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I'm Bored. Let's make up a new class! (REALLY LONG POST)

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#1 SethTheSecond


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 12:31 PM

I used to play soul linker a lot, and I've always imagined what it would be like if they had a third class ever since renewal came out. Since i'm bored right now, I'm going to put down the idea I've always imagined what a 3rd class soul linker would be like.


Spiritual Avatar (Since soul linkers are ones that direct souls of powerful individuals into targets, soul linkers who advance to a Spiritual Avatar take it one step further,and learn how to direct and fully manipulate the spirits around them and into themselves,utilizing them defensively or offensively.They can become a powerful host and nexus of spirits, providing extremely powerful buffs, or use the surrounding spirits to wreck havoc on a target with devastating effect.)

A powerful SP intensive class. Keeping the same perks as the soul linker, the spiritual avatar remains immune to dispel.
HP at level 150 with 100 total vit: 16k hp
SP at level 150 with 100 total int: 9k sp

All spiritual link
Pre-Reqs: All soul linker spiritual links at level 1
Links the target with the class's specific spirit link.
[Level 1] Duration 300 seconds, sp cost 500
[Level 2] Duration 450 seconds, sp cost 300
[Level 3] Duration 600 seconds, sp cost 100

Kaitu (Note: Kadnya mentioned that the ka skills are translated from latvian, like kaite meaning sickness, and kaina means price. If someone knows the translation of "Redirection" in latvian, i'll change the skill name to that.)
Pre-requisites: Hunter link level 3, kaite level 3
Surrounds the target with defensive spirits that circle the target and redirect any incoming ranged attacks. Cannot be stacked with Kaite and Kaite+. A player can prevent the reflect damage from connecting if they are linked and carry a [Steel] with them. This skill can only be used on other players if the spiritual avatar is linked, or the target is a family member, or if the spiritual avatar is in the spiritual walk state.
[Level 1]Lasts 30 seconds, reflects 1 hit. 400 sp, 0 second cast time, 10 seconds skill specific delay
[Level 2]Lasts 2 minutes, reflects 1 hit. 350 sp, 2 second cast time, 8 second skill specific delay.
[Level 3]Lasts 3 minutes 30 seconds, reflects 2 hits. 300 sp, 3 second cast time, 6 second skill specific delay.
[Level 4]Lasts 5 minutes, reflects 2 hits, 250 sp, 4.5 seconds cast time (2 seconds fixed cast time) 4 seconds specific skill delay
[Level 5]Lasts 6 minutes 30 seconds, reflects 2 hits, 200 sp, 6 seconds cast time (2 seconds fixed cast time) 2 seconds specific skill delay
[Level 6]Lasts 8 minutes, reflects 3 hits, 150 sp, 6 seconds cast time (2 seconds fixed cast time), 1 second skill specific delay
[Level 7]Lasts 10 miuntes, reflects 3 hits, 100 sp, 6 seconds cast time (2 seconds fixed cast time), 0 second skill specific delay.

Spiritual Weapon Enchant
Basic spiritual avatar skill, No pre-reqs
Self buff only, Requires a weapon
Enchants the weapon with spirits, increasing the weapon performance.
[Level 1] Duration 30 seconds, atk + 20, aspd+2%, 100 sp
[Level 2] Duration 45 seconds atk + 40 aspd +4%, 150 sp
[Level 3] Duration 1 min atk + 60, aspd+6%, 200 sp
[Level 4] Duration 1 min 30 seconds atk+80, aspd+8%, 250 sp
[Level 5] Duration 2 minutes atk+100, aspd+10%, 300 sp

Pre-reqs: Esma level 10
Works identical to Esma, except that it can be used on players. Also, Esma+ does not require estin/estun/eswoo/eska to be casted before hand. If the user is in spiritual walk state, the bonus damage will on esma will double.
[Level 1]Base Esma Damage +5%, +5% if in spiritual walk state
[Level 2]Base Esma damage +10%, +10% if in spiritual walk state
[Level 3]Base Esma damage +15%, +15% if in spiritual walk state
[Level 4]Base Esma damage +20%, +20% if in spiritual walk state
[Level 5]Base esma damage +25%, +25% if in spiritual walk state

Spiritual Mastery
Passive skill. No pre-reqs.
Passively increases the spiritual avatar's Max sp and natural sp regen rate.
[Level 1] +200 max sp, increased 2% natural SP regen rate
[Level 2] +400 max sp, increased 4% natural SP regen rate
[Level 3] +600 max sp, increased 6% natural SP regen rate
[Level 4] +800 max sp, increased 8% natural SP regen rate
[Level 5] +1000 max sp, increased 10% natural SP regen rate
[Level 6] +1200 max sp, increased 12% natural SP regen rate
[Level 7] +1400 max sp, increased 14% natural SP regen rate
[Level 8] +1600 max sp, increased 16% natural SP regen rate
[Level 9] +1800 max sp, increased 18% natural SP regen rate
[Level 10] +2000 max sp, increased 20% natural SP regen rate.

