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#1 crypt15


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Posted 25 August 2016 - 09:25 PM

nowadays crecentia getting lowest dmg for weapon over other class at least do something about the crecentia defense because its too freaking low, everytime crecentia can steal the threat level from the tank is equivalent to a instant R.I.P. can we please improved the defense for crecentia. because even in gears crecentia always the number one having poor gear stats. now im thinking about quiting like all of my friends did just because of this huge difference they called balancing and WOW!


hey warpportal.com please do something about this because crecentia are being poor in terms of weapon and gears dont be so lazy about it act now before loosing good players to the near future.


sorry for my very good freaking English and thanks!

Edited by crypt15, 25 August 2016 - 11:07 PM.

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#2 ryzzyk


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Posted 25 August 2016 - 10:24 PM

If Cres die from mob then it either 


a. your party tank not good or your tank is monk.

b. your healer not good

c. your defend/hp not good.


and also Cres always known to have highest DPS with pet advantage. No sane player will ignore 20k/s mermaid cres.


Edited by ryzzyk, 25 August 2016 - 10:26 PM.

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#3 crypt15


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Posted 25 August 2016 - 11:05 PM

i agree in terms of farming party how about solo activities? sere gears +20 cant survive in FP as well in WOE. a single skill from sin and warr throwing shield killed crec no sweat effortless. i tried duel also crec v priest my highest dmg =700 and less. while priest can finished me off in no time.

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#4 mscocca


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Posted 26 August 2016 - 02:22 AM

Guys! Crecentia is for sure a good class, needing some tweaks - which doesn't?
One good thing to keep in your mind is that the game won't be better by boosting every class. 
Crecentia in this moment has the highest Weapon Dmg among classes and it can easily reach high vigor and use pets to help itself. 

sere gears +20 cant survive in FP [...]

That's not really the truth and It's not just the case of Crecentia. No one of the non-tanking classes can make it solo in FP without a big effort - or without good gears. It's not rare to see in FP Crecentia boosting a whole party, doing it solo. The secret lies in refining your gears and getting good runes but yet I can tell you that PvE balance is one thing on the To do list of Warpportal. 
For now, I can tell you that I'm a Wizard and I can make it myself in FP, I'm sure with some effort you will be able too!

[...] as well in WOE. a single skill from sin and warr throwing shield killed crec no sweat effortless. i tried duel also crec v priest my highest dmg =700 and less. while priest can finished me off in no time.

This is not something that only concerns Crecentia. Even a Priest can be one-shotted by a Sin or a Rogue or a Warrior or a Knight. Even a Warrior can be one-shott by a Sin or a Rogue. I wouldn't address this to Crecentia as its weakness. I will tell you that Sin, Rogue, Warrior and Knight's damage are gonna get a tweak somehow to bring things back to reality. 

Last thing that you must consider when dueling with somebody else or playing PvP is that players might have an high dmg reduction or increase. That's probably the reason why your damage on the Priest was law: Priest, Wizard, Sorcerer are the classess with lowest defense in game, Crecentia is a leather class, half way between cloth classes and armored one! 

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#5 freakygin


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Posted 26 August 2016 - 05:24 PM

nowadays crecentia getting lowest dmg for weapon over other class at least do something about the crecentia defense because its too freaking low, everytime crecentia can steal the threat level from the tank is equivalent to a instant R.I.P. can we please improved the defense for crecentia. because even in gears crecentia always the number one having poor gear stats. now im thinking about quiting like all of my friends did just because of this huge difference they called balancing and WOW!


hey warpportal.com please do something about this because crecentia are being poor in terms of weapon and gears dont be so lazy about it act now before loosing good players to the near future.


sorry for my very good freaking English and thanks!


- nowadays crecentia getting lowest dmg for weapon

  No they don't. Believe me, i know


- everytime crecentia can steal the threat level from the tank is equivalent to a instant R.I.P.

  I believe the correct term would be "Glass Cannon", and that's completely justified.

  High Def + High Atk? Now that would be wrong


Try playing Wizard, you'll immediately love your cresc


Edited by freakygin, 26 August 2016 - 05:30 PM.

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#6 crypt15


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Posted 28 August 2016 - 01:07 PM

Guys i guess you are right may be i just need a tweaks for my gears to coop up. Anyone can give an advise i will greatly appreciated it. Like for my runes what should i must use if will use int80 do i have to use str80 as well?

Edited by crypt15, 28 August 2016 - 01:09 PM.

