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Returning Player [Shhould i increase Mlvl now?]

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#1 gau08


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Posted 06 January 2017 - 02:31 AM

I haven’t been playing for 3 years now. So upon returning to the game i noticed a lot of changes and my equipments are now insufficient to carry on with the game.

This are some of my concerns hopefully someone can help.


  1. Regarding Mlvl, should i increase it now or just grind for points? (Actually I’m already at Mlvl 4- should i continue or stop and grind for skill points?)
  2. Best place to grind and get new Equipments?
  3. Best stat build for Warrior – (im at int-vit) should i change it?

That’s it for now


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#2 dvalinthecacnea


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Posted 06 January 2017 - 06:09 AM

Hey welcome back! I actually saw your post regarding about Large Bag issue XD

1. The xp is x1 which means you shouldn't do anything much. But in case you grind, level until you are around ML 15-20 and start to grind for Skill Points.

2. For ML 1-10 one of the Condors (correct me if I am wrong) drop Warrior green equip to start with. ML 11-19 its in the Mukas (where you grind for your ML 7 or 8 to 11 or 12). ML 20 is Osiris equip where you should actually craft the equip (pretty much like Celestial Apostle RHD equips if you do remember those). The materials can be farmed through Dayr Temple 1, 2, and 3. Each temple has different materials that can be farmed. Also there is a kind of distinct "eye" (blablabla of Pharaoh to be exact) for each part of equipment. (For example red eye for weapon purple eye for shoes etc.) These "eyes" are farmed by beating bosses in the Osiris dungeon. For ML 30 gears its either you craft Himmelmez gears (same like osiris, grind and craft) or you buy Cazar through MP (best grind them when you are still ML 15-19). Same goes for ML 35 for Eddga gear (If you do plan to take a break at ML35 that is). For ML 40 there is a area called Jawaii accessed from Alberta. In there exist a cave to farm Ancient Warrior equips. You disassemble the AW equips (100% rate ofc) to get materials. ML 40 gear craft = base corresponding AW + disassembled AW materials. Unlike Osiris and Himmelmez recipes, Serenia's (ML40 gear) recipes can be bought by the job merchant.

3. Since there is a significant BT nerf that totally reduce the opness of the skill, INT is not really a good thing to raise anymore. Some people said that you raise your INT to 1k and thats it, the rest can go to STR or VIT (since we have up to +50 and +80 STR runes but not VIT runes)

And that's it for now. Feel free to ask more! Once again, welcome back!
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#3 Rykum


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Posted 06 January 2017 - 02:23 PM

about your second question, I made a guide on steam some time ago that is quite complete for Master Level equipment *no self-promotion intended* (also any comment is appreciated).

Edited by Rykum, 06 January 2017 - 02:23 PM.

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#4 5318130516144610857


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Posted 06 January 2017 - 03:18 PM

My advice about farming your skill and stat points is to only get the extra ones you really need for the grind until ML35 in Osiris. Unless the server EXP bonus is 10x or 7x and you really enjoy farming Osiris, completing your set of points and skills is easily done in Jawaii with the daily quests there. In about 30-40 minutes of gameplay you earn 50k MP. Do those dailies for about a week and a half and you'll be fully stat/skills maxed without trouble, easy farming. You can also join FP parties during EXP server boosts events to faster your grind and reduce the time needed to reach the full stat/skills char.

Have fun.

Edited by 5318130516144610857, 07 January 2017 - 07:43 AM.

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#5 gau08


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Posted 06 January 2017 - 05:33 PM

Thanks, nice to be back but need to start from scratch.. XD


Got the equips from condors and ill be grinding on that location till mlvl 10 then.


thanks for the info and for the guide as well ill check them out right now.

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#6 5318130516144610857


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Posted 06 January 2017 - 05:39 PM

Condors Lv48-ML7

Mukas ML7-11

Osiris ML11-22

DWL ML22-25 or 26

DWU ML25 or 26-30 or 31

FP ML30-40


At ML35 the Jawaii daily quests are available for you.

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