Kaahe (If anyone knows the translation for "Energy" in terms of "Ka-" names, i'll change the skill name to that.)
Pre-reqs:kaahi 7, Priest link 3, wizard link 3
Surrounds the target with benevolent spirits. When used on a target, whenever a target recieves damage, they gain some sp. Can only be used if the spiritual avatar is linked, in spiritual walk state, or on family members. Cannot be stacked with kaahi. All skill levels require 100 sp to cast.
[Level 1] Restores 2 sp every time the target gets hit. Duration 30 seconds
[Level 2] Restores 4 sp every time the target gets hit. Duration 35 seconds
[Level 3] Restores 6 sp every time the target gets hit. Duration 40 seconds
[Level 4] Restores 8 sp every time the target gets hit. Duration 45 seconds
[Level 5] Restores 10 sp every time the target gets hit. Duration 50 seconds
[Level 6] Restores 12 sp every time the target gets hit. Duration 55 seconds
[Level 7] Restores 14 sp every time the target gets hit. Duration 60 seconds

Spiritual infusement
Pre-reqs: Kaina level 3, Wizard spirit level 1, sage spirit level 1
Infuses the target with spirits, rapidly restoring their SP. If used on monsters, it deals damage to them instead. If the user is in spiritual walk state, the cast time and delay is halved.
[Level 1] 200 sp cost, restores 100 sp. 4 seconds variable cast time. 4 second delay.
[Level 2] 400 sp cost, restores 200 sp. 2 second variable cast time. 2 second delay.
[Level 3] 600 sp cost, restores 300 sp. 0 second cast time. 2 second delay.
Damage formula on monsters:(Sp used x 2)

Spiritual siphon
Pre-reqs:Estin 7, estun 7, Spiritual infusement 1
Rapidly attacks the target with hostile spirits, depleting their energy quickly. If used on monster, it deals damage to them instead. If the user is in spiritual walk state, the cast time and delay is halved.
[Level 1]200 sp cost, drains 100 sp. 4 second variable cast time, 4 second delay.
[Level 2]400 sp cost, drains 200 sp. 2 second variable cast time 2 second delay.
[Level 3]600 sp cost, drains 300 sp. 0 second cast time, 2 second delay.
Damage formula on monsters: (Sp used x 3) x base level / 100

Spiritual Drain
Pre-reqs: Spiritual siphon 3, Spiritual infusement 3
Rapidly Drain the energy and life force from a target. This skill will drain both hp and sp when used on players. If used on a monster, this skill will deal damage only to the HP from the monster,but restores HP/SP. If the player is in spiritual walk state, the skill specific delay is halved.
[Level 1]750 damage,375 hp restored, 1 second skill specific delay
[Level 2]1000 damage,500 hp restored, 25 sp restored. 2 second skill specific delay
[Level 3]1250 damage,625 hp restored, 50 sp restored. 2 second skill specific delay
[Level 4]1500 damage, 750 hp restored, 100 sp restored. 4 second skill specific delay
[Level 5]1750 damage, 825 hp restored, 150 sp restored. 4 second skill specific delay
[Level 6]2000 damage, 1000 hp restored, 200 sp restored. 4 second skill specific delay
HP damage on players is halved. Sp drain is 1:1 ratio.
Success chance is roughly 50% at level 100, and 100% at level 150. On players, the success chance at level 100 is roughly 25%,and 75% at level 150.

