What is not delayed in the game?

Battle Rank Rewards!
Posted 16 November 2015 - 08:48 AM
Posted 16 November 2015 - 09:18 AM
What is not delayed in the game?
Mall sales D:
Posted 16 November 2015 - 10:06 AM
what about recoverys for PB, Costumes, pet extesion, rare aed´s
Posted 16 November 2015 - 10:43 AM
Agrees with bonecrusha great idea
Posted 13 October 2017 - 03:51 AM

how long do you have to do FOC to get 5 vitals (long without matches but still take couple hours)
every hour you can save is somthing atleast but rage is kind of useless nowadays
my suggestion is adding ( this is only for battlefield not PK )
also ( this is for the weekly )
1# 5x battlefield coupon 5k of choice > you can choose of SvS points / FOC points or / Thame Battlefield points <
2# 4x battlefield coupon 5k of choice > you can choose of SvS points / FOC points or / Thame Battlefield Points <
3# 3x battlefield coupon 5k of choice > you can choose of SvS points / FOC points or / Thame Battlefield Points <
4# 2x battlefield coupon 5k of choice > you can choose of SvS points / FOC points or / Thame Battlefield Points <
5# 1x battlefield coupon 5k of choice > you can choose of SvS points / FOC points or / Thame Battlefield Points <
( for everyone who havent made it to top 5 )
multiple choice
1x battlefield coupon 2.500 points
5x 10x greater or lesser particle/wave of choice
1x dark part (gear) of your class bec like almost no1 helps new players at BT for dark gear
1x Compression xeon ( which has 5 diverent things on it ) down below for more info
>the compression xeon<
it has an 100% chance on 1000 carus xeons
it has an 70% chance on an particle or wave greater or lesser 1~5
it has an 50% chance on 100 Nach`s Shards
it has an 25% chance on 100 frozen tokens
it has an 1% chance on 1~20 Vital Blood
for PK rewards
1# 10x NoCoolDown Vital water / 1x PK reset / 1x PK trophy 1#
2# 8x NoCoolDown Vital water / 1x PK reset / 1x PK trophy 2#
3# 6x NoCoolDown Vital water / 1x PK reset / 1x PK trophy 3#
4# 4x NoCoolDown Vital water / 1x PK reset / 1x PK trophy 4#
5# 2x NoCoolDown Vital water / 1x PK reset / 1x PK trophy 5#
for the ppl who dident made it in the top 5

