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Sage Build for PVM/MVP

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#1 Kelanio


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Posted 18 August 2017 - 05:32 AM

As title says, any helpful information on building stats as a starter mage and skills for a Sage PVM/MVP


I've seen guides on other forums but mostly for Chaos server so I don't know if they will fit in this server (considering the fact we dont have as much items as they do).


I'm starting it but I'm not very well funded =D

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#2 SettlerofCatan


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Posted 23 August 2017 - 06:03 AM

don't think you can kill MVPS on a sage. highly improbable... 

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#3 kitsunemimimode


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Posted 25 August 2017 - 11:53 PM

You aint killing any mvp as sage. Mayne once 3rd class comes out then you can solo any boss
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#4 Kelanio


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Posted 09 September 2017 - 03:33 PM

Well, if sages can't kill MVP, what about for support? any help on stats/skills?

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#5 3545170805134931257


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Posted 09 September 2017 - 04:07 PM

Sage is mainly for PvP. If you want to play PvM/MvP, you pick the wrong one.

Your build depends on if you soul linker or not. Without soul linker build, you need high AGI and INT.

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#6 weeko


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Posted 10 September 2017 - 08:45 AM

Sage for pvp sux as well, if u intend to kill ppl of course

I recomend a support build (if u like)

put vit until u get stun immunity

than go for cast reduction


but if u want to pvp or even pvm I recomend u to choose another class


sry about my poor english

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#7 Quoc


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Posted 10 September 2017 - 11:57 PM

A Sage is a major defensive PvP based class. They are annoying to deal with kinda like magical Rogues. They both lack the ability to kill but they provide something in PvP that every party wants at least one in there.


Until the third class comes out, they'll be stuck mostly in defensive support roles.

Edited by Quoc, 10 September 2017 - 11:58 PM.

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#8 KowalskiZapata


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Posted 11 September 2017 - 12:04 AM

Er, They as i rememeber are more suitied for WoE seeing as land cast? Or land protector? i dunno google it but basicly it stops AoE being casted in an Area, Sooooo as you run into the Emp room you quickly cast it on the entrance so wiz's cant spam SG on it and then your guild G's pour in ah ha. As for build more then likely just vit/dex with a bit of str to carry pots and int for sp.

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#9 Darkshadowzz


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Posted 16 September 2017 - 12:17 PM

I don't feel anyone is really offering you what you are asking for. Here's my attempt. Sage which is addressed as a pvp oriented class is true, however there are viable pvm paths. While my knowledge on the subject isn't top tier I can share with you a few ideas. For a pure woe support you're looking at 99 vit 99 dex for rebuffing enemies and deluge on precast. There are of course hybrid options like adding int to this build to be able to solo in the low levels about 70 int max. The pvm path is abit more flexible and revolves around two main builds. 1. Melee oriented build using a dagger or book which also focuses on your ability to cast bolt spells while meleeing. The other is your typical int/dex bulb but with sage aoe. What is unique about sage woe is that it can be cast while mobile so you do get additional survivablity while doing so. Hope this helps.
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#10 Seasmoke


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 09:51 AM

I'm going the Sage AoE route and I've been doing some numbers on the AoE spells. Basically our options are Fireball, Thunder Storm, and Heaven's Drive. It's possible to get all three maxed but it will use up virtually all your skill points. I'm getting all three anyway because my goal is to rush it to 99 so I can have it ready for rebirth and forget about it while I rush other things to 99. Realistically, no Priest wants to party with a Sage when there are so many Wizards available. However sometimes friends and guild mates will party with you anyway. Having all three AoEs will open up a bigger variety of leveling options for when those rare parties occur, which might help prevent me from getting bored. Anyway here's some of my findings. Some are common sense but some might be helpful.


Versus 2 or less targets a Level 10 bolt is always the most damage per SP. I judge damage per SP rather than damage per time because SP is my limiting factor. I don't have the zeny to spam strawberries. I put a few points in SP Recovery and I'm considering maxing it and skipping Freecast / Dragonology entirely. (Freecast is just a nice luxury that however can be a detriment when firewalling. And Dragonology gives a few INT but most damage comes from the weapon anyway.).


Versus 3 or more targets and a neutral monster like Alarm, Heaven's Drive gets the most damage per SP, Thunderstorm gets the least, and Fireball is in-between. I calc versus neutral element because if there is an elemental advantage it's always most efficient to use the appropriate element AoE. So Fireball the Stings, Thunder Storm the Anolians, Heaven's Drive the Dragon Tails and so on.


The best way to get SP efficiency and faster exp is to mob bigger. It's scary to mob 8+ things that can 1 shot you but if you learn how to dance around monsters chase AI it will speed up your leveling immensely.


If you want to skip one of the AoEs I would say consider the places you're most likely to get a party and how those party compositions work. For example there aren't many great places to use Thunderstrom. Maybe Byalan, Anolians and the Freezers in Turtle Island. However Thunder Storm synergies with Storm Gust so that's a consideration too. It's also our hardest hitting AoE which might be the difference between killing a big mob and just aggroing it onto yourself. Though unlikely, The INT from Dragonology may be the difference too, but I don't know enough about this server's mechanics to do those numbers with 3 INt precision.

Edited by Seasmoke, 29 September 2017 - 10:30 AM.

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#11 RealGarion


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 12:31 PM

I don't feel anyone is really offering you what you are asking for. Here's my attempt. Sage which is addressed as a pvp oriented class is true, however there are viable pvm paths. While my knowledge on the subject isn't top tier I can share with you a few ideas. For a pure woe support you're looking at 99 vit 99 dex for rebuffing enemies and deluge on precast. There are of course hybrid options like adding int to this build to be able to solo in the low levels about 70 int max. The pvm path is abit more flexible and revolves around two main builds. 1. Melee oriented build using a dagger or book which also focuses on your ability to cast bolt spells while meleeing. The other is your typical int/dex bulb but with sage aoe. What is unique about sage woe is that it can be cast while mobile so you do get additional survivablity while doing so. Hope this helps.


99 dex 99 vit for what exactly ?  Stun immunity is enough to aim for besided that , you should consider that int reduces cast time aswell ,the point you wasted in dex could easily be put in int and in if you done it right you have a lower cast time than you would have had with 99 dex.

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