Spiritual Shielding
Pre-reqs: Eska level 3, kaahi 7, Wizard link 3, Sage link 3
Self buff only,Toggle on/off skill.
The spiritual avatar uses the spirits around the atmosphere as shielding, and by providing them with their own energy force, the spirits block all incoming attacks. While maintaining spiritual shielding, natural SP regen is disabled. If the spiritual avatar's SP drops below a certain %, the skill cancels. This skill cannot be used in conjunction with Kaahe and Spiritual state. If the spiritual avatar has an high level of spiritual walk active, the damage blocked will be more effective.
note: This skill directly converts the damage taken from the HP to SP.
[Level 1]Damage ratio 0.5 damage per 4 sp. (1 damage per 4 sp if spiritual walk level 5 or higher is active) Drains 4% sp, and 20 sp per 2 seconds, Skill cancelled when SP drops below 50%.
[Level 2]Damage ratio 0.5 damage per 2 sp. (1 damage per 2 sp if spiritual walk level 5 or higher is active) Drains 3% sp, and 15 sp per 2 seconds, skill cancelled when sp drops below 40%
[Level 3]Damage ratio 1 damage per 4 sp. (2 damage per 4 sp if spiritual walk level 5 or higher is active) Drains 2% sp, and 10 sp per 2 seconds, skill cancelled when sp drops below 30%
[Level 4]Damage ratio 1 damage per 2 sp. (2 damage per 2 sp if spiritual walk level 5 or higher is active) Drains 1% sp, and 5 sp per 3 seconds, skill cancelled when sp drops below 20%
[Level 5]Damage ratio 2 damage per 1 sp. (4 damage per 1 sp if spiritual walk level 5 or higher is active) Drains 1% sp per 4 seconds, skill cancelled when sp drops below 10%.

Spiritual Walk
Pre-reqs: Spiritual mastery 10
Self buff only, toggle on/off
The spiritual avatar enters a higher spiritual state, granting the spiritual avatar powerful buffs. While this buff is active, the spiritual avatar can cast all the skills that would normally require a link, without a link. Additionally, this skill powers up several skills while active. This skill drains sp while active.
[Level 1] all stats + 1, no reuse delay, drains 1% sp every 2 seconds
[Level 2] all stats + 2, 2 second reuse delay, drains 1% sp every 2 seconds
[Level 3] all stats + 3, 4 second reuse delay, drains 1% sp every 2 seconds
[Level 4] all stats + 4, 6 second reuse delay, drains 1% sp every 2 seconds
[Level 5] all stats + 5, 8 second reuse delay, drains 1% sp every 2 seconds
[Level 6] all stats + 6, atk +1%, matk +2%, 10 second reuse delay, drains 2% sp every 2 seconds
[Level 7] all stats + 7, atk +2%, matk +4%, 15 second reuse delay, drains 2% sp every 2 seconds
[Level 8] all stats + 8, atk +3%, matk +6%, 20 second reuse delay, drains 2% sp every 2 seconds
[Level 9] all stats + 9, atk +4%, matk +8%, 25 second reuse delay, drains 2% sp every 2 seconds
[Level 10]all stats +10, atk +5%, matk +10%, 30 second reuse delay, drains 2% sp every 2 seconds

Incorporeal Form
Pre-reqs: Spiritual walk 1, Haunt 5
Self buff only, toggle on/off
The spiritual avatar infuses spirits into his or her own body, taking on a incorporeal form. However, the spiritual avatar will take additional damage from magic. This skill requires the spiritual avatar to be linked or in spiritual walk state, and casting it will cancel spiritual walk state.
[Level 1] physical damage -5%, Magical damage + 50%, Spiritual avatar becomes ghost property 1
[Level 2] physical damage -10%, Magical damage + 50%, Spiritual avatar becomes ghost property 1
[Level 3] physical damage -10%, Magical damage + 50%, Spiritual avatar becomes ghost property 2
[Level 4] physical damage -15%, Magical damage + 50%, Spiritual avatar becomes ghost property 2
[Level 5] physical damage -15%, Magical damage + 50%, Spiritual avatar becomes ghost property 3
[Level 6] physical damage -20%, Magical damage + 50%, Spiritual avatar becomes ghost property 3
[Level 7] physical damage -20%, Magical damage + 50%, Spiritual avatar becomes ghost property 4
[Level 8] physical damage -25%, Magical damage + 50%, Spiritual avatar becomes ghost property 4
All skill levels have a 30 second reuse delay.

