After finishing the karkarous quest you will get the quest: ‘’ Warning of the past’’( quest lv 50) by talking back to the same NPC: …………………
Quest 2: welcome to funga! The fungoid Village (1)Talk quest
Quest 3: welcome to funga! The fungoid Village (2) Talk quest
Quest 4: welcome to funga! The fungoid Village (3) Talk quest
Quest 5: welcome to funga! The fungoid Village (4) kill 50 zard in blizzard ridge
Quest 6: welcome to funga! The fungoid Village (5) Talk quest
Quest 7: welcome to funga! The fungoid Village (6) 25 roots and 20 big leaf tutu tree forest
Quest 8: welcome to funga! The fungoid Village (7) talk quest
After those chain quest 2 chain quest appear one from the village Chef and the other from the guy to is left.
(1)(Guy to the left) Relationship of animostly : kill mimir monster in tutu forest
(2) 200 combo with ease: do 200 combo in tutu forest
(3) Human and Fundoid ties: talk quest
(4) Reconstruction of the fungoid village(1) Tutu forest item from monster
(5) Reconstruction of the fungoid village(2) item from monster Tutu forest
(6) Reconstruction of the fungoid village(3) Item from monster Ruined mushroom
(7) Legend of mimir (f5 quest)
(1)(Village Chef) Ungrateful Beast (1): talk to Cori the Gorilla in Village of slumber (no need to do itq to unlock the Legend of mimir quest)
(PS)Can you just Pin this i know many still wonder how to get the quest and i dont know the real lv needed to start the quest so until you get the ''warning of the past quest from the NPC that give the karkarous F5 quest that mean your not high lv enough yet
Edited by zirothos, 11 June 2016 - 08:37 AM.