Hello Dragon Saga Friends
There has been some confusion over our multi-client policy in the past. Please allow us to explain our policy as clearly as possible.
We do not allow multi-clienting of any kind, including using multiple devices. If we suspect that one person is controlling two or more characters by any means, we will take appropriate action up to permanent suspension of all involved accounts.
Our GMs can see associated accounts and will be testing characters they suspect to be involved in multi-clienting. Suspicious activity in PVP Zones, PotW Farm, Mission Maps, Fields, Dungeons or event stages or failure of the GM's test at any time will result in the team flagging the account as a 3rd party program user. This policy is at the discretion of our GM team.
As mentioned in our Terms of Service, it is strictly prohibited and will result in the suspension of the account.
We hope this clears up any misunderstandings.