Spiritual state
Pre-reqs: Kaina 7, Kaahe 7, Spiritual mastery level 5
Self buff only
Absorb the spirits around in the atmosphere rapidly regaining energy and increases max sp. The sp restored is TRIPLED when the spiritual avatar sits.
[Level 1]Restores 10 sp per 2 seconds, Duration 10 seconds. Max sp + 5%. Cast time 1 second (1 fixed). Costs 20 sp to cast.
[Level 2]Restores 15 sp per 2 seconds, Duration 15 seconds. Max sp + 5%. Cast time 1 seconds (1 fixed). Costs 50 sp to cast.
[Level 3]Restores 20 sp per 2 seconds, duration 20 seconds. Max sp + 10%. Cast time 2 seconds (1 fixed). Costs 100 sp.
[Level 4]Restores 25 sp per 2 seconds, duration 25 seconds. Max sp + 10%. Cast time 2 seconds (1 fixed). Costs 150 sp to cast.
[Level 5]Restores 30 sp and 1% sp every 2 seconds, duration 30 seconds. Max sp + 15%. Cast time 3 seconds (1.5 fixed) Costs 300 sp to cast.
[Level 6]Restores 40 sp and 1% sp per 2 seconds, duration 35 seconds. Max sp + 15%. Cast time 3 seconds (1.5 fixed). Costs 400 sp to cast.
[Level 7]Restores 50 sp and 1% sp per 2 seconds, duration 40 seconds, Max sp + 15%. Cast time 4 seconds (1.5 fixed). Costs 500 sp to cast.
[Level 8]Restores 75 sp and 1% sp per 2 seconds, duration 45 seconds, Max sp + 20%. Cast time 4 seconds (1.5 fixed). costs 750 sp to cast.
[Level 9]Restores 100 sp and 1% sp per 2 seconds, duration 50 seconds, max sp + 20%. Cast time 5 seconds (2 fixed). Costs 1000 sp to cast.
[Level 10]Restores 200 sp and 2% sp per 2 seconds, duration 60 seconds, max sp + 25%. Cast time 5 seconds (2 fixed.) Costs 1300 sp to cast.

Spiritual Bombardment
Pre reqs: Spiritual infusement 3, Spiritual siphon 3, Spiritual Mastery 10, Esma+ 5
Bombards the target with enormous amounts of unstable spirits, causing massive damage and leaving the target's spirit in a wrecked state. Using this skill will drain all the remaining sp from the spiritual avatar.If the spiritual avatar is in spiritual walk state, the damage is increased. Using this skill will cancel spiritual walk,incorporeal form, and spiritual shielding statuses. This skill is composite Ranged and Magic. Has a chance to cause spiritual crush state. All levels require at least 1000 sp to cast. This skill ignores all defense and magic defense of the target.
[Level 1] 100% ranged, 200% magic, 5% chance of causing spiritual crush.3 seconds cast time, (1 fixed)
[Level 2] 200% ranged, 400% magic, 10% chance of causing spiritual crush. 3 seconds cast time, (1 fixed)
[Level 3] 300% ranged, 600% magic, 15% chance of causing spiritual crush. 3 seconds cast time, (1 fixed)
[Level 4] 400% ranged, 800% magic, 20% chance of causing spiritual crush. 3 seconds cast time, (1 fixed)
[Level 5] 500% ranged, 1000% magic, 25% chance of causing spiritual crush. 3 seconds cast time, (1 fixed)
[Level 6] 600% ranged, 1200% magic, 35% chance of causing spiritual crush. 4 seconds cast time, (2 fixed)
[Level 7] 700% ranged, 1400% magic, 45% chance of causing spiritual crush. 4 seconds cast time, (2 fixed)
[Level 8] 800% ranged, 1600% magic, 60% chance of causing spiritual crush. 4 seconds cast time, (2 fixed)
[Level 9] 900% ranged, 1800% magic, 75% chance of causing spiritual crush. 4 seconds cast time, (2 fixed)
[Level 10] 1000% ranged,2000% magic, 80% chance to cause spiritual crush. 4 second cast time, (2 fixed)
Damage formula: Ranged: [(atk x level used) + (sp used x base level/10)x (1 + str/200) x base lvl/100] x [1 + (skill level of spiritual walk x 5%)]
Magic: [((matk x 2) x level used) + (sp used x base level/5) x (1 + (int/100)) x (base lvl/100)] x [1 + (skill level of spiritual walk x 10%)]

Note: Spiritual crush lasts 30 seconds regardless of level used. It's a negative status that causes the user to spend 50% more sp on all skills casted, and reduces their max sp by 30%. Spiritual crush is resisted by the target's Int and dex, and chance is increased by the targets str and vit. The increased chance formula is (vit/6 + str/5)%
The resistance formula is ((int/3 + dex/10) + (base level/10))%.
Additionally, melee classes will have a 10% extra additional chance of being affected by it(includes swordsman classes, monk/shura,Geneticist) while caster classes will have a extra 10% resistance of being affected by it (mage classes, priest/arch bishop,) All other classes have no extra chance of being affected by it (like mechanic, ranger, GX).

