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[GUIDE] Wizard for PvM

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#1 TheMilkshake


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 10:19 AM

Welcome to my Wizard guide! If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a reply!

I'm not an expert, but this guide will hopefully help the newb wizards out there.
Thanks for the following players for expanding this guide: mentalmidget, DexRain, Krispin, 1199150630192304937, nmccaa, Pixelakaroxi.

Table of Contents
1.0 Stats

1.1 Overview

1.2 Builds

1.2.1 The Survival Wizard

1.2.2 The Glasscannon Wizard

1.2.3 Pixelakaroxi's Wizard

2.0 Equipment

2.1 Overview

2.1.1 Upper Headgear

2.1.2 Middle Headgear

2.1.3 Lower Headgear

2.1.4 Weapon

2.1.5 Shield

2.1.6 Armour

2.1.7 Garment

2.1.8 Footwear

2.1.9 Accessory

2.2 Refining

3.0 Skills

3.1 Overview

3.2 Builds

3.2.1 The Quagmire Wizard

3.2.2 The Safety Wall Wizard

3.2.3 The Ice Wall Wizard

3.2.4 Pixelakaroxi's Wizard

4.0 Leveling

4.1 Fire Wall Wizard

5.0 Appendix

5.1 Vertical Fire Wall

5.2 Cast Time


1.1 Overview

  • STR: Increases weight limit. The only other way to do so is buying Gym Passes and use them at Ripped Callus. Every Gym Pass increases it by 200 and it can be increased up to level 10. (500 Kafra Points)
  • AGI: It doesn't affect anything we need. Some people like to have it for the extra FLEE but I wouldn't bother with increasing it.
  • VIT: MaxHP, healing items' effectiveness and most importantly, status resistances! Having a high VIT might seem superfluous, but a dead Wizard deals 0 damage. If you want to be more of a glasscannon, put more on DEX instead of VIT.
  • INT: Our main stat, 1.5 MATK and 1% SP per INT, and so on. Max it first.
  • DEX: It decreases the cast time and gives 0.2 MATK per DEX. (See 5.2 Cast Time)
  • LUK: 0.33 MATK per LUK, slightly increases resistance against status alignments and gives 1 Perfect Dodge for every 10 LUK. It's our cheap way of getting 10~13 MATK and some bonus survivability.

1.2.1 The Survival Wizard

  • STR 9
  • AGI 1
  • VIT 60~70
  • INT 91~99
  • DEX 50~70
  • LUK 30~40

This Wizard won't get hit by every status alignment and it'll surely not die by one hit. You won't be able to tank MVPs as our equipment still lacks of DEF but you'll have time to use potions.

1.2.2 The Glasscannon Wizard

  • STR 9
  • AGI 1
  • VIT 29
  • INT 91~99
  • DEX 89
  • LUK 20~30

This build is what its title says. You'll have around +10% cast time reduction, but -1,000 HP, half as much HardDEF, -2 Perfect Dodge and -30% status resistances.
1.2.3. Pixelakaroxi's Wizard

  • STR 1~9
  • AGI 1
  • VIT 40~50
  • INT 80
  • DEX 70~75
  • LUK 1~20

A well-balanced build. Enough VIT to survive one-shot spells for the cost of a little SP, damage and casting time.


2.1 Overview

Any time you can take INT over DEX, take INT. If you can't take INT, take DEX. If you can't take either, take HP, MDEF, Resistance, DEF (in this order).

2.1.1 Upper Headgear

  • Ramen Hat: 4 DEX, 3 DEF. Obtainable from the Silvervine NPCs.
  • Tiara: 2 INT, 7 DEF.
  • Apple of Archer: 3 DEX, 1 DEF.

2.1.2 Middle Headgear

  • Purple Glasses: 5% Blind resistance, 2 DEF.

2.1.3 Lower Headgear

  • Gangster Mask: 15% Silence resistance.
  • Flu Mask: 10% Silence resistance.

2.1.4 Weapon

  • Evil Bone Wand[0]: 4 INT, 110 MATK.
  • Arc Wand[2]: 3 INT, 95 MATK.
  • Staff[2]: 2 INT, 70 MATK. Starter weapon for the wealthier players (9,500z).
  • Rod[3]: 30 MATK. Starter weapon, buyable from any Weapon Merchants (50z).

