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Overlord attack speed

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#1 5398161108051801410


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 11:56 PM

overlord class have slowest attack speed animation. even with max attack speed of 300.

Suggestion 1 : make animation faster equal to dragoon class.

Suggestion 2 : increase attack speed limit of 300 to 370 ( just an estimate to equal dragoon class attack speed animation )

what do you think guys ?

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#2 testg


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Posted 15 October 2017 - 12:05 AM

Well ovl use 2h sword and pally use 1h. So it make sense the asp is faster on pally and range is def wider on ovl. But to answer honestly, i think 330 should be max for the ovl class. Its only really use for knockback in pvp and i remember 330 not a big difference, just gives more time to react than wait for the animation to finish, its frustrating for some ovl users. Also, sacrifice a lot for the asp. But this is not up to me.
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#3 5398161108051801410


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Posted 15 October 2017 - 12:22 AM

i think 330 is fine but 370 is okay too since to achieve that 370 asp as you said would be sacrificing other stats anyways . the way i see its a give and take balance suggestion. 

yea its so fraustrating the reaction time is so slow for overlord. even with max 300. i hope this gets considered

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#4 Popcorn



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Posted 15 October 2017 - 12:27 AM

Suggestion 2 : increase attack speed limit of 300 to 370 ( just an estimate to equal dragoon class attack speed animation )



Sorry to disappoint you but the speed limit of 300 is the max for technical reasons. I explained that to the community several times already. Depending on hardware, ping and the game engine limitations 300 is as high as we can go before it starts to behave unexpected in the way of being game breaking. I would appreciate it if we wouldn't start another speed limit discussion.

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#5 5398161108051801410


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Posted 15 October 2017 - 12:36 AM

Sorry to disappoint you but the speed limit of 300 is the max for technical reasons. I explained that to the community several times already. Depending on hardware, ping and the game engine limitations 300 is as high as we can go before it starts to behave unexpected in the way of being game breaking. I would appreciate it if we wouldn't start another speed limit discussion.

then forget increasing the speed limit. cant we do something about the animation and reaction time ? there must be some alternatives that you guys can come up with. 

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#6 5398161108051801410


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Posted 15 October 2017 - 12:40 AM

all i ask in behalf of overlord class user is a bit more of reaction time. hehe :p_cry:

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#7 Bustincaps


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Posted 15 October 2017 - 06:15 PM

Sorry to disappoint you but the speed limit of 300 is the max for technical reasons. I explained that to the community several times already. Depending on hardware, ping and the game engine limitations 300 is as high as we can go before it starts to behave unexpected in the way of being game breaking. I would appreciate it if we wouldn't start another speed limit discussion.


Can you please link the thread? Out of curiosity, since I haven't yet read any of your responses on the matter, why is 300 the magic number for this class and how extensively have you tested your evidence? 

I've played the class with around 350% for a few years, which is definitely pushing the limits of OP (for obvious reasons other than what you've mentioned), but I never experienced any kind of bugging apart from increased superarmor and already-present lag. If what you mean is that after 300%, players start to get an unfair advantage because the capabilities of their PC start to affect the attack speed (hardware, as mentioned), I respectfully disagree with that. The game caps at 60 FPS and I don't see any reason to punish players that can run it smoothly at the cap in any setting just because some players run a potato... that's not how games should work and this game is very easy to run. As far as ping/lag and game engine limitations go, the effects that classes like the Archers, Dragoon, and Mages have at 300% a.speed on lag/FPS still outweigh Overlord at 330%. I'm not sure just how much you've tested this, but 330% is just enough to make it fluent for proper PvP gameplay vs the other classes. It's not enough, in my tested opinion, to cause any amount more lag than the other classes currently do at 300%. I haven't bothered to post this suggestion myself because I knew it would immediately be shot down, but I completely agree that the class should be capped around 330% for balanced a.speed in comparison to the other classes... especially since it must start its chaincombo at a distance or the player will fall through it after the 1st hit. For the class to chaincombo at the speed that archers and Dragoons do at 300% a.speed, I would estimate it needing 360%... maybe even more. Not trying to piss you off, just stating what I have learned to be facts through plenty of testing. Regardless of the outcome, some more info would be nice.

Edited by Bustincaps, 15 October 2017 - 06:19 PM.

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#8 Popcorn



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Posted 15 October 2017 - 07:54 PM

Can you please link the thread? Out of curiosity, since I haven't yet read any of your responses on the matter, why is 300 the magic number for this class and how extensively have you tested your evidence? 


I have neither the time to use the forum search for you (it has been explained several times in the past) nor am I interested to discuss the reasons with someone who does not know anything about the technical backgrounds after I explained this already more than once and tries to question my knowledge about this.

Once and for all: the caps stay as they are for several technical reasons. Further tries to discuss them with me will be ignored by me in the future.


