[Suggestion] Official Channel For Specific Language - Feedback & Suggestions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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[Suggestion] Official Channel For Specific Language

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#1 Saturn33


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Posted 01 November 2015 - 09:36 PM

I believe we have seen enough war in Public Chat because of the uses of variety of language. While this issue was never an issue, but the present of egoist, negative extremist and Public Chat "Lord/Ruler" in the game made it a big issue. And the war began and never stop.



A simple conversion in different language as in the following example:


Player 1: Does Wonderland open? (in Chinese)

Player 2: Yes, I just got my AW part. (in Chinese)

Player 1: Oh, nice, how lucky you are. (in Chinese)

Player 3: You are so lucky, my 2 round Wonderland doesn't give me anything. (in Chinese)

Player 3: And I'm so sick with it. (in Chinese)

Player 4: Lol, that droprate. (in Chinese)

Player 2: What to do, RNG win. (in Chinese)

Player 1: Ok, I'm going to hunt as well, try my luck. (in Chinese)

Player 2: Good luck, remember to apply some droprate buff. (in Chinese)

Player 1: Yeah, thanks. (in Chinese)



While these unknown language character/symbol read into some extremist mind, it turns into some random negative statement. Hence, the feeling of insecure, misbelieve and fear occur, and they will start to response:


Player 5: F U all Chinese, stop using Chinese to chat.

Player 6: Why these stupid Chinese never stop to chat in Chinese.




So it begins. Egoist will defence themselves in this way:


Player 7: We have the right to use any language we like here. Warpportal never prohibit the uses of Chinese in Public Chat. And what is the reason they develop Chinese client if it's not allow to use Chinese. If you don't understand our language, just ignore us, if you understand, join us. That is.



Extremist will fight back in this way:


Player 8: Odin was never a Chinese server, your stupid server dead that's why you stuck here. Follow the rules in Odin, use English.



Public Chat "Lord/Ruler" will response in this way:


Player 9: Hey, this is Public Chat, what you wrote here were deliver to all the player in the server, and they are from different country with different language as well. Use English as the international language to chat here, so that everyone can understand what you say. Please respect Public Chat.




While there is no clear stand point from Warpportal, the war would never end. Thus, I would like to suggest to create Official Channel for Specific Language as illustrated:




These are the languages commonly appear in Public Chat:

11. Portuguese (/11 or /po) - Player who like to interact in Portuguese are encouraged to speak in this channel. *(Correction on the picture)*

12. Malay (/12 or /ma) - Player who like to interact in Malay are encouraged to speak in this channel.

13. Filipino (/13 or /ph) - Player who like to interact in Filipino are encouraged to speak in this channel.

14. Thai (/14 or /th) - Player who like to interact in Thai are encouraged to speak in this channel.

15. Chinese (/15 or /tw) - Player who like to interact in Chinese are encouraged to speak in this channel.


- So, let's remain Public Chat as an English channel to minimize the issue (while it's not actually an issue).

- With Official Specific Language Channel, player with different language will have a simple/official/unify channel to interact in their language.




Final Words:

It's actually just some random daily chat in their own language, chat about their daily hunting routine, item they hunt/obtained, droprate, skill/stats build, some technique in game, and etc. Why would someone want to start the war because of this.


This suggestion is not to discriminate and split the community, but to minimize the language war in Public Chat. Why would we login the game and see the Public Chat is in war because of language.  :p_sick:

Edited by Saturn33, 02 November 2015 - 06:39 PM.

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#2 9539130505041340330


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Posted 02 November 2015 - 02:01 AM

I don't think you mean 'Latin', that language became modern Italian. I think you mean languages from 'Latin American' countries, and that would mean mostly Portuguese and Spanish (I think). I'm not so sure that segregation is the answer though. I'd prefer Warp Portal (or someone) to come out and say "All languages welcome in public chat".

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#3 Saturn33


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Posted 02 November 2015 - 02:21 AM

I don't think you mean 'Latin', that language became modern Italian. I think you mean languages from 'Latin American' countries, and that would mean mostly Portuguese and Spanish (I think). I'm not so sure that segregation is the answer though. I'd prefer Warp Portal (or someone) to come out and say "All languages welcome in public chat".


Ya, I could have mistaken on the languages which are used by Latin America countries, sorry about that.

And yes, a strong and firm statement from official Warpportal Representative/Admin/Staff/CM/GM is the best.  :p_smile:

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#4 Idun


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Posted 02 November 2015 - 12:52 PM

Thank you for your suggestion! This is not the first time that language-specific channels have been suggested. Now that the RO2 community has become even more diverse, we will revisit the idea of adding additional, permanent language-specific channels to be utilized by those who would prefer to chat in just one language. Please keep in mind the fact that if these channels are implemented, they would be completely optional. 


Public chat has and will continue to be public. This means that every player is allowed and encouraged to chat with others regardless of their preferred language. All languages are welcome in public chat. It would be unreasonable to expect international players to learn or become comfortable speaking in English only, and a rule like this would definitely limit their enjoyment of the game. 


If you are bothered by non-English communication in Public Chat, you have a few options. You can begin studying languages to communicate better with your new international friends, you can work on becoming more tolerant and simply ignore the phrases you don't understand, or you can block anyone who doesn't speak your preferred language so that their chat does not annoy you. 


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#5 Tonitrua


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Posted 02 January 2016 - 02:28 AM

+1 this suggestion. It can be very irritating to have people talking in foreign languages in public chat, the fact that it's unreadable to other people makes it essentially the same as spam to everyone else. Giving some of the larger foreign user bases their own language channels would help eliminate that issue and at the same time give those players a better way to communicate with each other. 

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