Weapon Cards

  • Drops Card (+1 DEX)
  • Fabre Card (+1 VIT, +100 HP)

2.1.5 Shield

  • Memory Book[0]: 1 INT, 2 MDEF, 25 DEF. Slottable.
  • Guard[1]: 20 DEF.

Shield Cards

  • Andre Egg Card (+5% HP)
  • Medusa Card (Immunity to Stone Curse)
  • Horn Card (+35% Ranged Damage Reduction)

2.1.6 Armour

  • Silk Robe[1]: 20 DEF, 10 MDEF. I prefer 10 MDEF over 10 DEF since it's more likely we'll die by a spell than a melee attack.
  • Formal Suit[1]: 40 DEF.
  • Mink Coat[1]: 30 DEF.
  • Novice Adventurer Suit[1]: 45 DEF. Not upgradable.

Armour Cards

  • Elemental Cards
  • Pupa Card (+700 HP)
  • Peco Peco Card (+10% HP)
  • Marc Card (Immunity to Freeze)
  • Evil Druid Card (Undead Property, +1 INT, +1 DEF)

2.1.7 Garment

  • Ragamuffin Manteau[0]: 1 DEF, 10 MDEF. Wait until Survivor's Manteau get released, don't bother with getting slotted garments.
  • Muffler[1]: 8 DEF.

2.1.8 Footwear

  • Shoes[1]: 10 DEF.
  • Crystal Pumps[0]: 5 LUK, 5 DEF, 10 MDEF.

Footgear Cards

  • Sohee Card (+15% SP, +3% SP Recovery)
  • Miyabi Doll Card (+10% SP)
  • Eggyra Card (+15% SP Recovery)

2.1.9 Accessory

  • Earring[1]: 1 INT.
  • Glove[1]: 1 DEX.
  • Clip[1]: 10 SP. Your go-to accessory for Healing, Hiding and Teleport Clips.
  • Earring[0]: 2 INT.
  • Glove[0]: 2 DEX.

Accessory Cards

  • Creamy Card (Enables Level 1 Teleport)
  • Phen Card (Skill casting cannot be interrupted, +25% Casting Time)
  • Smokie Card (Enables Level 1 Hiding)
  • Vitata Card (Enables Level 1 Heal, +25% SP consumption)
  • Zerom Card (+3 DEX)

2.2 Refining

Don't forget to refine whatever you can! DEF is extremely important with the renewal mechanics and you'll die sooner than you'd expect. Since we follow the Renewal refinement system, weapons gain MATK with each upgrade level, so up those staves! You can get Enriched Elunium/Oridecon from the Silvervine NPCs.


3.1 Overview

Before you do anything, head over to this page and start making your Wizard skill tree. If this is your first Wizard, then there are only two core skills you have to get from the Mage job: Fire Wall level 10 and Sight level 1. Other than that, pick skills that'll help you in your Wizard career.

In my opinion, there are two things you have to focus on as a Wizard:

  • AoE damage (you must max at least two: Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion and Meteor Storm; preferably all three)
  • Survivability (you must take at least one: Quagmire, Safety Wall or Ice Wall; preferably only one)

Other than that, put on whatever you think it'll be useful. As a Mage, max Fire Bolt and Fire Wall or Soul Strike first for leveling, then pick your path! The following builds are just example builds, not builds you should strictly follow.

3.2 Builds

3.2.1 The Quagmire Wizard

Build: http://irowiki.org/~...KnndodqabcKHxgK

My personal favourite: the party oriented wizard. It has all three AoEs maxed, it lacks of Safety Wall and Ice Wall, but it makes up for it with Quagmire. It has Cold Bolt and Jupitel Thunder on level 10, making it excellent against single targets too. 5 points in Increase SP Recovery helps maintaining its SP.

3.2.2 The Safety Wall Wizard

Build: http://irowiki.org/~...eAoXfNdn1cKGKhX

This build is NOT recommended for someone without money and/or patience as it heavily relies on the usage of Safety Wall (which costs blue gemstones). Instead of Fire Ball and Fire Wall it has a maxed Soul Strike, making leveling easier in the beginning. Water Ball is a very situational spell (though it'll be very useful once we have ninjas) but if it can be used, it hurts a lot. If you don't want to take Water Ball, either max out Cold Bolt or relocate 1 skill point from Increase SP Recovery to Stone Curse and get Ice Wall level 5.

