I can't really find many guides about TKM's anywhere, even on the old iRO forums there was no stickied guide.
I know there's several kinds, though usually they're split between Woe/PvP TKM, Leeching TKM (Thors and such) and the AGI TKM.
Anyone know much about the AGI TKM, skill wise? From what I can gather you can only get two kicks, and I don't know much else about the skill distribution.

Started by
, Aug 02 2010 08:58 PM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 02 August 2010 - 08:58 PM
Posted 04 August 2010 - 08:26 AM
I'd love to see a TKM guide as well. Well, I'd love to see a TK guide that expands into different TKM styles. I wanted to play one but since I know nothing about them and also couldn't find any reliable guides I decided to wait. It'd be great if there was a good in-depth guide available here.
Posted 05 August 2010 - 12:24 PM
Yeah, it's a shame they're one of the least popular classes; not only are they expanded, but the skills intimidate and scare away people as well. It's a shame, they're personally one of my favorite classes.
iRO wiki has a decent page on them, though.

iRO wiki has a decent page on them, though.
Posted 10 August 2010 - 06:17 PM
Hmm all you need is a few ppl willing to try other things out i myself am working on a Ranker TK. As for TKM your best beat would find someone that actually play one for a while.
Posted 04 October 2011 - 11:29 PM
I know everything you need to know about TKM, i can answers all your questions, played every kind of TKM so far, but it was pre-renewal
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