The ROSE Gauntlet Challenge is similar to many other forms of a challenge in the MMO world, most popularly the 'Iron Man Challenge' from WoW.
The Goal:
Get as far as possible without dying, and following the rules.
The Unofficially Official Rules:
1: You are ONLY permitted to use NPC purchased Equipment, or Quest Items rewarded from quests. No Refining!
2: You cannot sell, trade, or vend any items you find to other players. Additionally, you cannot purchase any items, trade, or buy from other players.
3: You cannot multi-client and buff yourself. In addition you cannot ask for buffs from other players not participating in the challenge.
4: You cannot give yourself any tarting money.
5: Must start the Challenge on a new character.
6: No clan benefits.
The Stipulations:
If you get randomly buffed by another player, you should cease all combat and either cart / relog to remove them.
If you die, you are done with the challenge, and may no longer continue on that character officially. [You may obviously keep the character for non-challenge related things]
Obviously, there is no 'rule enforcement' to this challenge, and no way of truly verifying it unless you record / stream the entire time. It should be taken as a challenge for yourself, and something fun to do.
Cheers, and good luck!
Edited by Feuer, 04 May 2016 - 10:55 PM.