3.2.3 The Ice Wall Wizard

Build: http://irowiki.org/~...fknndodn1HXGKgK

My second favourite build as I prefer Quagmire (Ice Wall is pretty limited) but still very useful. As it has 2 extra points in the Wizard tree, there are various ways you can relocate your points. You can either take Increase SP Recovery level 7 or Jupitel Thunder level 7. Ice wall is disabled in dungeons but usable on MVP maps.
3.2.4 Pixelakaroxi's Wizard
Build: http://irowiki.org/~...noXbodqaflAaXak
It has 1 Mage and 18 Wizard points left. It doesn't max out Meteor Storm and Lord of Vermillion because these spells are unlikely to one-hit monsters, instead it controls them with Storm Gust and uses Jupitel Thunder for damage. Heaven's Drive is used against Wind mobs, while Water mobs can be controlled by Ice Wall (Quagmire in dungeons) and Jupitel Thunder. Because of JT has no delay, it's pretty spammable unlike LoV. Quagmire can be used for extra slow (or where Ice Wall doesn't work). Safety Wall is for... well, safety reasons.

4.0 Leveling

This section needs leveling guides for 1) Wizards who did not take Fire Wall (and went for Soul Strike instead) and 2) party leveling.

4.1 Fire Wall Wizard


  • Training Grounds (do all 4 quests for free stuff + do the personality test for a free starter weapon; get 9 DEX; hit things until you get Fire Bolt level 2)


  • Mandragora (Prontera one east, one north; immobile monsters; put all points on INT; stay until your Fire Bolt hits 920+)


  • Wolves (Payon two south; keep Strawberries and Meat for recovery; Wolf Card is good for selling)
  • Flora (Prontera one east, two north; immobile monsters; care for Argiopes)


  • Orc Warriors and Ladies (warp from Prontera to Orc Village; practice Fire Wall here; keep Earring)
  • Greatest Generals (Payon two east or Payon two east one south; immobile monsters; go there if you maxed Cold Bolt; keep Authoritative Badge)


  • Argiope (Prontera two north; use vertical Fire Wall + Fire Bolt; keep Rough Elunium and Boots[1])
  • Geographers (Juno one south one east; bring fly wings to teleport away from Demon Pungus)


  • Clock (Clock Tower F2; use vertical Fire Wall; keep Lemon, Elunium and the Keys)
  • Zenorc (Orc Dungeon level 2; get a mobber; keep the Rough Oridecon)
  • PARTY: Toy Factory (Aldebaran -> Lutie -> Toy Factory; join a party, care for Cruisers)


  • Alarm (Clock Tower F3; use vertical Fire Wall and AoE; keep Oridecon, Clip[1] and Key of Clock Tower)
  • Glast Heim Prison (Watch out for Hunter Flies; keep Rough Oridecon, Oridecon, Elunium, Damascus[2], Steel, Iron Cain)
  • PARTY: High Orc (Clock Tower basement; keep Rough Oridecon and Steel)


  • Stalactic Golem (Comodo one north; keep Elunium, Rough Elunium and Great Nature)
  • Sting (Glast Heim Culvert F3; keep Glove[1], Great Nature)
  • PARTY: Niflheim Field 1 (Comodo -> Umbala -> Yggdrassil Tree; keep Ragamuffin Manteau and Rough Oridecon)


  • Magma Dungeon (Juno one south one east; use Storm Gust; keep Mastela Fruit, Rough Oridecon, Rough Elunium, Alcohol, Full Plate[0], Full Plate[1], Magma Fist[3], White Herb)
  • Anolian (Comodo two east one north; if you have a mobber, use LoV, if not, JT; keep Oridecon, Royal Jelly, Brooch[1])


5.1 Vertical Fire Wall

It's EXTREMELY important to learn its usage (unless you go with the Safety Wall build). Check YouTube for guides.

5.2 Cast Time

Re:Start has a modified cast time. We use the Renewal cast time formula with the fixed cast time removed.