Observation mode
Pre-reqs: Spiritual shielding 3, Spiritual mastery 3, Kaitu 5
The spiritual avatar removes his or her presence from the current plane of existence, and enters a different plane, in which the spiritual avatar can only observe. Once the spiritual avatar exits observation mode, It takes time for the spiritual avatar to reinstate his or her own presence back into the current plane of existance.
While entering the Observation state, the spiritual avatar removes all buffs and debuffs, and while in this state, the spiritual avatar moves at half speed, cannot attack and cast any skills or use any items, and is immune to all skills/debuffs/buffs. All damage dealt to the spiritual avatar in this state will deal 1 damage. Once observation mode ends, The spiritual avatar cannot move and use any items or skills for 5 seconds.
While in observation mode, the spiritual avatar will be transparent and grey'd out.
This skill requires the spiritual avatar to be linked, or in spiritual walk state, to cast.
[Level 1] 5 seconds
[Level 2] 10 seconds
[Level 3] 15 seconds
[Level 4] 20 seconds
[Level 5] 25 seconds
[Level 6] 30 seconds
All levels have 4 second fixed cast time and a 2 minute cool down between use.

Spiritual Frenzy
Pre-reqs: spiritual state 1, Haunt 5, Reversal 3
Strikes the target with frenzied spirits, causing a entire array of status. Deals a small amount of damage upon cast. This skill requires the spiritual avatar to be linked, or in spiritual walk state.
[Level 1] Blind, Poison. 5 seconds reuse delay.
[Level 2] Blind, Poison, bleeding, chaos. 10 seconds reuse delay.
[level 3] Blind, Poison, bleeding, chaos, curse, silence. 15 seconds reuse delay.
[level 4] Blind, Poison, bleeding, chaos, curse, silence, stun. 20 seconds reuse delay.
[Level 5] Blind, Poison, bleeding, chaos, curse, silence, stun, freezing, burning, coma, 25 seconds reuse delay.
[Level 6] Blind, Poison, bleeding, chaos, curse, silence, stun, freezing, burning, coma, critical wounds, insanity, spiritual crush, slow casting. 30 seconds reuse delay.
note:All status have a 100% chance of being applied to the target, with the exception of levels 5 and 6, where coma has a 10% chance and level 5 and 20% at level 6. Spiritual crush and insanity have a 10% chance. Critical wounds has a 25% chance of being applied, and is applied at level 2, where it reduces all healing rates by 40%. Slow casting also has a 25% chance of being applied as well, and is also applied at level 2, where it reduces casting time by 40%.
Insanity status: when affected, for the next 15 seconds, all friendly targets will be subject to friendly fire, in where the target can inflict damage and statuses on all friendly targets(example:party members, guild members) and damage dealt from the insanity target will deal double damage on friendly targets.
Damage dealt = Base level x skill level used.

Pre reqs: Kaitu 7
Places a target in reversal status, in where all damage dealt to the target will instead heal, and all healing will instead damage the target.
[Level 1] 3 seconds
[Level 2] 4 seconds
[Level 3] 5 seconds
[Level 4] 6 seconds
[Level 5] 7 seconds
[Level 6] 8 seconds
[Level 7] 10 seconds
All Skill levels have a 2 second fixed cast time, and a 1 minute cool down between use. In PVM maps, the skill can only be used on party members.

Spiritual Weaken
Pre-reqs:Spiritual mastery 5
Weakens a target, reducing it's stats.
[Level 1] All stats -1
[Level 2] All stats -2
[Level 3] All stats -3
[Level 4] All stats -4
[Level 5] All stats -5
[Level 6] All stats -6
[Level 7] All stats -7
[Level 8] All stats -8
[Level 9] All stats -9
[Level 10] All stats -10
All skill levels have a 2 second fixed cast time a 10 second reuse delay, and lasts 20 seconds. When used a monster, reduces attack power by 5% x skill level instead.

