There are many things people can write here and have written many times in other places. I am confused to where Helium is gaining his knowledge before making changes to classes, armours and skills since many seem to be a big error, again it would be a list to name all.
My ask to Helium is to take the time to look through all armours, all classes and all skills, yes this would take alot of time, but if he spent 3-4 weeks doing this, he would gain reasonable knowledge, then it would save all these errors and issues we are having. There are to many things introduced/fixed/changed that have problems, it happens almost every time there is a change made to the game. Actually i think players are more amazed when something is done that does not have any issues/errors.
Each time there is a change made to game, players are losing more confidence in Helium and dont see any positive outcome for this game i can see that many have already gave up trying.
Recently Helium updated the forge system, so far i have not saw 1 player with positive feedback about this new system, please start to listen to your players, we are still waiting for enchant and compound system also to be updated. If Helium will not change this reinforce forge system, please think about considering Kazaras idea of increasing the capability of Atmas vs 1% compoundable forge xeons. Atm the max reinforce xeon is 9% with atmas, this could be increased to at least 18%.
This addition would also make Premium Dungeon useful again. After the new forge system was introduced you have decreased the value/demand of Atmas and i am sure many people will not buy prem now.
With Halloween event about to begin, this is a chance for Helium to bring people back to game, please consider all aspects of game when you are making this event, it is great having mini bosses spawn all over map but i do miss the good old days when event items dropped from all mobs, this also covers pve and pvp players and many pve players find it impossible to farm because of PK guilds. Also the event drops should be updated, please stop giving us low level enchants because not even level 49 foc characters are using these, please add Tyrant Ruinhorn, Mythic Doom Cheras and Voxyon enchants. Event items are very outdated for many years already. Also if you have to add sealed items, please keep to your word and dont add 40% hp and 20% stats, why not add 20% hp and 10% stats which do not create unbalance.
Update Battlefield NPCs, FoC npc sells reinforce rate xeons 2-4-6%, this is far to low and not on level with the more recent updates, please update these xeon's, it will also help to make Battlefields more active, we have had several pve updates, daily quests, BT, atmas but nothing on battlefields. Also Ion Mine NPC is selling ampilio xeons, no one uses these now, these are practically useless for over 3-4 years.
We do not need new items and updates done with haste that come with many faults and bugs, please start to update, upgrade what we already have in game. Items sold on NPC, lants, Drops, Treasure Dungeon all need updated badly. There is nothing Premium about Premium Dungeon and No Treasure in Treasure Dungeon.
Regarding Lucifers opinions about Shadow Runner and Assassin, i believe you are talking like SR is in a bad way but this is completely wrong, SR has 2 stuns, 1 of the best AoE silences, slow and a OP debuff that has a duration of 70 seconds.
Overall talking about skills i think that debuffs, stuns, silences should be re-thought, why do they all have such long durations in this game, this would not happen in any other game, some debuffs having a duration of over 1 minute is a joke.
Helium, i would not like to see you make changes purely based on 1 persons comments (not talking me solely, talking anyone). This is why it is so important that you start to play and test. Please try all classes on level 90 +30 Darkest sets 0/8.
Listen to community.
Talk to your community.
Test all armours skills on your own.
Change atmas vs 1% compound system.
Rethink Event to suit shared PVE/PVP Server.
Update Event Drops.
Rethink Debuffs, Silences, Stuns.
Don't make changes with Haste.
Update Battlefield NPC Items Sold.
Edited by xSweetDreamsx, 10 October 2017 - 10:00 AM.