Soul Hunter/Defiler/Dominator Skill Changes Suggestion :
Shape of Fear
Duration at max level should be lowered from 22 seconds to 16 seconds, currently the 22 second duration is most times unnecessary for the battle purpose and way too long for a fear effect.
Blessing of Wind
With the latest changes this skill had, we already see a bit more Soul Hunters investing in this skill.
The only problem is the duration, which is 150 seconds at maxed level.
Considering it's a casted buff, it can give a pretty unpleasant disadvantage when it expires while fighting, as well the Soul Hunter has to constantly rebuff it to avoid that situation...making it a very time consuming skill for an effect that doesn't deserve such low duration.
Suggestion : Increase the buff duration to be 5 minutes.
Shadow Binding
The so high duration you can benefit from DNA makes it pointless to invest more than 1 skill point in the skill (I usually take it to level 1 with 8 DNA points, which makes it 23 second duration and its CD is 23.4 sec, good enough for most situations and to "chain" it).
The duration you can have if you max the skill + the DNA is 42 seconds of root, which is insane.
Suggestion : Cut the DNA to max level 5 (which will bring only an additional 10 seconds instead of 20 seconds to the skill original duration).
Deadly Bomb
This skill became more and more useless in the recent years, as now the skill is totally useless for a good geared player because of the outdated values.
This skill can't be balanced around the DOT, otherwise we should balance it around darkest +30 players, resulting in a too strong skill for an MG player, lower level player or such.
Suggestion : Change the skill to do % damage instead of DOT damage at the end of the duration.
The skill would do 20% damage at level 10, and an additional 10% would come from DNA, to a max of 30%.
Note : The skill can be easily removed by DOT remover skills, such as mystic totem.
Summoned Monster Lesser Heal
This skill doesn't see any play.
Dominator has too many pets to heal each of them, and this skill never been worth the effort and the skill points, since pets die way too fast and can be simply re-summoned most of the times.
Unlike Avenger, which is supposed to support his captured pet, Dominator, having many summons, should rather take advantage from them for himself.
Suggestion : Change the skill to, instead of healing a summon, kill or damage a summon and trigger an heal for the Dominator (would be better if it kills a summon and not only damage it, not sure if possible).
This would be an amazing mechanic for Dominator, would fit well and would make MIND more useful for the class too.
The Skill would keep his cast, and DNAs, CD should be increased from 5.4 seconds to 8 seconds.
Attack of Curse
If Attack of Curse as % SCAD debuff is not possible, Attack of Curse would be interesting as a Curse Resistance Debuff.
It would do a 30% curse debuff at max level, + a new DNA of 5 points to increase it by 10%, to a max of 40% with both DNA and skill maxed (would give Dominator an higher DNA choices, which domi lacks atm).
Pros : It would make Dominator more useful in RAIDs and PvE in general.
NOTE : While there is 1 or more debuff for each element, there isn't any Curse Resistance Debuff Skill.
NOTE2 : Together with defiler it becomes a really nice combination (like elem + mystics, or elem+tempest).
Broken Morale
Suggestions : Bring back its cast time and add a DNA to shorten it to instant (5 levels DNA).
This way it will save the Old Lithy Fog animation and make the skill slower, so it will be harder to lay the debuff since enemies will be able to interrupt the debuff in its "animation cast time".
NOTE ON DOMINATOR'S SUMMONS : All summons need improvements in overall stats, since the stats are way too outdated (last change just took most summons HP to have a similar HP of Humbaba and changed ennon to be 90 at max).
Take in consideration that each summon (except reaper) should have its own "focus" :
Kazara, being a melee summon, should have an high HP and STR/short range damage,
Lenatore, being a ranged summon, should have less HP and high DEX/long range damage,
Ennon, being the "healer" summon, should have less HP even than lenatore, but high MIND,
Nastech, being the "caster" summon, should have HP similar to Ennon, but high INT,
Humbaba focus should be mainly in CON/HP.
Summon Medium Kazara
Protector Restraint Rescission should be able to remove Kazara's slowness (not really a dominator change but that anyway involve dominator in a way).
Summon Medium Lenatore
Useless summon with no skills at all.
Suggestion : Add a useful skill to it (like a weaker version of Shock Bullet...the Disgust Hunter's Soccer kick but that kicks only 1 buff).
Summon Humbaba
As now the pet in battlefield can't reach opponents because of the low HP.
Humbaba most of the times, get a weird bug causing it to run backward and waste the stun.
Suggestion + Fix : Change Humbaba AI to first do 1 AA hit, and then stun.
Self Heal of Humbaba is useless, wastes a lot of time casting it (very high cast) for very low amount. Remove it or repurpose it.
Summon Reaper
Possibly use Dark Priest mob (which look more like a reaper with scythe and has a cool AA) since Dark Priest isn't used elsewhere, would result in an unique summon that can't be found in open world.
Would be cool if it could be turned into a curse damage skill (Attack of Curse animation!) which summons the reaper, just to give it a fresh summoning mechanic.
The Skill need many improvements, because at the moment, it is only an AA pet which easily get stuck in CC effects.
Would be cool if the Reaper have an AOE that trigger on death and single target skills, which deals curse damage or DOT enemies.
Edited by Kazara, 14 June 2017 - 01:36 PM.