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Bug: Stutter in DG

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#1 Feuer


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Posted 14 September 2017 - 07:30 PM


The on hit stutter animation is causing a lock-down effect / severe slowing effect in high HPS [Hits per second] situations, causing your character to not only be unable* to pass normally easily passed situations, but leading to some other buggy results. Most commonly the 'desync' issue, where your characters location does not match the location the server has you at. This results in a forced movement / rubber-band effect[s] where your character either 

  • Runs back to a previous location OR

  • Teleports forward to the server location

It also leads to the notorious 'stuck in the wall' bug, where your character become a super-conducting magnet to the nearest wall, and cannot move until you figure out the invisible path you need to emulate in order to send the right clicks to the server, to get you to the same location you are at on-screen. 


I understand this is supposed to be an aesthetic feature, but it's starting to cause some serious bugs. It can also produce the 'skill stacking' effect that seems to be all the rage in topics these days, though in PvM no one cares. [Until it produces the visual bug where you're no longer auto-attacking client side, but still are sever side, which tricks most people into clicking off an enemy, then back onto it again to start 'hitting again']


Either way, this 'feature' is becoming more trouble than it's worth, and I'd like to see it fixed to where you can only emulate this stutter once every 2-3 seconds, or removed entirely. Both would fix the issue, but personally, I'd like to see it done away with completely. You're already being punished with damage, you don't need to be annoyed with gradual desync, and other buggy results. 


~Feuer / Baron

Edited by Feuer, 15 September 2017 - 03:57 PM.

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#2 watermelonnn


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Posted 15 September 2017 - 03:29 AM

it also leads to the notorious 'stuck in the wall' bug, where your character become a super-conducting magnet to the nearest wall, and cannot move until you figure out the invisible path you need to emulate in order to send the right clicks to the server, to get you to the same location you are at on-screen. 




wall near valor and bush near junon entrance! Q.Q

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#3 Cortiz


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Posted 15 September 2017 - 05:41 AM

Yes please.....



Remove the hit animation, or at the very least, as suggested make it so the animation isnt triggered with every single hit that lands on you and take it from there.

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#4 Feuer


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Posted 02 January 2018 - 08:54 PM

Any chance we can get this fixed Genesis?  :surrender:

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