if this'll help this is just basic leveling guide from ml 1 - ml 20
before you reach ML 1 it is wise to save some skill points for later purpose.
then after your character hits ML 1 spend that saved points for max AoE or support skills as the main priority, because after your character hits Master Level the skill will be updated too, and it isn't the same as lvl 50.
go to dayr dessert, you can reach there either walk from morrocc city thru the north warp or use long range flying kafra
afterwards start to look for basic equipment such as dessert scorpion gears and accessories.
this is the drop list as far as i know
Red/Condor Area :
most gears are dropped here for all classes, but mainly sorcerers and wizards
Green/Scorpion Area :
most leather and some clothes armor dropped here, such as BM, Ranger, Rogue, Assassin, Monk, and Priest
Blue/Gorem Area :
Heavy armors and alter armors drops here
even tho some other mobs drop the same thing this is just for easy search for the new players that didn't know where to look.
and every area has the single boss like monster which is a bit different from the usual mobs and they are what to look if you need some accessories.
for example :
this is condorkanki, it looks like the other condor mobs but bigger and have different colors also different names
for more information about the items as arbalist mentions you can see here :
Here is the list of the exact monsters that drop the exact class specific gears. Cheers.
(how to re quote a comment? very sorry @arbalist)
leveling skills
in party
tank class
war : of course the mighty brandish storm to kill plenty mobs at a time
knight : grand cross max but needs reset skill much much later on
bm : max tornado so it can hit up to 10 mobs and no cooldown time
monk : well since monk doesn't have good AoE its preffered to luring in the mobs to the kill zone
dps class
ranger : ranger have 2 AoE dps skills which is Multi Shot and Arrow Shower, multi shot even its just have 3 levels but it'll hit up to 10 mobs followed by arrow rain it'll have some nice damage.
rogue : rogue has some AoE dps skills too, rolling cutter if you have spare reset scrolls you can maxed it to level 6 so it'll do some nice damage followed by dot damage
assassins : even tho sins got 2 AoE skills, grimtooth and shadow fang those 2 skills can be considered worthless if the mobs aren't grouping together. instead doing damage assassins class usually go with the luring, sins class got 30% move speed buff and can be invincible for 5 secs via maxed shadow armor, giving the opportunity for the mobs to change target.
wizard : this section i haven't explored yet but usually people use the meteor skill to do dps
crecentia : has land of darkness, if possible stack LoD to do even higher damage. other AoE skill, use pets
support class :
soulmaker : just like i mention earlier saving points now will be a very good idea since the most heal skills came from SM, the cure skills will be updated to lvl 10 so its best to max cure not just for the party leveling but also solo leveling.
priest : priest mostly can be hybird they have nice dot heal skills and crazy damage and dps AoE, so they're situational, when the party doesn't have a healer class priest class can be the main healer while still doing dps a bit. or if the party already got healer class priest can help by doing AoE damage & dps.
sorcerer : sorcerer has the most support ability they can further increase def and heal and also damage mobs. (truthfully i doesn;t know anything about mage class) someone pls edit this out.
leveling guide
party leveling is highly recomended because for each member can give bonus exp (if anyone knows the formula pls post it here)
i'll be separating the leveling systems by level
ML 1
Starting a party
before you start a party, try to check the public chat for party/group or the find party board (use N), find if anyone already have a condor grind party they usually use the term LFM (Looking For Member) or NP (Need Party/Person). if it seems there is no party try to chat in group/party find using term LFP (Looking For Party), example "LFP Condor War".
if there isn't any party recruiting go start your own party.
usually the members contains :
1 Tank
1 Lurer
1 Support
then try to max Mastery Point (MP) at condor then instantly level up from ML 1 to ML 7.
the cap for ML 1 till 10 is 20.000.000 or 20k the last 3 zero's usually doesn't count.
ML 7
since the game just got sweet update, the glorious flying kafra at dayr now its easier to travel from respawn point to ML 7 mobs location
• Respawn Point
for ML 7 all the mobs past the gorem are the ones you will be loking for, usually muka. in here you need to max the MP twice since ML 7 and ML 8 doesn't really have significant exp raise, so twice max MP it'll be ML 7 - 9, then ML 9 - 11.
ML 11
some says ML 11 is still good to go in muka but some prefer going to do runs in osiris dungeon, and yes you can enter osiris dungeon at ML 11.
ML 11 - 15
if you chooses to do osiris dungeon runs. if possible level up as soon as you can. the exp raise from 11 thru 15 is nice and will top at ML 15-19.
location :
Usually the osiris entrance always crowded with people looking for party to grind consider joining them first by using LFP
meanwhile if you wanted to create your own party consider what the team needs example
this party is obviously gonna die if there are no healer class in team, therefore you should look for any healer class sucha as priest, sorc, or SM
last but least always bring
ML 15 - 19
this is the highest exp you can get while doing osiris run. in this stage you can just run through it to ML 20 to use osi gears oar anything else, or stay between 15-19 to max stats and skills.
Maxing Stats and Skills
this is the total for the base bonus stat for ML 20 just to know if you forget how many stat points you have taken
by going to dapara you can add more bonus stat and skill points
ML 20
if you already reached ML 20 you can continue to do stat and skill leveling, or continue to DWL, or farm mats for osiris gears, and i think its good to invest on osiris gears since they are tradeable and it is usable till ML 30 some people even use it till Jawaii.
all of that are based on my own opinion, if some people had better things to share, please do share
hope this helps.
Edited by ahimdong01forum, 15 February 2017 - 04:47 AM.