LoV it's a very important skill to level up with party hard mobs. We don't got a bard yet but whe got at least suffragium, sg + lov it's a very good way to kill them. Profit elemental, lock, dmg, great area. Or i was leveling wrong my entire life? Maybe the skill isn't good for you or your way to play, but call the skill as garbage is very, very wrong. For you, who do PvM alone, can not be a good skill, but at a high level/party, it's a must have.
In theory, SG+LoV would be the best combo.
SG for Neutral, Earth, Undead, Fire, Wind mobs
LoV for Water mobs and as a way to break the ice while dealing some damage
Problem is that LoV doesn't bundle all of the damage into 1 "pulse". The first pulse breaks SG ice and deals 175% damage. The rest deal damage based on enemy property. LoV hits neutral enemies for a like couple hundred damage per pulse making that initial damage bonus negligible on non-Water mobs. If I had to give any positive input regarding LoV, it would be the cast time and spell animation is faster and it has a larger radius. LoV deals around 8k damage total to an Anolian with good gear, and is probably the best spell for party mobbing Anolian and fastest way to 99...but is that worth 10 skill points? Up to you. In a very later version of RO, LoV is preferred for fast TIs.
Despite common misconception, LoV does not "lock" in any way shape or form. It only seems to "lock" enemies when the cast is killing the enemy you're fighting. You can test this for yourself by casting LoV on Alarms or any mob of high HP enemies only to have them warp into their actual position once the server re-syncs their position for your client.
MS on the other hand deals 4375% MATK if all meteors land. Meteors tend to all hit whatever is in the center but it can be a bit random at times. With average gearing, MS can deal in the realm of ~20k damage. Comparing to the example above, Anolian takes 60% fire damage, or a ceiling of 12k damage from a Fire spell...and stun.
I am not saying MS is a better spell to cast vs Anolian in this case. LoV can be cast and re-cast faster. It will be better for mobbing Wind monsters. I am simply saying that as an Ice Breaker and Mob killing AoE on most enemies in the game, MS is superior to LoV, even when compared to monsters that are generally strong vs Fire.
Edited by 6281170818170615897, 10 October 2017 - 09:54 AM.