since i quit already. Im about to make a thread also, but seems Udyr made it 1st. lol. anyways, im just curios in your Sealed Shrine Quest Damage. especially with dark claw. and with brynhild, i think fcp is not necessary when facing Bapho. xD
here`s mine. 2/24/2016
Hahahah true if you use bryn dont need FCP. I was a bigger derp(still am) back then, and also dont really need 2nd player to enter the instance.
Already started do to solo faceworm runs as well and I agree that RC Glt. Crosses are quite quick and effective for this instance. Thanks again for your videos
hope the videos helped, RC are def faster and with the new crimson katars my time went down to 10mins from 11-12 mins.