pre-reqs: Spiritual Weaken 5
Haunts the target with evil spirits, where the spiritual avatar attempts to drive the target insane. If the target leaves the screen of the spiritual avatar, or the spiritual avatar does not have enough sp to upkeep the haunt, or Once insanity has been applied on a target, the haunt skill cancels.The spiritual avatar can continue to cast skills even while haunting. When a target is successfully inflicted with the insanity status, the affected target will then be able to inflict damage and statuses on friendly targets. Damage dealt to friendly targets will deal double damage.
[Level 1] 2% base chance of inflicting, increases by 1% every 2 seconds. Insanity status lasts 10 seconds. Sp upkeep: 3 per 2 seconds.
[Level 2] 6% base chance of inflicting, increases by 1% every 2 seconds. Insanity status lasts 15 seconds. Sp upkeep: 6 per 2 seconds.
[Level 3] 10% base chance of inflicting, increases by 2% every 2 seconds. Insanity status lasts 20 seconds. Sp upkeep: 12 per 2 seconds.
[Level 4] 14% base chance of inflicting, increases by 2% every 2 seconds. Insanity status lasts 25 seconds. Sp upkeep: 20 per 2 seconds.
[Level 5] 20% base chance of inflicting, increases by 3% every 2 seconds. Insanity status lasts 30 seconds. sp upkeep: 30 per 2 seconds.
All skill levels have no cast time and no cool down. the spiritual avatar can only haunt a single target at a time.
Note: This skill is like marionette control and shadow form, it's a "channeled" skill, but how this skill works is that every second the spiritual avatar is in range and "haunting" a target, It tries to apply the insanity status on a target, and if doesn't successfully apply the insanity status, it tries again with the extra % increase dependant on the skill level. Also, unlike both marionette control and shadow form, the spiritual avatar can continue to attack/cast skills while haunting a target.
For example, level 5 haunt, when casted on a target, will attempt to cause insanity at a 20% rate when first casted, and every 2 seconds that passes, it increases by 3%, so after 2 seconds, it will try to apply the insanity status at a 23%. After 20 seconds, the haunt status will then have a 50% chance of inflicting insanity on the target.
Once successfully applied with the insanity status, the haunt "channeling" will cancel. However, the spiritual avatar can re-cast it to reattempt to "reapply" a insanity status on the same target, and if reapplied before the status ends, it just "refreshes it"(doesn't stack).
This skill can only be casted in areas where you can normally attack players.
If a monster is affected by insanity, it will randomly target other monsters, starting with the closest target to it. Does not work on boss monsters.

Edited by SethTheSecond, 20 February 2011 - 02:35 PM.

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#2 Ardi


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 12:36 PM

you really are bored...
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#3 Kadnya


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 12:47 PM

Your names seem randomish, and one of the cool things about RO is the hidden meanings of its skills (often broken by translations but xP). I don't know what a kaitu or a kaahe are, but for example, kaina, which reduces the cost of some skills, means 'price', kaite, means sickness in latvian, and it really feels like that now, as a great debuff... (or maybe all the names were random coincidences, but xP)
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#4 Freedom


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 01:12 PM

what you didnt know, there is talk about new classes for them already.
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#5 SethTheSecond


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 01:20 PM

Yeah, i wanted to keep the Ka- of the skills, but i don't know the translation for them.

And i know there were already discussions for them already, but is it wrong for me to get creative as well? i always felt that the soul linkers have the potential to have a good third class available to them. Screw the whole "oh but they're extended class catagory".

Edited by SethTheSecond, 30 November 2010 - 01:23 PM.

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#6 Pururu


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 01:28 PM

They will probably get some ridiculous link for each third class, i already see what it will look like:

RK spirit: CS and Dragon Breath damage doubled (only 50% in woe/pvp)
Sura Spirit: Dragon Combo is now a 3x3 aoe.
Ranger Spirit: Get a new ability "Fish Blast" a powerfull attack against fish monsters!!!!
Mechanic Spirit: Your mado gear will overheat and explode after 10 second inflicting huge damage to your allies and make them bleed/stun, killing you instantly.

Edited by Pururu, 30 November 2010 - 01:30 PM.

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#7 Randfeon


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 01:41 PM

It would probably have a gigantic tree that would end in a skill that lets you use Esma on players. Maxing that skill would require using up all 49 skill points.
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#8 Eldritch


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 01:43 PM

^ so much mado hate!
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#9 Freedom


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 01:55 PM

Yeah, i wanted to keep the Ka- of the skills, but i don't know the translation for them.

