We're looking for more to finish our party,
We just need a Sorc to get it all started.
I'm a GX, party me please!
My chat clearly says SORC, can you not read?
Next is a Knight atop his green dragon.
I am so l33t! He wouldn't stop bragging.
I'm getting fed up, I don't want to complain.
People can't read... is this all in vain?
All the wrong jobs... even a Slinger.
Plz let me join! I'll be your gwinger ^_^
About to give up and ready to burst,
Then a Maestro comes by and digs in the dirt.
Party me please, my task is complete!
He throws something down and drops to his knees.
It was a coin, now it's stuck to the ground.
I just rolled my eyes and started to frown.
I did all of this just to show you my worth!
Now do you get it? "Magnetic Earth !!"
I took down my chat, and didn't return.
No one can read.. my lesson was learned.

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#22 KiyokoHasami


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Posted 28 September 2015 - 07:49 PM

~Ode to Siege~

It's half past 5
and it's almost time
People pushing and shoving to get in line
We eagerly await our supplies and demands
As well as our leader to await his commands

"Move out!", he shouts as the portals are cast
We all rush in and we rush in fast
For the first hour there is blood and gore
But after awhile there isn't anymore

"We must give chase!" One of our leaders happens to shout
Into the castles we pop in and b-wing out
We search and we search for someone to fight
But it seems we gave our enemy a fright

After a while our search seems for naught
But then we spy an alarming lot
Buffing and waiting outside of a fort
"Hmph, this'll be fun", one of us retorts

Excited to see how this fight will turn about
What the hell? Did they recall out?
Five minutes left till the end of siege
We all secure our castles and then take our leave

For war is but three times a week
Next time we'll receive the battle we seek
Unless but of course they still decide to run
Too bad for them the hunt is half the fun

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#23 Myzery


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Posted 29 September 2015 - 12:48 PM

This is ending tomorrow! Great submissions so far.

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#24 foxySox


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Posted 29 September 2015 - 03:22 PM

An Ode to Hodes


Rumor has it that in the Sograt Desert,

there roams a monster in the dirt.

Some say it looks quite cute,

while others don't give a hoot.

Turn away your fear,

And it may just appear!


You say that it's gross?

Have you gotten close?

It's got leathery skin,

and can do a spin.

It's got two little eyes

and loves to surprise!


Phreeoni is their master,

making them move faster.

Leave them alone,

and they'll stay out of your zone.

But cause them harm,

and you'll be in a swarm.


Hodes are quite unique,

and look so sleek.

Around the dirt they go,

trying not to put on a show.

Watch them wiggle,

you might giggle.



IGN: Dix

Server: Chaos


Edited by foxySox, 29 September 2015 - 03:23 PM.

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#25 Necrohealiac


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Posted 29 September 2015 - 03:30 PM

you WOULD write an ode to hodes <3
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