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#7 freakygin


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Posted 28 August 2016 - 06:02 PM

In PvE scenario, The obvious answer are :
+20 gears
Good Green Seed [Armor] Rune
Good hones (With good amount of Vigor, you can utilize your Levicorpus skill more often)
Good Cards (White + Red Poisonous Bug + Uparus Priest)
+80 STR Bind runes (Never tried this myself, since people love INT more. But in theory, a lot of STR should give you noticeable Parry rate)

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#8 Arbalist


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Posted 28 August 2016 - 08:49 PM

Str and Int give the same amount of Parry for Crec unless there's some hidden bug I'm not aware of. The only reason to take STR over INT would be if:
1. They are cheaper and you can't afford to get INT
2. You're using the physical skills more often for some reason

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#9 crypt15


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Posted 28 August 2016 - 09:39 PM

In PvE scenario, The obvious answer are :
+20 gears
Good Green Seed [Armor] Rune
Good hones (With good amount of Vigor, you can utilize your Levicorpus skill more often)
Good Cards (White + Red Poisonous Bug + Uparus Priest)
+80 STR Bind runes (Never tried this myself, since people love INT more. But in theory, a lot of STR should give you noticeable Parry rate)

For cards i will try this one you recomended. For my vigor i have a decent one with pet cd 11.17s atm thanks a lot freakygin.
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#10 crypt15


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Posted 28 August 2016 - 09:43 PM

Str and Int give the same amount of Parry for Crec unless there's some hidden bug I'm not aware of. The only reason to take STR over INT would be if:
1. They are cheaper and you can't afford to get INT
2. You're using the physical skills more often for some reason

Hmm for me the runes 80 are not a problem any type i can create one piece daily. So for runes i must go full INT80? Or combination with STR80?
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#11 freakygin


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Posted 29 August 2016 - 03:37 AM

Str and Int give the same amount of Parry for Crec unless there's some hidden bug I'm not aware of. The only reason to take STR over INT would be if:
1. They are cheaper and you can't afford to get INT
2. You're using the physical skills more often for some reason


Ah right, i totally forgot they gave the same amount of parry (1 Parry / STR or INT)


Hmm for me the runes 80 are not a problem any type i can create one piece daily. So for runes i must go full INT80? Or combination with STR80?


Since most of Cresc strong Skills use Magic ATK instead of Physical ATK.

I would suggest full INT runes.

Nevermind what i said earlier about STR runes, i forgot they gave the same amount of Parry.

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#12 crypt15


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Posted 29 August 2016 - 06:18 AM

Ah right, i totally forgot they gave the same amount of parry (1 Parry / STR or INT)

Since most of Cresc strong Skills use Magic ATK instead of Physical ATK.
I would suggest full INT runes.
Nevermind what i said earlier about STR runes, i forgot they gave the same amount of Parry.

Thank you freakygin i start using the cards that you been suggested, well it give boost to my crec vit. But my stats focuses all in vit should i reset it to pure int?
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#13 ryzzyk


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Posted 29 August 2016 - 07:08 PM

yes VIT also important for Cres since sometime pet or LOD pickup threat faster than tanker able to. you might need to survive few tiger critical attack. SM cure tick every 2s so all HP do count for your survival.


the keyword here: balance. nobody can suggest you perfect balance stats. i have friend that pure pet damage full buff mermaid 20k+ dot with low 45k+ hp and another one 13-15k dmg with good 65k+ hp.


i guess it all depend on your preference. high damage mean kill faster, but high hp mean you can last longer. 


PS: you do need good HP to join WLH. Cres play very important task do deal high damage. 


talking about pvp


PVP Cresentia will concentrate on VIT and Reduction set. Cres earthworm debuff really useful when fighting in group. Usually Cresentia is the first target to take down along with Prz. Prz Judex and Cres earthworm really can turn everything around.

Edited by ryzzyk, 29 August 2016 - 07:13 PM.

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#14 crypt15


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Posted 29 August 2016 - 11:07 PM

yes VIT also important for Cres since sometime pet or LOD pickup threat faster than tanker able to. you might need to survive few tiger critical attack. SM cure tick every 2s so all HP do count for your survival.

the keyword here: balance. nobody can suggest you perfect balance stats. i have friend that pure pet damage full buff mermaid 20k+ dot with low 45k+ hp and another one 13-15k dmg with good 65k+ hp.

i guess it all depend on your preference. high damage mean kill faster, but high hp mean you can last longer.

PS: you do need good HP to join WLH. Cres play very important task do deal high damage.

talking about pvp

PVP Cresentia will concentrate on VIT and Reduction set. Cres earthworm debuff really useful when fighting in group. Usually Cresentia is the first target to take down along with Prz. Prz Judex and Cres earthworm really can turn everything around.

I am getting the views now thanks a lot ryzzyk. For now i will keep my pure vit stat coz if dont i will not survive in WLH/JDQ solo. May be its time to join a good guild for extra boost. Im still looking for a good guild doing lots of activities.
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