[How to] Macro Set Up: Soulmaker (Full Support) - Ragnarok 2 Guides - WarpPortal Community Forums

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[How to] Macro Set Up: Soulmaker (Full Support)

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#1 mscocca


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Posted 22 October 2016 - 11:55 AM



Macro Set up: Soulmaker (Full Support)*



Howdy citizens of Rune-Midgard,

I am here to help you to Set Up the best macro-pattern to run on your Soulmaker (Full Support) as requested by many of You.

Please, remember that Warpportal allows the use of this kind of Third Party Programs in the game as long as you use it responsably.*

Furthermore this guide is nowise suggesting players to use Third Party Programs.*


1. Which Application?

Any Application that does the job is enough. In my case I prefer among others Jitbit Macro Recorder because it's simple to use.


2. Let's Start!

Please, consider the picture above for the Skills-Hotkeys I put into the Macro-Pattern. Even, when you Set up a Macro-Pattern there is one important thing to ponder: Vigor. 

Why Vigor? Vigor, as you may know, reduces the Cooldown of the Skills. Higher Vigor, Showert Cooldown. Always remember to check the Cooldown of your Skills before Setting up your personal Macro-Pattern.


Let's make a list of the things you should take care of:

  1. The Cooldown of your Skills and so Vigor, in case you decide to use any Vigor increasing Item or Skill, please consider that even a small Percentage% of Vigor will affect the Cooldown of your Skills;
  2. Choose the most comfortable hotkeys to Target those in your Party. In my case I've chosen the Keys: Home, End, PageUp, PageDown and Delete to Target myself;

Now let's analyze the Macro-Pattern showed below:


REPEAT : 100000 : 0 : 0 : Enter the number of iterations: : 0 : 0  "REPEAT" is the command that you have to insert as first line into your Macro-Pattern as it allows you to repeat an action [x] times;


Keyboard : D0 : KeyPress
DELAY : 4000  "Keyboard : KeyPress" is the command that allows you to choose a Key to press, in this case I started my Macro-Pattern with the Awake Soulmate Skill;


Keyboard : Home : KeyPress  
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : End : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : PageUP : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : PageDOWN : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : Delete : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000 ← First row of Cure, I do suggest you to change the Party Settings to Raid and, when possible, move the Party Members in this order: 1st Lurer, 2nd Tank, 3nd Tank-Main DPS, 4th Dps, 5th You;
Keyboard : D6 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000 
Keyboard : D7 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000  Let's Buff the Part...Raid!;
Keyboard : Home : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : End : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : PageUP : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : PageDOWN : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : Delete : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000 ← Second row of Cure;
COMMENT : Devotion for Tank
Keyboard : End : KeyPress
Keyboard : D4 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000  "COMMENT" helps you to keep track of the lines in the Macro-Pattern, You are free to use it whenever you feel the need. In this case I've used it for the Skill Devotion, so it gets easier to detect and change the target in case the 2nd Player in the Raid is not a Tank or simply does not need this Buff;
Keyboard : Home : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000 
Keyboard : End : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000 
Keyboard : PageUP : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : PageDOWN : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000 
Keyboard : Delete : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000   Third row of Cure;
Keyboard : D1 : KeyPress
Mouse : 1132 : 497 : Click : 0 : 1 : 0
DELAY : 2000   Time to give other Buffs to the Raid! After using the command "Keyboard : Keypress", if You are willing to use an AoE Skill that needs an Area to be chosen (in this case I used SoulLink Concentration), then you can't forget to add the command "Mouse : Click". Using Jitbit, you are allowed to "Screenshot" the coordinates by using your Mouse in the game: select Mouse > Click and then Screenshot the Area you need the Skill to be used and press F2 to register the coordinates;
Keyboard : Home : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : End : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : PageUP : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000 
Keyboard : PageDOWN : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : Delete : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000   Fourth row of Cure;
Keyboard : D2 : KeyPress
Mouse : 1132 : 497 : Click : 0 : 1 : 0
DELAY : 2000  Time to give other Buffs to the Raid! Let's spread some SoulLink Revive;
COMMENT : Devotion per Tank
Keyboard : PageUP : KeyPress
Keyboard : D4 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000  Be devoted to the Tanks in your Raid;
Keyboard : Home : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : End : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000 
Keyboard : PageUP : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : PageDOWN : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000
Keyboard : Delete : KeyPress
Keyboard : D5 : KeyPress
DELAY : 2000   Fifth row of Cure;
ENDREPEAT  "ENDREPEAT" set the end of the Macro-Pattern, making your Character repeat [x] times everything that is included between "REPEAT" and "ENDREPEAT";


I want you to consider one thing. The Cooldown of Cure on my Soulmaker is 0.25 Seconds yet I've chosen to put 2 Seconds delay between each command. Sometimes Macro tends to overlap commands when they have shorter delay. Even, if Your Internet Connection is not completely efficient or You are suffering sever lag, setting too precise commands' delays will be bad for You and Your Raid mates!
Now that you know my Macro Set Up for Soulmaker feel free to Edit it to fit Your needings! Here you can download the .exe file of my Macro Pattern. Nobody ever died with my Macro!  :heh:
If you need to know anything related to this Macro Set Up or the Application itself, feel free to comment below. 





* Please, consider that there is a Policy on Third Party Programs in the game. Check here to know what it is about.



