I made this because seems like others are out dated or seemed harder compared to what I did.
Tip: Go to chief assisant in alberta and buy 100 fish when you run out cheap good leveling hp pots.
Do quests at Academy/Izulde Starter Quest
Link: https://forums.warpp...tutorial-guide/ (by iDaehuyn)
NOTE: DO ALL IZULDE STARTER QUESTS even if you are first job free flywings and pots and tickets for warps and teleport.
Go to Payon bounty board believe the location is (Payon 148, 95) shouldnt miss it right to the left of kafra and all the venders selling straws(AKA Strawberrys)
At level 12 stop what your doing and go to eden group talk to boya and do equip quest, then go right and get your equipment! eden group stuff is helpful leveling and cheap didnt cost you a thing!. besides maybe your soul for killing baby wolfs . /
So poison spores 1 map right then up of Geffen (grab geffen poison spore quest from bounty board)(If you get mobbed quickly fly wing your ass away bro )
At level 26 do equip quest again for more eden equips( YAY )
Grab Prontera and Geffen Elder Willow bounty boards then go one right and 3 up from Geffen, boom elder willows. Watch out though sometimes they will try to gang up on you if you bite off more than you can chew quickly Fly Wing out of there!. (Psst you also get dead branches )
Alt for VIP 30-70:
Overlook dungeon: if you can hit often grab Water dungeon quest and do them. Mages and high dex char shouldn't have any problems, bring your vip merc too and status boost. Just don't do anything stupid Like.... run head first into a mass agro-mob.(Agros start at floor 3 so you should be good until then). Not suggested with slow attacking Merchants, tested with Acolyte (Monk builds) and Merchant
Once you get to 40 more equip quest for you. follow NPC instructions.
41- say 56ish
Once you get to this level go to Comondo Groves they are looters so throw a junk item on watch them swarm hit them with a AOE if you have one. (If you miss a lot PM Me with level and class)
More to be added
Opt: If you have the money or /and can find someone selling maneaters blossoms for cheap buy 2600 maneaters(Or farm on a higher alt IF you have it) and camp turn in eden group quest until 70.
Note: Will work on other options for this.
Also Here is iro link for Eden Group Quests:
To be continued I haven't got that far (Yet) more to come so stick around.
Turn ins from then on, thats one thing I can say for sure!. Went far in leveling last year when i did them.
Edited by SOS101, 03 February 2016 - 03:08 PM.