LocalForum is a guild created by me, DRAssassin (Dr. Assassin) recently, around 3rd week of Aug 2017 a week after my character got created.
I'm recruiting members for my newly found guild. I plan to make this a Social Guild and be stronger as the time goes by.
As the name suggest, we work like a Forum. We assist newbies for their inquiries but not actually lending them real hand most of the time. You can ask for help though, but no forcing or spamming for help if no one is available.
Dragon Saga is an adventure, enjoy it! Learn from your mistakes and make it your weapon for the next event. **real reason is, I'm not pro yet! HAHA
I also plan to provide rewards to newb people who need gold for some jobs I need to be done. Imagine being a freelancer in Dragon Saga since I have long term goals with the game.
Loves Anime.
** If you watched Log Horizon, that is my inspiration and I have same the view/perspective for how a guild should be.
** Ofc.
Willing to Answer.
** Not willing to help? cause everyone is busy and I understand that. But you must be at least willing to answer inquiries from newbs.
Active in Chat
** When someone says "hi!", then answer "hello!"
RESPECT FOR WHAMEN~ I mean everyone!
No level required for this guild as I am not pro myself. But inactive players of more than a month will be automatically kicked. Feel free to apply after you get back online
Feel free to PM me here on forums or send me a mail in the Game for further inquiries.
Edited by 9851170220163549840, 27 August 2017 - 02:31 AM.