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System report

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#1 GokuBlackBR


    Amateur Blogger

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Posted 04 August 2017 - 11:04 AM

Hello friends of the forum.
I would like to talk about an important subject.
The game reporting system has a small flaw.
I'm gonna explain:
When a player receives a certain number of reports, he automatically gains a 24-hour ban.
As ping is not equal for everyone creating what we call lag with this people end up doing unfair reports.
So now we have good players being banned for 24 hours for too much reporting.
I do not think that's the ideal way to deal with it.
Remembering that a player group can join and make several reports so that the other player is banned for 24 hours.
24 hours is a full day and you miss a day of play because of false reports is unfortunate.
I would suggest shortening the punishment time to 2 hours.
So the player can return to the game hours later.
The team could continue to evaluate the bans smoothly and no one would be left unplayed for 24 hours unfairly.
Please, we need a lot of change because the system is currently weak and this is causing a lot of good players to lose playing time.
Last week this happened to me and the last few days with my friends.
I have a channel on youtube, I help promote the game and everything I do is recorded and shown publicly and even then I also suffer from false reports.
So imagine people who do not have the opportunity to show themselves playing? They really have no way to defend themselves.
So please review the reporting system and shorten the punishment time, I'll ask other players to come here to comment on your opinion.
Thank you for the space.

Edited by GokuBlackBR, 04 August 2017 - 12:43 PM.

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