1x PK reset / 1x PK medal
now ill explain what those rewards will do in the end

(NoCoolDown Vital Water) everyone knows the normal vital waters like so called (pots) right?
NoCoolDown Vital Water is same as the pots but will instantly remove the cooldown time of your >used skills<
so you can cast it again it has 1 second cooldown time to use and after you used 1 then you used 1 and its gone like
vital water
( PK trophy ) its an item in the form of an trophy the 1# is gold 2# silver 3# bronze all others red but the 4/5 are
red with the number 4#-5# on it
PK medals ( it looks like an red medal with the number 6~50 on it )
how to use the PK trophys / medals ( you can exchange them in an NPC which also allow red players to look in
normaly you cant check at NPCs biside set spawn mail / auction hall or teleport systems
but only at the PK NPC you can and also get rewards for doing PK ( the reward items would be choosen by the (CM/GM/VM)
now wer everyone has (probly been waiting for) accumulated rewards ! for Battlefields first then PK !
icon of choice after your name or an extra name like [King] or somthing like that or an smiley etc
2 golden swords with 1e in the middle of it above your name tag which shows that your number 1!
2500 mall points reward (only 1 time malls )
500x vital blood
icon of choice after your name or an extra name like [King] or somthing like that or an smiley etc
silver swords above your name with 2e which shows that your number 2 of the game!
2000 mall points reward ( only 1 time malls )
400x vital blood
icon of choice after your name or an extra name like [King] or somthing like that or an smiley etc
bronze swords above your name with 3e which shows that your the number 3 of the game!
1500 mall points reward ( only 1 time malls )
300x vital blood
icon of choice after your name or an extra name like [King] or somthing like that or an smiley etc
Rainbow swords above your name with 4e which shows that your the number 4 of the game!
1000 mall points reward ( only 1 time malls)
200x vital blood
icon of choice after your name or an extra name like [King] or somthing like that or an smiley etc
Rainbow Swords above your name with 5e which shows that your the number 5 of the game
1000 mall points reward ( only 1 time malls )
100x vital blood
everyone 6~50
yellow swords above your name with the number you are on the leaderboard
25x vital blood
( you can only get those rewards once )so if your number 50 after that your getting to 49 then when you get back to 50 you wont get
the 50# reward again but if you get back to 49 you wont get the 49 one again too bec you already had it once <-!
now for the ( PK rewards )
grim reaper icon next to your name ( you can change incons to every one down below here )!
500x NoCoolDown Vital water
2 red/golden swords above your name tag with 1e on it ( 1# can change the color of the swords with the ones down below )!
that even when your red that you can use NPCs! ( and you can join partys while your red )!
devil icon next to your name
400x NoCoolDown Vital water
2 red/silver swords above your name tag with 2e on it
that even when your red that you can use NPCs! ( and you can join partys while your red )!
alien icon next to your name
300x NoCoolDown Vital water
2 red/bronze swords above your name tag with 3e on it
that even when your red that you can use NPCs! ( and you can join partys while your red )!
fire icon next to your name
200x NoCoolDown Vital water
2 red/purple swords above your name tag with 4e on it
that even when your red that you can use NPCs! ( and you can join partys while your red )!
water icon next to your name
100x NoCoolDown Vital water
2 red/purple swords above your name tag with 5e on it
that even when your red that you can use NPCs! ( and you can join partys while your red )!
now for the top 6~50
5 PK resets
25 NoCoolDown Vital water
purple swords above your name tag with your currest number on it
that you can use wingrider while your
( mby they will PK more bec of this?

o.O now give reactions bec this is my idea only if you like it up the button or give an reaction if you dislike it give an reason

Edited by UNDERtheDARKmoon, 13 October 2017 - 03:53 AM.
Posted 01 November 2017 - 07:52 PM
my reaction is i scrolled down.
Posted 25 February 2018 - 08:29 AM
same scrolled down
Posted 03 March 2018 - 03:44 PM
Aeternum server! managed please open ancient temple and for an event forge please!
Posted 14 November 2018 - 08:00 PM
Want to change your reward for arena points? Then add a weapon not worse than the legendary, but also that would not introduce dysbalance. More different arena points bonuses like experience bonus, drop bonus, and more. Add bunuses for guilds for arena points so that everyone can contribute at the expense of the arena.
Posted 16 November 2018 - 04:32 AM
this pinned for 3 years...sersly??
Posted 03 December 2018 - 03:17 AM
- Update FOC armor
- Update Infinity Weapons (need more damage)
- Update current FOC Enchants (Physical/Magic damage 5-10 weapon/armor)
Posted 03 December 2018 - 07:56 PM
Balance Armor is FOC set have SCAD & CAD
yeah this thing need an Update for a balance so people need to go in Field of Contention For Points and Spend Points For ARMORS Vials Etc.
10x -Vials is equal to 10k FoC pts. considered that pts. goes to 1st placer or the player who have Max Kills or Max Contribution
8x - 2nd place
6x - 3rd place
5x - 4th & 5th
3x - 6th & 7th
2x the rest for 8 - 9 - 10 placer
1x for 11 - 30 placer.
Also Accessories need an Update players can choose what they need for their characters for unique builds without comparison to other builds
Physical Accessories with SCAD
Physical Accessories with CAD
Magic Accessories with CAD
Magic Accessories with SCAD
Posted 05 December 2018 - 07:02 AM
Balance Armor is FOC set have SCAD & CAD
yeah this thing need an Update for a balance so people need to go in Field of Contention For Points and Spend Points For ARMORS Vials Etc.
Also Accessories need an Update players can choose what they need for their characters for unique builds without comparison to other builds
Physical Accessories with SCAD
Physical Accessories with CAD
Magic Accessories with CAD
Magic Accessories with SCAD
needed for years ^^
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