For Rogue and Ranger, which one is better to have? I mean, the calculation for ATK power 1500 is in comparison with how much % damage increase? I know that 1 STR is 2 ATK power, but I can't find any info about damage increase.

ATK Power vs Damage Increse (PVP)
Posted 25 July 2016 - 10:35 PM
Your damage depends on your Physical Skill Effect, which is:
PSE = Power * 0.095 + (Weapon Min + Weapon Max)/2 + Refine Bonus
(Note the PSE found in-game when you mouse over "Power" doesn't include Refine Bonus, but for convenience, I include it into the calculation).
So you just have to see how much of a PSE increase your Str or Power will equal to and compare the % increase to the % PVP damage. In general though, PVP damage is stronger if you play PVP exclusively while STR is more well rounded if you play both PVE and PVP equally.
Edited by Arbalist, 25 July 2016 - 10:37 PM.
Posted 13 November 2016 - 03:36 AM
I wanna bump this!!
The atk/magic power vs inc debate is the debate on weapons since you can't hone power on other gear pieces. I want to ask is it better to hone inc or powers on these weapons to get the best damage output? Recently I see a lot of people going for lots of power on weapons instead of inc and stacking the inc on other gear pieces. I think for attack power this is best since atk power classes have much lower power than magic, but for magic I think it might be better to hone inc since they have naturally high magic power and 2-3k more magic power won't make much of a difference? For example, does 2000 atk power mean much more than 2000 magic power on honing?
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