Templar/Radiant/Tempest Skill Changes Suggestion :
Hush DNA for instant cast removed.
Reason : Hush is a rather offensive skill, and this change will turn the skill in a more "self defense" skill (it will be harder to hush an enemy DPS in the enemy team or in 1v1, but it will most likely be used when the Radiant is getting attacked to defend himself).
Able to be used on a target.
Reason : This would increase Templar's support abilities (atm Templar is not that great in support for lower level dungeons) as well as Radiant ones for more focused healing on 1 target.
Soul Depuration
Max level changed from 10 to 5.
The effect/CD at level 5 will be the same as it was at level 10.
Reason : This is one of those self-support skills that needed an improvement because rarely used, and even more rarely maxed. This change will give tempests a great tool for a lower amount of skill points, and we would certainly see some players starting use this skill.
Notice : This change is similar to the one Warlord had on Mental Mitigation.
Magic Shield Mastery
Definitely should be moved to Tempest and value block defense scaled up by x2.
Reason : Radiants, but also Templars, use mainly Staff, unlike Tempest that usually use wand and magic shield.
Weapon of God and Blessing of Haste
Moved to Radiant.
Reason : Much more appropriate in the Radiant tree, since those are purely support skills.
Seal of Acceleration
Casting Speed buff changed to 25% at max level.
Reason : This skill is way too powerful and broken on a tempest, let alone as a team buff.
Considering Turan's nature to support others, we decided to keep the AOE effect of the buff but reduce the amount of casting speed it buffs.
Notice : In its current form, this buff gives tempests the ability to chain sleep + 3 ground AOEs in about few seconds, without having the possibility for enemies to react at all. It also makes skills like Terms of Service way too powerful.
Seal of Acceleration (Alternative Change)
This would be even more balanced but not sure it can be done :
No changes to the skill effect, but Terms of Service and Sleep shouldn't be affected by it. That way Tempests can't sleep you in 0.70 seconds and defilers can't Terms of Service you so fast, while retaining the full effect on the ground AOEs. Those CC skills are too powerful to be casted in such short time and this change would balance a lot the situation!
Edited by Kazara, 12 June 2017 - 03:17 AM.