I've been noticing something odd regarding Crecentia's Crucio skill. As you may know, when maxed out (Level 10/10), it inflicts damage equaling 405% of your Magic ATK, then additional 23% damage-over-time curse for 20 seconds. And it doesn't stop there: it's also supposed to give an additional damage equaling 300% of your Magic ATK right after the DoT expires.
The weird thing is, it doesn't give the additional after-DoT damage it promises.
Crucio is currently inflicting the first damage, then the curse; when the DoT goes off, Crucio's icon on the target disappears and there's no more additional damage to be seen. I also remember it used to work a few weeks ago, but now it doesn't. It remains even after relogging.
I've consulted a few Crecentias in-game so I could get a sense of how many Crecentias are going through the same situation. Some of them tested their Crucio skills and are on the same boat, but for my surprise, half of them still had it working perfectly after the DoT expiration.
Question is, is that a bug/nerf? Is it possible to make Crucio's after-DoT damage work once again?
Thanks in advance!