And i know there were already discussions for them already, but is it wrong for me to get creative as well? i always felt that the soul linkers have the potential to have a good third class available to them. Screw the whole "oh but they're extended class catagory".

geez sorry if I hit a soft spot. I was just stating a fact. Did not mean to get you all mad at me over it. There is nothing wrong with having a little fun.
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#10 SethTheSecond


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 02:22 PM

Oh,don't worry,I'm not getting mad at you. Don't take it the wrong way, I'm just putting out the "Screw that" because someone's bound to come around and say that "They're just extended class, they don't need anything else",and i say SCREW THAT to THAT! because the linkers have so much potential, just like how the mado's for mechanics have potential, but are screwed up royally too.

And plus i like my idea of third class linkers. I just hope they don't give them some weird crappy job with a role of something like summon munaks and bonguns. Unless these are insanely powerful munaks and bonguns that cast coma and do 4k damage, or at least something that isn't completely worthless.

Edited by SethTheSecond, 01 December 2010 - 10:49 PM.

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#11 CocaCola


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 02:33 PM

They are just extended classes Seth

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#12 B1arg


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 02:33 PM

Mechanic Spirit: Your mado gear will overheat and explode after 10 second inflicting huge damage to your allies and make them bleed/stun, killing you instantly.

I lol'ed
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#13 SethTheSecond


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 02:43 PM

They are just extended classes Seth



*insert picture here*

*gets linked and self destructs and explodes*

Edited by SethTheSecond, 30 November 2010 - 02:44 PM.

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#14 holatuwol


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 02:47 PM

Let us use Flying Kick!
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#15 elusive22


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 03:34 PM

Posted Image
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#16 Kadnya


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 04:20 PM

Ranger Spirit: Get a new ability "Fish Blast" a powerfull attack against fish monsters!!!!

Only after double strafe, else it is too OP!
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#17 Miii


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 04:23 PM

I lol'ed

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#18 SisterGoat


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 04:23 PM

I want 3rd classes for SL and TKM. Have they released any info yet?
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#19 Luckywhiterabbit


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Posted 30 November 2010 - 04:28 PM

They released some tidbit info about 2nd and 3rd class for all the extended classes a little while ago, though I can only remember some things...

Super Novices will have acess to 2nd class skills (lol Haggle and Discount stacking, let's hope for it.
Gunslingers get more powerful single-target focus skills...

I forget the rest. I can't seem to find that blog post anymore.

edit: found it http://ragnarok-fore...expansions.html

Edited by Luckywhiterabbit, 30 November 2010 - 05:28 PM.

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#20 Theoretical


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Posted 01 December 2010 - 05:13 PM

What you did here in this post is amazing. I wish the dev team would have just expanded upon how the classes already worked.

Sorcs should be anti-magic and single target magic and battle magic.
Maestros should have INSTRUMENTAL SPELLS ONLY---
Gltx- The poisons were expanded....cross impact utilizes previous skill.

these are some examples....I feel like all the classes have too many different skills now...but they are all extremely similar to play as.

This is a great suggestion for the SL expansion.
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#21 Minchi


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Posted 01 December 2010 - 05:28 PM

Yeah i wonder if hyper novice could use bow and peco. that would be funtastic :)

Off topic also where do you guys get that leveling bar that show progress to 150?

Edited by Minchi, 01 December 2010 - 05:28 PM.

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#22 SisterGoat


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Posted 01 December 2010 - 06:02 PM

Luckywhiterabbit: Thanks for the link! The costumes look like a fun addition.

Minchi: http://rode-r.doddle...m/tool_levelimg

Edited by SisterGoat, 01 December 2010 - 06:06 PM.

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#23 SethTheSecond


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Posted 20 February 2011 - 12:55 PM

/necros thread

Since i was even MORE bored today, i decided to revisit my old post that i posted 2 months ago, and made MASSIVE changes to it. Anyone else as bored as me can feel free to read it and give me feed back about my crazy ideas.
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#24 TrueMaster


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Posted 20 February 2011 - 05:27 PM

basicly what i was thinking for except its kinda a cool post. ON another note i did notice that the tkm maps were not reset, wtf is up with that? its not like you could do anything but it would have been cool of them to reset the tkm maps. EDit: "Did not realize this was an old post!?"

Edited by TrueMaster, 20 February 2011 - 05:28 PM.

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