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#1 Rainnowx


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Posted 04 October 2016 - 11:45 AM

So...... Popcorn's latest question regarding Summoner's whatever made me realize......

That I need a clear (if possible) explanation about what are "summoned Skills" ("stand-alone" from Apocryphos's point of view).

(Depending on how you guys who'll answer to this [again, if possible], I might also adopt my own term like Apoc' did.)


<Vented away.>

Edited by Rainnowx, 04 December 2016 - 10:39 AM.

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#2 Popcorn



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Posted 04 October 2016 - 12:02 PM



It's a bit hard to explain. A "summoned" skill or "standalone" skill is a skill that is running on it's own after it has been casted, an example is Spark Rock. 

Apocryphos uses standalone skill, because it runs on it's own, others use "summoned" skill, because an additional "object" is spawned which is performing the skill.


However, identifying a summoned skill is not always easy and obvious. For example the Rain of Fire of the Monk class is no summoned skill while the Blizzard of the sorcerer tree is a summoned skill.


Mr. 514-guy posted a list of so-called "summoned" skills in the topic with my question. However, I am not sure if it is complete.


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#3 GogAcc


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Posted 04 October 2016 - 01:25 PM

Some skills that are considered as summons have a HP bar, making them really easy to clasify (blizzard or traps have that kind of things) while some others might be harder to spot.

Any skills that is a direct hit given from your character are not summons, since the attack comes from you. Like Cross Cut, Rocket Punch and many others

Talking about my post, it has been a while since I haven't use Carpet Bombing, and I highly doubt it actually is a summon.
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#4 Apocryphos


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Posted 04 October 2016 - 01:49 PM

The rule of thumb for identifying standalone skills is does it carry element to bypass perfect seal. Not all skills follow this rules like the thief passive called double attack, you would think an auto attack would proc element but double attack doesn't. There might be more.

Edited by Apocryphos, 04 October 2016 - 01:49 PM.

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#5 Rainnowx


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Posted 05 October 2016 - 01:04 AM

A bit hard to explain indeed, Pop'.

But a basic point, even the easiest thing to understand can make things clearer, and I would thank you and 5143[...] for these ones:

"a skill that is running on it's own after it has been casted

Apocryphos uses standalone skill, because it runs on it's own, others use "summoned" skill, because an additional "object" is spawned which is performing the skill".

(Consequently this) "Any skills that is a direct hit given from your character are not summons, since the attack comes from you."

(2nd conclusion: I don't think I'll be able to give a name to that category, so I'll stay out of the kind of debate Popcorn just started XD)


I'll consider myself this question as closed, thank you for the answers '-'


On another hand, I almost forgot this point:

The rule of thumb for identifying standalone skills is does it carry element to bypass perfect seal. Not all skills follow this rules like the thief passive called double attack, you would think an auto attack would proc element but double attack doesn't. There might be more.


Maybe I'm thinking wrong, but:

[Changes (October 5th 2016 PN)]

·         "Summoned" (aka "Standalone") skills are now dealing elemental damage in PvE. Nothing has changed in PvP. [...]


I clearly know basic and "Element-charged" attacks can bypass the Seal; but I understand from the above underlined part, that all Skills (and whatever type) aren't able to do so, so how come one would be able to see the hidden, almost out of nowhere?

Edited by Rainnowx, 05 October 2016 - 01:08 AM.

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