Eventually when I train my Hunter up, sounds like fun. I love it when DS Hunters use traps as much as DS, always fun to watch or do. Used to have fun dropping a Shockwave trap right before a Champ Gfists and watch them die shortly after they failed to kill lol. Wait until the divest armor card comes out and it'll be quite a lot of fun. Ice Traps for days with wind arrow.
Though honestly I can speak from experience, people from strong guilds aren't usually strong. They just have a strong leader that coordinates the guild properly to take and defend castles. There's usually only about 5~8 people in the top 3 guilds that's worth talking about. So again, I don't think he's a bad Hunter in fact I already said that I think he's a good one. I also stated that it was fun to watch which entertainment is the whole purpose of making videos isn't it? I still think those players he fought against are mostly average at best.
Though you should take what I say with a grain of salt, I have no credentials on this server. Nobody knows who I am nor should they because I'm from the 2009 era. Only very specific veterans that I've fought against or fought with would remember me. Kinda wish I didn't delete all my RO screens and videos a few years back though, didn't think I'd ever be back on the game again lol.
Bro you mind dropping your IGN at least?
Mine is J891011
His is I don't miss
maybe we can run a couple of games?
VVS weapons doesn't give you 100% hit dmg anymore. And again... even if they stun me, i would only get stunned for less than 1 sec. I'd have my shield up also if that ever happens to me.
Most people post a lot on the forums thinking they know what they're talking about, but really bad in game. If other players were in my shoes during those pvp sessions, the outcome wouldn't be the same.
Hit me up if you're 99 and fully geared. You'd be an average player to me.
Sure thing, in like a while from now lol. Not making excuses but I do have a lot of stuff to take care IRL first, RO is a secondary thing until everything settles then I'll be working on my Hunter. I would expect it to be a while to fully gear him but I plan to eventually before trans come out. Like I said though take what I say with a grain of salt from earlier, I have no credentials in current RO age, only back in 2009~2011. Right now I'm as average as anyone else until I find the time to finish my Hunter. I'll pm you my name when that time comes, hopefully within a month or two at latest.
But yeah I'll be down for that. Having fun in PvP is well quite fun, I'll be looking forward to it.
I am fond of hunter vs hunter battles. I have been on it since 2006. If you need stuff I am willing to lend you equips so we can get things going. It's always fun for me because I believe these hunter duels require the most skill. I think it is on par with monk duels because there are lots of different elements and dimensions to it.
In this server, I think hunters are still the kings of the PVP rooms despite the debut of the monk class. The casting time changes post renewal just made it a lot easier to hide against EF even with ruwach LMAO.
I am fond of hunter vs hunter battles. I have been on it since 2006. If you need stuff I am willing to lend you equips so we can get things going. It's always fun for me because I believe these hunter duels require the most skill. I think it is on par with monk duels because there are lots of different elements and dimensions to it.
In this server, I think hunters are still the kings of the PVP rooms despite the debut of the monk class. The casting time changes post renewal just made it a lot easier to hide against EF even with ruwach LMAO.
Yeah it's unbelievably easy to counter monks/champs. Back in Valkyrie most Hunter/Snipers didn't know how to counter because of Pneuma. There are so many ways to counter it as any Archer class but most people just run from it for w/e reasons. You have shockwave/skid/sleep traps(assuming no Nightmare card which they usually don't, won't sleep them long but enough to set up a series of traps) or curse+stun arrow combinations through pneuma(unless it's changed here, it didn't do damage while pneuma is up but status effect still happens) and wreck them. If at any point a status effect happens, shock wave them so it'll take them longer to retreat or do much of anything else.
High Priests was even easier to counter since they could only survive and link+holy light which I actually had access to Angeling card and if you didn't I suggest using Thara Card. Like Wickebine Tres Card+Thara strip their armor and play freeze the priest all day which combo'd again with Shockwave and repeated ice+shockwave gives them very little breathing room. Only the best of High Priests survived these and that's because of Ygg berries/seeds.
Then we have the Minstrel class which can use Jupitel Thunder and Tarrots(preferably with Soul Link), once their hat and shield is broken, it is smooth sailing. They usually had Valk armors so armor was out of the question. Jupitel Thunder was instant cast while using the guitar for it so Jupitel+Hide made short work of G-fist even when they carried Horong cards. Speaking of Horong Cards imo more Monk/Champs should hold Horong cards back then simply it has longer range than Ruwach and longer duration. SinX would generally EDP SB one to death(I know it's weak now it was deadly back then and Ruwach did a poor revealing until it was too late). As a Sniper I always carried one as Detect skill detected such a specific area, it was good against Frilldora G-fisters but not great against mobile SinX. It was always fun if the SinX fails to EDP SB the first time and I have sleep resist and they didn't. Just drop a trap while they're on top of me, sleep trap into myself which results in sleeping the SinX only. Then the whole Blast Mine stacking for funsies.
With all that said... thanks for the help suggestion, much appreciate it. Unfortunately it's more of a time thing than a gear thing, I'm sure I would be able to gather up some decent gear as long as I have time for it. I still play the market before work and after work for a little bit so by the time I had the time, I could utilize the zeny and finish up my Hunter faster.
P.S. - Speaking of deleted videos, I actually have two videos that I didn't delete lol. It's not of a Hunter but it's on a Sorcerer which for w/e reasons people always tried to find parties to level. They were perfectly capable of soloing but I rarely saw one that was willing to find the method to. Random solo PvE videos for the heck of it when I joined Renewal for 3 months. Trying something different was always fun, never was fond of party gramps TI. It's like come on guys! You are more than just SP transfer+side AoE. You had practically infinite SP(pair with Kaahi!), Energy Coat, and AoE. Everything was laid out for the Sorcerer class yet most still tried to party with randoms for trying to level up.