The cast time formula without modifiers (x is the spell's base casting time):

x * (1 - SQRT[(DEX * 2 + INT) / 530])

Cast time for a Level 10 Storm Gust with 99 INT and without job bonuses:

30 DEX = 54.9%
40 DEX = 58.2%
50 DEX = 61.4%
60 DEX = 64.4%
70 DEX = 67.2%
99 DEX = 74.9%

It's an almost linear curve, but above 60 DEX the difference for every 10 DEX becomes lower than 3%. For this reason I'd go for 50~60 base DEX as we get +6 DEX on max level and we can get 4 DEX from equipment (i.e. Ramen Hat). It's all about preference, though, with the removed fixed casting time, DEX is still great.

If you're more of a team oriented player spamming SG, LoV and MS, I'd get 60 DEX and focus on raw damage. If you prefer to solo, get 70+.

Edited by TheMilkshake, 21 July 2017 - 04:22 AM.

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#2 mentalmidget


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 10:50 AM

i don't think it is worth getting more than ~91 int

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#3 TheMilkshake


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 10:58 AM

i don't think it is worth getting more than ~91 int



What else would you put those points on?

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#4 mentalmidget


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 11:09 AM

dex or vit, depending what you are using the wizard for.


88 stat points for 12 matk is just an awful investment



for a pvm build, i would go 91 int, 30 total luck and rest dex i think, maybe ~20 vit because the points are so cheap as well.

Edited by mentalmidget, 14 July 2017 - 11:11 AM.

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#5 DexRain


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 11:29 AM

Hmm, I may end up dropping dex to 70 this time around for more vit, this would be my first wizard that isn't a 99 int/dex build.


Good leveling guide for beginners, although you can realistically start on Argiopes as soon as you have firewall 10 and I've been in clock tower since lvl 45 and moved to alarms once I got SG10.



GH Prison 1 is a solid late game soloing map as well, good exp and loot (Oridecon from Rybio and Elunium from Zombie Prisoners)

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#6 Exuro


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 11:32 AM

Doesn't INT also reduce cast time? What's the cast formula for classic revo btw?

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Posted 14 July 2017 - 11:51 AM

Doesn't INT also reduce cast time? What's the cast formula for classic revo btw?

0 info on that end, sadly. I have a Mage with 10 dex and 70 casting a level 10 Firebolt at about 0.75 sec. I don't think dex helps a lot with cast time.


But then again, everything is pure speculation at this point.

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#8 TheMilkshake


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 11:54 AM

dex or vit, depending what you are using the wizard for.
88 stat points for 12 matk is just an awful investment
for a pvm build, i would go 91 int, 30 total luck and rest dex i think, maybe ~20 vit because the points are so cheap as well.


Fair, those points can go into VIT - but my VIT is generally high so I prefer that +1-2% SP with at least 94 and getting the rest from the equips. I don't see the point in putting it on DEX, you get a maximum of 6% cast reduction, it's barely noticeable (whereas 1-2% SP is one or two more spells).
Anyways, I changed the stats part so 99 INT doesn't look mandatory. :)

Good leveling guide for beginners, although you can realistically start on Argiopes as soon as you have firewall 10 and I've been in clock tower since lvl 45 and moved to alarms once I got SG10.

GH Prison 1 is a solid late game soloing map as well, good exp and loot (Oridecon from Rybio and Elunium from Zombie Prisoners)

Ah yes you can, definitely. I've been rotting there for longer than I'd admit. :lol: I added GH Prison to the list.

Doesn't INT also reduce cast time? What's the cast formula for classic revo btw?

It does, see 5.2 Cast Time for the formula or look here (and disregard the fixed casting time part)!

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#9 Krispin2


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 01:29 PM

Just a few things.


Magic weapons don't have 15% matk but their own amount of matk. (its to make up for int not giving as much in classic and to get everyone to stop using those darn four slotted drops staffs)

They also follow upgrade rules with matk.


The other thing is, you left out the best mage armor in the game.

The novice adventurer's suit!

45 def, no weight and a card slot, there really isn't much out there better for a wiz, certainly not easily obtainable anyways.

Edited by Krispin2, 14 July 2017 - 01:30 PM.

