Hey, to all you people who complain and only crap talk about warportal's ways of dealing with stuff, Do a favor to yourself and shut the hell up, Those guys are doing their best to get you back the game that we all love, They can easliy shut the game down and say "We don't give a sh*t about you people, go try vpn to idc games MA, We don't care about you and we won't release the game." But nope, Here they are working as hard as they can to bring us the best of the best with all the problems and stuff that shows up, Yet they don't giving up on us, yes GM's leave but also GM's come, give them a damn second to work quietly They are aware about all the problems, the buggs, the crap that goes on, and they are doing what they can to try and fix it, you people should be thankful, Cause without their release of the game, you could sit back and cry more about"I want metal assault so bad why does europe get it and we don't" and if you are not thankful so go away and leave this server try finding other MA or other games to play cause no one gives a sh*t about your whinings, Warpportal I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for releasing this game and giving me an access to play it, Even if I have ping I still love this game and I'll play it as it is cause I really like this game.

Mhm, Excuse me all complainers.
Started by
, May 12 2016 09:49 AM
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