do you guys not have SP regeneration issues with such low INT? I have 95 base int and eggyra card and still struggle with SP regen while solo

Best Wizard Builds (Stat-Wise) for RE:START?
Posted 30 July 2017 - 04:57 AM
Posted 29 August 2017 - 02:54 AM
I do.. I always bring strawberries with me.
Posted 29 August 2017 - 03:46 AM
Grab luk whenever every 9 points in luk cost less than 2 points in int. (9 luk = 3 matk, 2 int = 3 matk).
Nah, dont do that. Luk only affects MATK. INT affects MATK, MAX SP + MDEF, SP REGEN + reduced Casttime.
for LUK i would recommened to grab some cheap matk while luk costing only 2 points. no more luk needed.
i would do high int. you want to hurt and also get many stats immunity trhough int. high vit, medium dex. high dex is waste. check this out:
Posted 29 August 2017 - 04:59 AM
this server has the biggest benefit on having cheap blue pots in WoE Advance Boxes regardless of if you buy them with either Silvervines (aka zeny) or by Kafra Points.
There's honestly no reason to be struggling with SP at all when cheap blue pots are available.
Posted 29 August 2017 - 09:46 AM
Even with 130 INT I have SP issues but I'll blame energy coat for that.
Posted 29 August 2017 - 03:50 PM
I think 99 int is the most valuable stat for a wiz int increases mdef damage(1.5) sp regen and max sp and cast time, agi isnt going to help you in woe(waste in pvm since wiz has the toolkit to avoid direct contact), 71-81 dex is enough and the rest into vit maybe 11-12 luck to help with status effects and some damage but there isnt much agi str and luck does for a wizard overall, so 99 int is still a viable option. And dex does add damage/mdef as well 1 per 5 but the benefits are great increase attack speed (animation delay) cast time.
Edited by RadicalFanatic, 29 August 2017 - 03:56 PM.
Posted 30 August 2017 - 07:11 AM
Personally having a 99 Wiz on this server and multiple 99 Wizards/HWs on the other iRO Servers, if I had the chance to rebuild stats on this server specifically (now that I understand that on this server Gears really make or break your damage more than stats) I would have lowered my Int from 99 > 87.
It's not that 99 Int is bad, it's that the 12 stat points invested from 87 > 99, doesn't justify the current MATK scale being worth it. Sure I will be doing more damage at 99 Int, but the scale different right now with a good weapon looks to be roughly around 2% more damage. It's basically within the realm of not seeing a difference of being able to kill a monster within the same amount of hits to kill (for example SG will still require x hit to kill y regardless of if it was 87 Int or 99 Int).
* You can always test this btw with having Bless/Int Food and not having either or both. The difference on INT is really minuscule in regards to damage until we get higher end weapons which won't be coming out until much after past Trans age.
Current Wiz Build myself ends up being like this on Restart. You are a WoE Built Wiz.
87 Int
86 Vit
60 Dex
11 Luk
and yes it still takes the same amount of SGs to kill x monster. As we get better updates for maps/drops however that you will see a difference of casting 1 less SG depending on higher end weapons that become available in the later stages. (however this is something you guys all should not be worrying about as at this point, we will be HWs and current stats on Wiz thus becoming irrelevant as we start over our stats)
Posted 06 October 2017 - 05:31 AM
Why the hell would you heavily invest in VIT when the returns are so low for Mage class.going from 40-50 vit gives you like ~300 hp. Unless you are building to WOE, you only need to balance INT, DEX, and VIT.
99 int
80 dex
53 vit
Is probably the most efficient stat build for Re:start.
53+1 vit gives you >5k base hp.
99 int for 120 int sp regen bonus
80 dex because the benefits past this are very diminished
Get yourself a Soul Staff and you will be dealing 3.5k dps JTs on Anolians with a 1.6s cast time UNBUFFED. To put this into perspective, other classes have to spend tens of millions of Zeny on weapons, be buffed, and have an endow slave to output this kind of single target damage....and don't forget you're a Wizard so you have the best AOEs in the game.
Adding VIT is not the answer...Cards and Skills (Safety Wall/FW/Quag/etc) are what keeps you alive.
Posted 14 October 2017 - 05:37 PM
Why the hell would you heavily invest in VIT when the returns are so low for Mage class.going from 40-50 vit gives you like ~300 hp. Unless you are building to WOE, you only need to balance INT, DEX, and VIT.
99 int
80 dex
53 vit
Is probably the most efficient stat build for Re:start.
53+1 vit gives you >5k base hp.
99 int for 120 int sp regen bonus
80 dex because the benefits past this are very diminished
Get yourself a Soul Staff and you will be dealing 3.5k dps JTs on Anolians with a 1.6s cast time UNBUFFED. To put this into perspective, other classes have to spend tens of millions of Zeny on weapons, be buffed, and have an endow slave to output this kind of single target damage....and don't forget you're a Wizard so you have the best AOEs in the game.
Adding VIT is not the answer...Cards and Skills (Safety Wall/FW/Quag/etc) are what keeps you alive.
Ever heard of Dancer in Woe?
Posted 04 November 2017 - 05:21 AM
Maxing a stat these days doesn't seem favorable. You are better off reaching a high cap (like 80~90 perhaps) and getting the gears you need to compensate for such diminishing returns. That is the charm of renewal these days. You are better off improving your gear than maxing out your stats, so balancing out (cookie cutting) seems more profitable in the end. It's sad because it took away the brilliance and magic of going for a specific build or profile.
Edited by Arkghyom, 04 November 2017 - 05:21 AM.
Posted 08 November 2017 - 08:39 PM
soo... its officcial there is no more insta cast ? no matter if u get 150 dex 120 int?
Posted 11 January 2018 - 01:11 AM
soo... its officcial there is no more insta cast ? no matter if u get 150 dex 120 int?
If there is an amount of fixed cast time then no instant.
My Wiz build will be:
98+12 Int (120 with bless)
74+06 Dex
59+01 Vit
10+02 Luk
03+01 Str
01+08 Agi
Without euip:
5200 HP
1890 SP
81 Def
160 Mdef
209 MATK
Posted 11 January 2018 - 01:52 AM
Keep in mind that you must hit 100 vit with Stats+Buffs+Foods+Bonus on any class for WoE to gain immunity.
It is not optional.
87 Int
86 Vit
60 Dex
11 Luk
That's a good build but I would not rely on 1 hour buff to reach 100 vit.
I personally would kick some one from guild for going back to the npc to get the buff when they should be in the precast line helping defend. Our wizard line must have 100 vit without the 1 hour buff so that they can precast the full 2 hours.
Posted 03 April 2018 - 04:20 AM
Fixed Cast Time doesnt exists on RE:Start, as already stated a lot of times over many threads
Could you point me, where it was stated?
Posted 03 April 2018 - 05:49 AM
what about high wiz stats and cast time's
Posted 17 April 2018 - 07:25 AM
Could you point me, where it was stated?
Here are places it can be found on the web! (I've just copied and pasted the relevant content from those pages, which is why the formatting is inconsistent.)
How is the gameplay different from the existing servers?
Ragnarok RE:START removes the level difference penalty from Renewal and rebalances all first and second class skills after cast delay timers.
- Cast Times (Modified to remove FIXED cast)
- The fixed cast time found in traditional Renewal has been removed for the time being, making it possible to get faster casting than you would see on Renewal with the same amount of dex, but it is still not wise to max dex on a caster assuming you’ll eventually be able to cast instantly.
Hope that helps!
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