So you're saying no one would care if it was just 'another priest robe' or just 'another collectible knock off'. Just because it doesn't have ultra high market value, doesn't mean it should be thrown to the dogs to be reiterated a half dozen times either. Aside from that, I really don't want to see WP get into the habit of re-texturing old models on mass just for 'something new' to be put out for cash. If you want to be seen as a quality publisher of a game, atleast put in the effort to make each new piece unique. I could of thought of a dozen ways off the top of my head to produce a back item, that was snowflake themed even, without it -just- being a snowflake.
Besides, I'm not just trying to find something to complain about, I genuinely and personally don't want to see the same item or the equivalent of the same item, 5 times. If that does become to norm, well, I could easily rework some previous items to look much much better. But how would that make the previous artist feel. Probly none too good.