I definitely had a hard time thinking of an introduction, but if some sort of a preamble works, great! I hope to cover, rather in-depth, Eden Group related stuffs, stat point distribution (I found this one of the more complicated parts of the game when I started playing), and tips on getting better equipment. All I can say is, I hope this helps someone out there! ^.^
Anyway, I figured the best place to start is by saying: If all else fails, and you find you aren't making much progress, find the Eden Group Teleporter! She is usually located around the nearest Kafra Employee.
-= Eden Group =-
The Eden Headquarters offers everyone some great stuff! Let me give you the specifics, point-by-point.
Characters of Note:
-Instructor Boya: She is located to the left of Eden when you first get teleported. She gives easy hunts and quests for Eden equips.
-Instructor Ur: This dude will give you Eden equipment after you reach 60+. They are of course stronger than Boya's offerings.
-Merry Badger: Have you seen those Bounty Boards in each town? When you complete those Bounty Board hunts all at once you get an Eden Merit Badge, which you can trade to this NPC for various useful items and tools (Magic Stones, anyone?!). They are good items!
-Reno: This guy is awesome! He will give you "Crystal Buffs", as well as Crystal Synthesis quests which will reward you with crystals that you can use to trade in for Improved, Advanced, and Enhanced equipment. These can also sell pretty well, and are a source of zenny if need be.
-Gramps: This old fellow behind the counter to the left is how you get into TIs (Turn-Ins). He also offers various services, like limited VIP, and teleports to TI maps. He'll become more and more important as you level and find your EXP becoming more difficult to fill.
-Enriched Hammer & Mighty Hammer: These two Blacksmiths will help you out immensely when it comes to refining your equips (+4 right up to +9).
-For the purposes of leveling, Eden equips are above average. They will solve leveling issues with gear, at least until 90+. I found I had zenny issues when I first started RO, and Reno does help alleviate those problems (assuming you have made a Merch character). Eden also is an excellent place for socializing and finding parties, especially for TIs.
-Again, Crystal Buffs are a good ATK/MATK boost and help immensely early on.
-You can also get some enchantments on your Eden equipment here too. They are small, but heck, why not? They're essentially free!
-= Stat Point Distribution =-
A good general thing to note about stat points is that they all have something to offer; they all give you something of value.This being said, stat building in RO can be tricky, often because of the above fact. You should take into account your specific class and build, but generally:
- AGI is quite important early on to invest in; the more damage you avoid completely the less potting (and therefore zenny spent ON healing items in general) you have to do in combat and the less time spent sitting outside combat. This leads to faster and more efficient leveling. Of course, after transing it becomes more of a defensive stat. For general purposes, aiming to get enough AGI to hit 169-170 ASPD (attack speed) is enough; however, you do need to ask yourself whether your character will be using a shield or not. Equipping a shield means losing 5 ASPD, so in this case you will want to aim for say 174-175 ASPD. Again, certain 2-handed weapons can affect your ASPD. This is a good example of how you may need to adjust your stats based on equips and class build. And remember what I said about little perky benefits? AGi affects your FLEE rate (which really shouldn't be too important, but it can help.)
- DEX is arguably the most important (PVM) stat throughout your whole leveling experience. You can't kill what you can't hit! This stat gives attack bonuses to many ranged skills, and as such it is important for ranged classes. It also influences magic casting speed (and more so than INT), and as such is super useful to all magic classes! DEX influences so many core game mechanics that it is rarely ever not useful. Lastly, DEX impacts your HIT rate, and can even affect your ability to craft items.
- VIT is important in that it affects your DEF/MDEF and total HP and HP Regen rate; early on this isn't too important, but after transing it will become more important. My betters can correct me for sure here, but I feel you can slowly but surely add points to this over the course of leveling. Don't sacrifice your core (DPS-influencing) stats such as STR, INT, or DEX for this, but you can add to it occasionally.
- STR is the stat that influences ATK for any physical-damage-based class. This stat I call a "core" stat because it directly affects your DPS. Again, whatever stat your class gets it's basic damage from is of primary importance and first choice when leveling up. STR also has the perk of increasing your weight capacity. This means less trips back to the Kafra Employee and better looting. Now you can see the reason why it is still useful to put a few points into this stat even if it isn't your core stat! This being said, you won't need too much of this stat depending on your class.
- INT is the magic users' core stat. It influences MATK, which is how mages do damage, heal others, and resist other magic. Int also helps increase status ailment resistances, and much more efficiently than does DEX. However, it also strongly affects your SP growth and cast time; this makes it important to other classes as well, even ranged and melee classes! Most skills need SP, so you will need SP too. The amount of INT also determines your SP Regen rate somewhat.This stat is also quite important for the Alchemist class, because it influences your chance of brewing potions! Again, know your class!
- LUK is your all-round stat, influencing a great deal of game mechanics, like CRIT rate, mildly increasing ATK, Perfect Dodge, and crafting success. Why isn't this just as important as DEX then? It often only mildly affects these secondary stats, but it can be just as important depending on what you intend to do in-game with your character. If you have extra points, then you can usually put 'em in here. Or, store them up. And that leads me to...
My final few points! There isn't anything wrong with sitting on stat points for a bit; you may need that one extra point for leveling an extremely important stat, and resetting stat points in RO is NOT easy!
-= Equipment=-
In RO, gear can really make the difference, especially with certain classes. Eden equipment will definitely give you an edge, but sooner or later you will need more pieces than you can get from Eden, and that means hunting/farming or buying from other players. While I am specifically attempting to avoid discussing zenny, you will need zenny to buy from other players and sometimes... You just see those prices and certain orifices close up real tight! So, my advice is to look for equipment set pieces, and try to get those bonuses; at least in my experience, these tend to cost less overall. You will get zenny to buy these single super-good equips eventually, but there are so many good things to buy in RO for high prices! LOL Anyway, another good thing to remember is that equipment (surprise!) isn't always everything; one way to really get good use out of your old equipment is to put cards in them! Cards too can be quite expensive, but often give quite a bit of bang for the buck, aiding specific class skills and certain stats, or giving resistances against certain enemy types or elements. Keep an eye out! Finally (speaking of keeping an eye out), Ragial is very useful, but sometimes certain items just simply don't appear on Ragial.com. It never hurts to just sometimes go through the market-place and browse!
Thanks for those who read this, and sorry it's so text heavy! Feel free to leave comments on how this does or doesn't help you, and feel free to give me pointers if I made mistakes on anything; I tried specifically to avoid too much of teh maths. I also figured zenny, enchanting, and refining were too in-depth to touch on, especially for new players and because there are so many good threads involving those topics! Bye guys.