Edited by mscocca, 22 October 2016 - 11:59 AM.

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#2 KuroiKoneko


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Posted 22 October 2016 - 07:54 PM

*waiting for next ban wave cuz topic starter haven't mentioned about player should be present to pass gm test (tho nobody cares)* cuz game already dead


hail to more dead parties at fp cuz not everyone got same latency as you

Edited by KuroiKoneko, 22 October 2016 - 07:54 PM.

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#3 mscocca


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Posted 23 October 2016 - 01:58 AM

*waiting for next ban wave cuz topic starter haven't mentioned about player should be present to pass gm test (tho nobody cares)* cuz game already dead


hail to more dead parties at fp cuz not everyone got same latency as you


Hello! You can clearly see three redirecting you to the bottom of the Post where I put a link to the Policy on Third Party Programs. 


About your other two observations... just stay positive

Edited by mscocca, 23 October 2016 - 01:59 AM.

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#4 5318130516144610857


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Posted 23 October 2016 - 05:02 AM

Hello cocca


I have a question about your macro program. Are you using a cracked version of JitBit Macro Recorder? cus if you are, then why even bother with the 3rd party program policy of WP? :jellyfish:


I use Mouse and Keyboard Recorder by Robotsoft, there is is stupid restriction of having to wait 1600 seconds before being able to use the program and it's restricted to 5 loops but at least the trial version is legit and free. BTW, if someone knows a good FREE macro recorder program please let me know.

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#5 mscocca


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Posted 23 October 2016 - 06:00 AM

Hello cocca


I have a question about your macro program. Are you using a cracked version of JitBit Macro Recorder? cus if you are, then why even bother with the 3rd party program policy of WP? :jellyfish:


I use Mouse and Keyboard Recorder by Robotsoft, there is is stupid restriction of having to wait 1600 seconds before being able to use the program and it's restricted to 5 loops but at least the trial version is legit and free. BTW, if someone knows a good FREE macro recorder program please let me know.


Nope, I got the Basic plan of the Application, it's pretty cheap.


Anyway any App that does the job is enough!  :heh:

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#6 KuroiKoneko


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Posted 23 October 2016 - 04:55 PM

Hello! You can clearly see three * redirecting you to the bottom of the Post where I put a link to the Policy on Third Party Programs.

About your other two observations... just stay positive!

well, what if not everyone wants to find and read walls of text? why not just quote the rules?

BTW, if someone knows a good FREE macro recorder program please let me know.

well, if we can freely discuss it here you can try Pulovers Macro Creator, AutoHotKey or AutoIt3 tho in last two you need to write scripts by yourself and use keydown\keyup to make skills work properly (in jitbit you can just use KeyPress cuz it got default keypress delay) but they are might work much faster than jitbit cuz less delay to key presses...
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#7 5318130516144610857


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Posted 23 October 2016 - 06:18 PM

I've tried AHK but like you said, we need to write the script ourselves and I'm too lazy to learn how to write it. I'll check it out the first one.  :thx:


EDIT: This is exactly what I was looking for! I haven't tried it extensively yet but downloaded and installed PMC and it looks great! Very promising.

Edited by 5318130516144610857, 23 October 2016 - 06:28 PM.

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#8 BbAshley


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Posted 04 April 2017 - 10:07 PM



Im using JITBIT also.


But once i on my macro, the game shut down.


How can i solve this problem ?

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#9 mscocca


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Posted 04 April 2017 - 10:34 PM



Im using JITBIT also.


But once i on my macro, the game shut down.


How can i solve this problem ?


Hello BbAshley! 

Sadly a couple months ago a new Hackshield-like software has been introduced into game client so these kind of 3rd Party App are not longer allowed: once you turn on one of these (i.e. Jitbit Macro Recorder, Cheat Engine, Speed Hack, and others) you will be automatically logged out of the game!  :p_sad:  :p_sad:

There are only two other alternatives right now: script macro (a bit hard to code, at least for me) and macro mice (i.e. Razer).  :p_laugh:

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#10 Xaellis


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 01:20 AM

Side track a little, I love that pic you posted! :)

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#11 BbAshley


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 04:49 AM

Hello BbAshley! 

Sadly a couple months ago a new Hackshield-like software has been introduced into game client so these kind of 3rd Party App are not longer allowed: once you turn on one of these (i.e. Jitbit Macro Recorder, Cheat Engine, Speed Hack, and others) you will be automatically logged out of the game!  :p_sad:  :p_sad:

There are only two other alternatives right now: script macro (a bit hard to code, at least for me) and macro mice (i.e. Razer).  :p_laugh:

macro mice ?

which mean i need to buy a razer mouse to do it ?


or any recommended software?


thanks for helping

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#12 mscocca


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 05:11 AM

Side track a little, I love that pic you posted! :)


Thank you, though I only changed the colors... The credits go to the Official Artworks-maker of Gravity  :p_laugh:  :p_laugh:  :p_laugh:


macro mice ?

which mean i need to buy a razer mouse to do it ?


or any recommended software?


thanks for helping


Well, as I've said in the previous post the only Macro software that is now allowed is called AHK (link) but, at least for me, is way too complicated to use... A macro mice such as Razer makes life much easier.


Whatever you decide to do in regards of Macro, be aware that you are not allowed to stay away from keyboard at any moment while it's in use or you will get banned!  :p_love:

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