Welcome back! Myzery and Dawnte hosting another contest for you amazing members of the community.
This time around we wanted to give people a different avenue to express their creativity.
The theme for this one is Ragnarok Online Poetry.
Come one, come all
Now is your time
To show us all how you can rhyme
A new hat awaits
In this endeavor
But only if your words are clever
This contest will run from September 15th until the 30th at 11:59 PM PST.
Your poem must be Ragnarok Online themed.
It can be about anything, but we must ask that you keep things classy.
Anyone found insulting another player or staff member will be disqualified.
We must also ask that you keep things fairly short and not too long.
Poems come in all different forms. You do not have to rhyme if that's not your style.
All submissions must be new for this contest. I don't expect any plagiarism here, but if you suspect someone of this, then please send myself of Dawnte a PM here on the forum.
If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to contact either of us.
Most of all, just have fun!
The top 3 poets will receive a costume Carnival hat
There will be no participation prizes this time around, so make sure you do your best!