so yeah.. after a long while.. we have finally maxed this guild.. was like 3yrs overdue.. LOOL

Phantasm [Level 50 | PvE, Social, Casual Guild [OPEN]]
Posted 12 March 2018 - 05:00 AM
look what Mekumeku showed me... an old COA raid with most Phantasm peeps.. in a by gone era of this game.. LOL
Posted 19 March 2018 - 05:32 PM
o/ Good Luck with rebuilding the guild Svan
No idea what has changed in RO2 over the past few years, but I can't say I've been playing much games as of recently anyway. Just procrastinating and going down some nostalgia... I miss Meku and Kizz
Just randomly checking in on RO2 to see what the player base and gameplay is like now. It's great to see Phantasm here <3 still recall my time with you all far too fondly!
guess who came back in game.. XD XD
Mekumeku, dontKizzMe and xclosetome .. ahahahha
Posted 24 March 2018 - 06:56 AM
so yeah since we share the same birthday as a guild with the server
Posted 25 May 2018 - 01:43 AM
Svansen [Master Knight] | VanS3n [Master Wizard] | Cookeh [Master Sorcerer] | Roweena [Master Ranger] | CrimsonHeroin [Master SoulMaker] | Vahnzynn [Master Rogue]
VahnS3n [Master Priest] | Valgathri [Master Crecentia] | Flu [Master Assassin] | KumaToes [Master Beastmaster] | Leixandria [Master Warrior] | Roweyn [Master Monk]
my new char/main is Svahnsen [Master Priest]
Posted 21 November 2018 - 03:19 PM
soo yeah.. can't access my old WP forum account. Had to make a new one.. TT_TT
and yeah I'm still playing in the game.. new chars as I can no longer access my old ones being EU accounts. For the record I no longer live in Italy since 2014 and I'm back in the Philippines so yeah.
if you guys are still interested in joining the guild, we are pretty much open to all who are interested. We are pretty casual now though compared to before.
My chars are in my signature if you want to inquire in-game
Posted 28 November 2018 - 05:48 PM
Phantasm as the name implies is immortal I guess and we just came back from the dead. We are a proud PvE Raiding Guild since 2013.
The guild is open to all more PvE oriented players especially to those who are just casually in the game. Though most of us are based in SEA area, we are pretty much open to anybody from anywhere given that we do prefer English as the mode of communication within the guild.
Current Guild Level: 50
Guild Skills: Maxed
Founded: 2 May 2013
Guild Leader: Svahnsen
Morroc | Channel 6
Discord Channel:
For Invites whisper to: Svahnsen, Mekumeku, Teebie, xclosetome, Satorixo,
for invitations do drop by our discord first
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