More Jobs More Variety - Proposals & Suggestions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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More Jobs More Variety

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#1 KalliKatz


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Posted 03 August 2010 - 06:32 PM

i would like it if you could get more variety in Jobs since only 8 2nd classes is kinda small for me. i kinda want to expierence different things. So Submit what you want for more Jobs or talk about others suggestions. but 1st my suggestion:

havent thought of 1st job name but youll get the idea of this ones purpose from its 2nd Jobs

Unable to fight an Angel supports its allies by calling "goodluck charms"

basically it summons different types of Fairies. when summonned they give 20%(maxed) to a certain stat and there can be only one per person. and they dont affect buffs at all. and when you get all the Fairies then you get the ability to summon ONE regular Fairy at a time. but it only lasts 10mins and you cant summon another til that Fairy is gone.

Unable to fight a Demon debuffs, removes buffs, and adds things like Poison,Sleep,Stun but no attacks

read the description :rolleyes:
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#2 LadyLion


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Posted 03 August 2010 - 07:04 PM

I would LOVE more job variety, the only real problem would be naming all these classes, and well, creating all their stats, skills, then working on balancing it into the game.
It really is a LOT of work. Although, considering there is still 3 planets left, there is a possibility for more classes. We probably won't get them soon, but I'm hopeful that we might eventually get them.
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#3 PoopsMcgee


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Posted 03 August 2010 - 07:33 PM

I would like to see new jobs too. I wonder what kind of logical jobs they could add to the game. I surely can't think of any. I'm not too sure about this, but I believe the people who hosted the first warpportal ustream mentioned the possibility of new classes coming out next year.

Hmm here's a job...

no names or anything

A job which allows the player to turn into multuple animals, all of which have different stats and skills better against certain monsters and player, not so much against others. The kicker is you can only choose one animal skill per 1 minute(the cooldown), so if you're in battle with another player it will take a minute to change, giving the player a chance to take you out before you can change into the superior animal. I know it's a crazy idea.
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#4 KalliKatz


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Posted 03 August 2010 - 07:41 PM

but how will you explain the 2nd Jobs? if i were creating that class it would be

1st 2nd Job: Tamer or something
Tames monsters into attacking for you higher Taming skill=more monsters you can tame and what monsters. Charm will affect Capture Rate

2nd 2nd Job: Berzerker
Turns in animals using old lore magic
higher skill lvl=better monsters
higher con= faster charge rate
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#5 KalliKatz


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Posted 03 August 2010 - 07:45 PM

also another job

Monk 1st Job: Uses bare fists to fight also cant miss: main stats Str and Dex/Str and Int

2nd Job 1: Uses Magic to enhance power but refuses to get heals Str and Int

2nd Job 2: provises highest AP Rose but refuses to have buffs Str and Dex
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#6 bossman11


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Posted 03 August 2010 - 11:41 PM

this should be hard for the developers, but if they do its gonna be good i guess :rolleyes:
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#7 yeoldknight


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 09:06 PM

1st job- boxer (uses fists and gloves)
2nd job- Demolisher- Power punches (slow but high ap, uses fists)
2nd job- Ninja- Stealthy ( Very very strong skills and AP but etremly low defence, Uses small swords, and long range knifes)
All i can think of, what do you think? ;)
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#8 KalliKatz


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Posted 16 August 2010 - 10:00 AM

impressive ideas and names XD
Thief: Low AP and Def high dodge and Critical, has the ability to steal(steals one of the monsters drop/or make a special table of steals)
2nd Jobs:

Assassin: has INSTANT death attacks uses Critical as hit rate loses hit rate has passive that when you critical you cause death: Main Stats Dex/Sen

Bandit: has ability to increase the number of things stolen and what you steal: Main Stats Dex/Charm
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#9 GrungyPhReaK


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Posted 17 August 2010 - 09:22 AM

I think as this game evolves and more planets open up the character classes will be added and new skills to complain about. :X
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#10 Silwok


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Posted 17 August 2010 - 11:42 PM

I like this idea you could maybe have the 2nd job quest have 3 options instead of 2,

like a hawker could become either a scout/raider/thief (raider is more aoe/duals/strong attacks and thf is more katars/stealth/throwing knifes)

soldier advance into a champ/knight/crossbowman(insert cooler name here and enough skills for xbow to be seperate and maybe even an aoe like hail of arrows or some sort)

muse could become mage/cleric/summoner mage does what it does best, cleric heals/buffs, summoner has loads of cool summons, buffs specifically for there summons and maybe skills just there summons can use like giving firegon an fire breath aoe :lol:

dealers advance into either artisan/bourg and maybe a gunner can't really think of a 3rd job here so i`ll just chat crap :D . maybe give a gunner skills that specialize either dual wielding small guns or using bigger guns like machine guns, rifles, sniper rifles. Each needed different stats say dex for dual wield or str to equip the bigger guns

Just ideas btw go easy on me :D
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#11 yeoldknight


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Posted 17 August 2010 - 11:53 PM

I think instead of releasing whole new classes, they should make a 3rd job change for level 200 or something.
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#12 KalliKatz


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Posted 19 August 2010 - 05:25 AM

well i did have that idea before and it does solve the problem of having too much lvls and not enough skills... well suggest ideas about what you think what should be a 3rd Job

Ravager: Champion's 3rd Job
Doesnt get the Sword/Spear/Ax passives(Spear Passives MAINLY becuz of this reason)
But gets MORE AoEs!!!

Sentinel: Knight's 3rd Job
makes a difference in the Def of Champs and Knights. gets TWO Passives that give 100% Def
and MORE Stuns!!!

Muse 3rd Jobs(or what it should be)

Medic: Cleric 3rd Job
has more Heals Stronger buffs more flame-type summons

Sage: Mage 3rd Job
more AoEs gets more self buffs and gets own special summons(something like "uses old magic to make CLONE)

and Hawker 3rd Jobs

Berzerker/Ninja:Raider 3rd Job
VERY high AP and Dodge gets decent Def and adds more lvls to Call Beast

Sniper-Scout 3rd Job
has passive that increases Range(goes up to 100% more) more self buffs gets high Accuracy and another summon(like Summon Raven or somthing)

Dealer 3rd Jobs

Nobleman: Bourg 3rd Job
more REALLY strong summon(like Mercenary Destroyer) can summon more summons

Sculpter: Artisan 3rd Job
crafts better stats can now craft IM(but needs ALOT of Mats) has higher chance of crafting somthing and can craft higher lvl gems

Rate NOE! http://forums.warppo...tyle_emoticons/default/1336.gif

Edited by KalliKatz, 20 August 2010 - 08:47 PM.

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