Upgrades for Pet Feature
Suggestion to upgrade pet feature, remove the pay2win aspects and extend the feature to free players too, but at the same time increase the sale of Pet Extensions/Pet Growth Boosters and Pets in Item Mall.
Upgraded Loots to most Open Area Bosses :
Prince Gradin/Emperor Gramm/New Nastech Boss Update Loot :
10% chance to drop a pet (mini version of the boss), permanent duration, doesn't loot drops, max level 1 (10% EXP bonus) to help new free players in their journey.
New Nastech Boss that spawns randomly in whole Parness :
It would have 100% chance to drop the above mentioned pet. This is mainly for new players, since it will be impossible for them to KS Prince Gradin/Emperor Gramm from older players (in the situation where older players are farming them).
Humbaba (South Hammerine) Update Loot :
10% chance to drop a pet (mini version of the boss), 1 day duration (players can obviously use Pet Extensions to keep using it), drops loots, all levels avaiable. This will give as well some usefulness to the boss.
Mare-Gall Update Loot :
5% chance to drop a pet (mini version of the boss), 1 week duration, drop loots, all levels avaiable, first 3 levels instead of 10% EXP/LANT/DROP -> 15% EXP/LANT/DROP. I believe this will highly boost the sale of pet extensions and pet growth boosters.
Jugger Nut Update Loot :
10% chance to drop a pet (mini version of the boss), 1 month duration, drops loots, doesn't give any bonus (if you can't disable the first level bonus, just make it 1% exp). This will give free players the possibility to obtain a free looting pet.
New Item Mall Pet :
Mini Version (super cute, I know) of Wheelghost (ET Raid Boss) avaiable in Item Mall.
Bonuses are the same as other IM pets.
Pay2Win stats changes on all pets :
Pets should no longer give HP/MP/STATS (hp rec/mp rec can stay, since they have a very low impact) because it's an extremely pay2win model to give stats in Item Mall.
MP 10% (level 6 bonus) -> Battlefield Bonus +30%
HP 10% (level 9 bonus) -> 20% EXP
Stat 10% (level 10 bonus) -> 30% DROP