The ancient battle between heaven and hell is going in heaven's favor. The demons have run back to hell in fear of becoming exterminated, but have continued scheming on how they are going to win. All hallow's eve is when evil is strongest and they chose this year to come out in full force to win domain over heaven and the worlds of ROSE once again. Because these worlds are your native territory, the angels need your aid in tracking down these demons and making sure they don't achieve success in their sinister plot.
There will be various monsters with enhanced powers and better drops (MC bosses, LCF, JCF, GC.)
STR: These monsters will have an added 10% aspd and 1% def.
Experience: All creatures in these areas will be 1.5 exp during the event.
MC bosses will drop a variety of refining materials, including a 60% chance of grey powder, 30% chance of other powders higher than grey, 7% chance of lisents, & 3% chance of IM refines (pluturunes, venurunes, satarunes, etc.) (if I missed any please tell me so i may revise the drops and percentages)
JCF: All Boss monsters will drop 30 cp orbs.
LCF: All boss monsters will drop 30 cp orbs and astarot & tirwins have a 2% chance of dropping the wings named after them.
GC: Goblin Kings will drop a variety of gems such as, 75% 1, 2 ,3, 20% 4, 5, 6, 5% 7.
There will also be demons in the darker maps in the worlds (DoD, GC, GoS, Mt.Eucar, UP, etc.) The spawns will be random except for St.Lucifer, the fallen arcangel, who is trying to ascend the stairs to heaven (5669, 5322 Mt. Eruca map) and take over. There will be lots of littler demons collected in the lowest room in GC coming from the portal to hell (any room will suffice) and it would be nice if these monsters dropped (a small chance, say 20%) every one of the ancient tablets and (80%) junk items.
Up to GMs (not like all of it isn't to begin with )
Angel & Devil feathers, gear torn off of an Angel (wings, halo, robe, gabriels horn), gear picked up from a devil (wings, trident, demon tail & horns, red cape), and various junk items to npc. I.E.
St. Lucifer:
75% junk items (maybe ancient coins, predator fangs, and other stuff to fit the theme)
15.5% Feathers
4.5% Angel Drops
.5% Gabriels Horn item (30% for quest but only if dealing the last hit)
4.5% Devil Drops
Other Demons:
75% Junk items
15% Feathers
5% Angel Drops (excluding gabriels horn)
5% Devil Drops
Mini Demons (lvl 40):
80% "Junk" items
20% Ancient tablets
An army of angels will swoop down from the heavens from time to time (15-20 min) to give one random "super buff" to everyone physically attacking the event demons/monsters.
If this were to become a more thought out event and had time taken into it to achieve it would be cool to have 2 bonus maps to heaven and hell but this quest is already starting to sound pretty complex so I wont mention it.
Side Quest:
Talk to Gabriel in Luna to recieve a side quest. He has lost his horn to those wretched demons. He is sure that it has already fallen into St. Lucifer's hands and is desperate to get it back before Lucifer uses it to open the gates of heaven and enter.
Exp: 2mil
$$$: 1mil
(side quest reward is so much because of the incredibly low chances of ever getting the quest item, when taking into consideration the number of ppl that may be there)
It would also make it unique to reverse this quest for followers of hebarn (somehow). For those that have not chosen their religion it should be default arua's/angels side.
Edited by AlisiaMT, 03 December 2010 - 11:05 AM.