As title says, im farming for ZENY, i made this hunter just to fund my future characters, i tried orcs and i had to keep using consumables and the zeny was worse then myst cases... Where can i lvl that won't be causing me to spam pots? Thanks in advance, Its been many years since i have played RO !

Where to farm... lvl 80 hunter still at toy factory
Posted 07 September 2017 - 02:53 AM
Posted 07 September 2017 - 03:15 AM
That's a pretty high level for toy factory. Maybe u can try Gonryun dungeon level 1. There are bots there though
Posted 07 September 2017 - 03:22 AM
How is the zeny there compared to toy factory? toy factory is also full of bots
Posted 07 September 2017 - 03:26 AM
You won't get far if you don't use consumables. Invest into a heal clip if you are willing to waste SP on that and sit. Best idea is to buy silvervine from people who are selling it and buy WoE pots . Its cheaper than buying from an NPC, and weigh less.
The other alternative is to dual client (no its not illegal to dual client), and make a priest.
Posted 07 September 2017 - 03:43 AM
i should have mentioned in title i have not farmed here all the way to 80, i was at orcs for a long time, but compared to a few lucky nights at toy factory the zeny was bad... but its bad here to, is there any suggestions that could be a little better then toy factory but not hurt a lot? I have a teleport clip and already sit way to much (reason for being falcon, not use SP) so healing clip is out of question, and my weight is horrible
Posted 07 September 2017 - 03:48 AM
Turtle Island besides that this would actually more a topic for the class forum...good luck
Posted 07 September 2017 - 08:44 AM
Try going to Clock Tower for Alarms or Clocks. You'll make a lot more money compared to Toy Factory, and the exp will be better. These enemies will certainly hit more frequently and relatively hard, but they're slow and easy to avoid. Use Ankle Snare and you'll have an easy time. If you're a trapper, just kite them onto your traps for easy kills.
As others have said, if you really want to get far you'll need to invest in consumables. I've always been stingy with my funds, avoiding places that cost a lot in materials. Recently, I tried investing in potions, gum, greed scrolls, etc. and I've made millions in profits from it, and the experience gain has increased many times over.
But seriously, how are you level 80 at Toy Factory? That's like 3,500 Myst Cases per level
Posted 07 September 2017 - 09:13 PM
But seriously, how are you level 80 at Toy Factory? That's like 3,500 Myst Cases per level
I'm actually having this problem right now, too. I'm a 70 thief (waiting for rogue) and I can only really find leveling at TF2 valued. I have full 100%/95% at Clocktower 1, but I have garbage equipment so I can't kill them very fast. I'd love to kill something with Water enchanted weapon, but can't find one (and/or) don't have the money to purchase better gears.
Posted 08 September 2017 - 01:22 AM
I'm actually having this problem right now, too. I'm a 70 thief (waiting for rogue) and I can only really find leveling at TF2 valued. I have full 100%/95% at Clocktower 1, but I have garbage equipment so I can't kill them very fast. I'd love to kill something with Water enchanted weapon, but can't find one (and/or) don't have the money to purchase better gears.
Well there is your problem. I suggest you place your thief on the sidelines and make a char that will make you money now until rogue comes out later!
Posted 08 September 2017 - 04:23 AM
Try finding a HO or anolion pt in CT. For HO party just tell your group you will pull and mob.
But I guess you are not a trap hunter, since a trap user can usually kills things fast and mob without problems.
Posted 08 September 2017 - 09:26 AM
Posted 09 September 2017 - 09:30 PM
Thanks for the suggestions guys ! Unfortuantly turtle dungeon hurts me way to bad, i only have 65 agi and no flee gear, dragontail and pests constantly hit me, will try alarms and prison !
Posted 09 September 2017 - 09:52 PM
Unfortuantly alarms rape me to... i killed about 5 before i died, they constantly hit me, is there some crucial gear im missing here or are you guys suggestion spots i would have to spam consumables??? it takes me forever to kill them so they always eventually hit me
Posted 09 September 2017 - 10:12 PM
Unfortuantly alarms rape me to... i killed about 5 before i died, they constantly hit me, is there some crucial gear im missing here or are you guys suggestion spots i would have to spam consumables??? it takes me forever to kill them so they always eventually hit me
If you die fast, just bring some traps and use ankle snare, and that will make things easier for you. For TI, stay at 2F, 3F will be a little mess since ninja turtle will always backstab you or you end up pulling a large group of mobs.
Edited by 3545170805134931257, 09 September 2017 - 10:15 PM.
Posted 10 September 2017 - 12:55 AM
Get pantie set [0], and try GH prison. Unlike Alarms, Monsterse at GH prison are undead so you're silver arrows will do more damage
Posted 10 September 2017 - 04:17 PM
Amatsu dungeon , seals and payon dungeon are great for loots and very cheap consumable-wise if you have enough flee. Byalan its good too but you have to kepp an eye on incoming waterballs. Alarms it good too, just try to not get mobbed.
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