Greetings team! Many of you have contacted me to suggest themes or specific items for future lucky boxes. We've since been compiling them ourselves but now we can engage the community better than ever. Make your suggestions below! Our lucky boxes come in two forms at the moment. Regular and Advanced. We are always happy to take suggestions for future lucky boxes!
The regular boxes generally contain a larger assortment of items, but fewer high tier items.
Common 10% Drop Rate
Uncommon 5% Drop Rate
Consumables and upgrade equipment
Rare 3% Drop Rate
Temporary sets and equipment pieces or boxes
Legendary 1% Drop Rate
Permanent costume sets and rare weapons
The advanced boxes generally contain a smaller assortment of items, but much more rare and high tier items.
Uncommon 10% Drop Rate
Rare 5% Drop Rate
Legendary 2% Drop Rate
Permanent costume sets and rare weapons
I look forward to hearing your suggestions! Cheers!