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#10 Ashhen


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 05:15 PM

Whats a good zone for a party  at @60+ and I mean a party not those party like on toy factory where everyone got kill alone XDD

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#11 RikazuNiiChan


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 05:42 PM

Whats a good zone for a party  at @60+ and I mean a party not those party like on toy factory where everyone got kill alone XDD

Have you guys tried High Orcs? I think it's pretty doable at that levels and exp is pretty moderate. I believe they are Fire, so SG all the way.

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#12 TheMilkshake


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 10:59 PM

Just a few things.
Magic weapons don't have 15% matk but their own amount of matk. (its to make up for int not giving as much in classic and to get everyone to stop using those darn four slotted drops staffs)
They also follow upgrade rules with matk.
The other thing is, you left out the best mage armor in the game.
The novice adventurer's suit!
45 def, no weight and a card slot, there really isn't much out there better for a wiz, certainly not easily obtainable anyways.


Thank you for the correction. Frankly, I didn't find any information whether they still give % or flat MATK and whether the refinement system is Renewal or not, so this is a huge help. I switched Arc Wand and Evil Bone Wand, because Evil Bone Wand outclasses it (the two being on the same weapon level but EBW gives more flat MATK and INT.) I also added this info to the refinement section.

Added Novice Adventurer Suit to the list. :)

Whats a good zone for a party at @60+ and I mean a party not those party like on toy factory where everyone got kill alone XDD

I'd try High Orcs too or Nifhleim if you're brave.

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#13 Gabriel92MS


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 10:09 AM

In armor, do not forget formal suit. Btw good job with your guide.


PS: Is ice wall not disabled on mvp maps in renew?

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#14 TheMilkshake


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 09:04 AM

In armor, do not forget formal suit. Btw good job with your guide.


PS: Is ice wall not disabled on mvp maps in renew?


I totally forgot about Formal Suit, thanks for the tip, I added it. I added 3 more places to go with a party (60 and above).


It should be disabled but I haven't tested it, I'll go for quagmire instead. :)

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#15 JackBad


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 09:11 AM

Thank you for this awesome guide!

Helped me a lot.  :p_laugh:

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#16 TheMilkshake


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 09:22 AM

Thank you for this awesome guide!

Helped me a lot.  :p_laugh:


Thank you, it's good to hear!! :happy:

Edited by TheMilkshake, 16 July 2017 - 09:22 AM.

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#17 Blueness


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 10:15 AM

I'd still go 99 int on a wizard. You're also trying to hit regen points and your job after all is to do damage!


If you want to throw it in your guide, SP regen is 1 tick every 6 INT with a bonus 2 ticks at 120, and 1 tick every 2 INT after 120 with a bonus every 6.


Meteor Storm is useless in PVM/WoE without strings, except in special cases.


Also, the novice adventurers suit is character bound so don't put anything expensive in it you want to share with something else!

Edited by Blueness, 16 July 2017 - 10:17 AM.

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#18 tings


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 10:19 AM

Could you do more guides like these for another classes?

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#19 Gabriel92MS


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 11:42 AM

The configuration may be with renewal mechanics, but the classes remain 2-1. When I played old it already had 2-2, and I remember meteor storm being spammed in the pre cast. I'll bring something that someone said in another post.




Yeah I think some people are just looking at renewal stuff and saying "this wasnt useful in renewal and this uses renewal mechanics, so it clearly isn't good here" or vice versa.

Meteor storm for example was terrible in renewal, not because the spell was made worse but because crimson rock completely replaced it and the increased stats from third job meant everyone was running around with 100 vit making the stun mechanic of meteor useless as well.

Neither of these are the case on this server, except for maybe knights and priests.



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#20 nmccaa


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 12:04 PM

Once you have Firebolt 5 you can probably move on to Floras (1 map north of Mandragoras, just watch out for the Argiopes) until you can do Geographers.  For the thief bugs there you can hit and run with Firebolt 3-5.

Edited by nmccaa, 16 July 2017 - 12:05 PM.

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#21 TheMilkshake


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Posted 17 July 2017 - 11:02 PM

I'd still go 99 int on a wizard. You're also trying to hit regen points and your job after all is to do damage!


If you want to throw it in your guide, SP regen is 1 tick every 6 INT with a bonus 2 ticks at 120, and 1 tick every 2 INT after 120 with a bonus every 6.


Meteor Storm is useless in PVM/WoE without strings, except in special cases.


Also, the novice adventurers suit is character bound so don't put anything expensive in it you want to share with something else!


I'm tempted to go 99 INT too, I just love getting as many INT I can get. :rice:


Could you do more guides like these for another classes?


I'm only versed in playing Wizard and Priest, so I don't think I'm good enough to write guides for other classes! However, Blueness is maintaining a subpage of iROwiki, dedicated to Re:Start. There're a few guides already and they're working hard to write/collect more.


Once you have Firebolt 5 you can probably move on to Floras (1 map north of Mandragoras, just watch out for the Argiopes) until you can do Geographers.  For the thief bugs there you can hit and run with Firebolt 3-5.


I totally forgot about Floras, I was too eager to get those Strawberries. I added it to the guide!


Added Muffler[1] for those who want a slotted Garment.

Edited by TheMilkshake, 17 July 2017 - 11:02 PM.

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#22 DimmyPriest


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Posted 19 July 2017 - 05:25 AM

Is it true that ice wall is disabled in MvPs maps? I wanted to create a wizzard with ice wall for MvP hunt but if that is true, wizzard is really kind of useless for soloing MvPs in this server
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#23 Pixelakaroxi


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Posted 19 July 2017 - 11:58 AM

Is it true that ice wall is disabled in MvPs maps? I wanted to create a wizzard with ice wall for MvP hunt but if that is true, wizzard is really kind of useless for soloing MvPs in this server

That is true and false. Ice Wall seems to be disabled in dungeons only. Meaning that you wont be able to use it while hunting Maya for example, but you will be able to use it vs Orc Hero.
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#24 Pixelakaroxi


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Posted 19 July 2017 - 12:12 PM

If I may say something about the skill builds.

My go to build is:

No firewall.
Maxed safety wall.
Maxed firebolt.
5 cold bolt.
Either maxed or 5 frost diver.
Optional stone curse.
Whatevers left to unlock wiz skills.

Maxed SG
Maxed heavens drive
Maxed JT
Lvl3 quag
Lvl2 or 3 ice wall
Rest is whatever i feel could be cool.

And id never bother maxing out LoV or Meteor Storm. Why? Because you most likely wont be able to 1 shot anything higher level with those 2 and they lack the mob control SG gives. Well MS does stun the monsters but not 100% guaranteed.
You cant kill it: just control it with SG, freeze it and JT the -_- out of it. Heavens drive helps with wind mobs which dont rly get hurt with sg. Water mobs youll control by spamming your JT and Ice wall, jt has no delay almost and is really quick to cast, so why bother with LoV. Combination of quagmire and IceWall will slow the monsters sufficiently enough for you to freeze them with storm gust and start picking them out safely without using even 1 potion or even the need for a phen card, which gives you 3 more dex from a 2nd zerom card.

I know it sounds weird but thats a build ive always used and it works great both solo farming, mvping, and in party.

Max 80 int
70dex maybe a bit more
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#25 Nomah


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Posted 19 July 2017 - 07:17 PM

5.2 Cast Time

Re:Start has a modified cast time. We use the Renewal cast time formula with the fixed cast time removed.

The cast time formula without modifiers (x is the spell's base casting time):

x * (1 - SQRT[(DEX * 2 + INT) / 530])

Cast time for a Level 10 Storm Gust with 99 INT and without job bonuses:

30 DEX = 54.9%
40 DEX = 58.2%
50 DEX = 61.4%
60 DEX = 64.4%
70 DEX = 67.2%
99 DEX = 74.9%

It's an almost linear curve, but above 60 DEX the difference for every 10 DEX becomes lower than 3%. For this reason I'd go for 50~60 base DEX as we get +6 DEX on max level and we can get 4 DEX from equipment (i.e. Ramen Hat). It's all about preference, though, with the removed fixed casting time, DEX is still great.

If you're more of a team oriented player spamming SG, LoV and MS, I'd get 60 DEX and focus on raw damage. If you prefer to solo, get 70+.


Are you confirming that there is no fixed cast time? Thanks for the guide

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