Feel free to discuss this subject with the other players but this won't change anything, not yet nor anytime in the future. 


This is the only warning: if this topic goes out of hands over a new speed cap discussion it will be locked without further notice. 

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#9 Bustincaps


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Posted 16 October 2017 - 03:16 PM

Don't talk to me that way; I did use the search before asking. I'm sorry if you misunderstood the tone of my request for more information but it's not necessary to get heated every time someone on the forum you don't like tries discussing something with you. If you can't handle players questioning your decisions, find a new job or stop posting to the forum. You are the public figure for the staff team and you are here for us to question, and there is nothing wrong with players questioning the decisions made by you. That's called criticism, and you are here to serve the players so their criticism matters... regardless of whether or not you like whomever is speaking to you. This will be my last post in this thread; sorry for going off topic.

Edited by Bustincaps, 16 October 2017 - 03:20 PM.

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#10 testg


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Posted 16 October 2017 - 05:19 PM

If it were some other company Im sure staff wouldnt talk in such a way. I play and participate in many other game forum and the staff is professional a lot of the times despite players angry voices. I have notice the more higher earning company reflect on the quality of staff. It makes sense. But my advice to both of you is words are words but some have heavier weight than others. The weight of staff words is always heavier than a players so maybe a bit more professionalism is best.
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#11 Popcorn



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Posted 16 October 2017 - 10:47 PM

You want me to act professional? Okay. In your understanding of professionalism the developers usually don't talk to the community directly.


With this post I announce that I am no longer available on the forums for questions, discussions and suggestions.

If you have any concerns regarding the game or game development feel free to write to our CM or submit a ticket to our GM team. They will forward the necessary infos to me and tell you my answer to it where required.

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#12 easykill1215


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Posted 17 October 2017 - 12:21 PM

You want me to act professional? Okay. In your understanding of professionalism the developers usually don't talk to the community directly.

With this post I announce that I am no longer available on the forums for questions, discussions and suggestions.
If you have any concerns regarding the game or game development feel free to write to our CM or submit a ticket to our GM team. They will forward the necessary infos to me and tell you my answer to it where required.

I don't think it's necessary to do so :c you are following the opinion of 1-2 people meanwhile there are many other people who needs you on the forum.
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#13 7186170606141444160


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 09:51 AM

You want me to act professional? Okay. In your understanding of professionalism the developers usually don't talk to the community directly.


With this post I announce that I am no longer available on the forums for questions, discussions and suggestions.

If you have any concerns regarding the game or game development feel free to write to our CM or submit a ticket to our GM team. They will forward the necessary infos to me and tell you my answer to it where required.

There is only one person said that, a lot of people want u back! 

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#14 Vossel


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Posted 22 October 2017 - 11:22 AM

Well i am obviously the Overlord known for having the most attackspeed.

I played for around 2 years full focus on attackspeed and reached a total attackspeed of ~580%, full calculations nowadays allow a total attackspeed of 628% Attackspeed if you got everything that gives attackspeed.

I was even able to create a gamebreak with my x attacks.

This gamebreak does NOT work anymore. The reason for this to be able was the Overlord having the flinch and knockback on the first x attack and not having that attackspeed cap.

The actual gamebreak happened around 550%+ attackspeed where you were able to hold down the x button and the hits of the x attacks were fast enough to keep the target flinched for all the time you hold the button down and the flinch was too fast for the knockback to happen on your screen, on the screen of the victim they just got pushed back more and more until they hit a wall, they werent able to do anything against this. This was exactly the same thing with the old summoner x hits when they flinched and if you walked in it you were dead if you didnt have super armor. (cuz flinch was too fast).

i have tested lots and lots of mechanics and strategies with my attackspeed and i can certainly tell that there is no gamebreak possible if you increase the attackspeed to 400, because its first of all below 550% and second Overlord doesnt have flinch nor knockback on first hit anymore.

Also this is strange for this class but the highest dps this class can get is if you can push an enemy down on the ground and can keep hitting it there, because the attack animation is faster on the ground, it deals more dmg and it is consistent. i can crit up to 400-500k with my x hits on enemies on the ground and i am a defence focused Overlord. Sure you have the downside of stepping down after each hit but its still the highest dps you can achieve, also are x attacks good fillers for the empty spaces you have between your skills since Overlord has high cooldowns and some skills are not worth to use since the x attacks deal more dmg in that time.

Now for PvP, the chaincombo of the Overlord can be a really important tool for those Overlords who actually manage to get that class to a high level, because the stumblebum is easy to dodge if you play against player that are skilled.

Also the stun on the chaincombo is on the fourth hit (xxzz) and the slide after it (xxzzx) is good to dodge, engage. So the slowest attack animation by far together with the same attackspeed cap is hurting the Overlord more than any other class, sure the Overlord doesnt need the same attackspeed in terms of being able to pull of xxz as fast as an dragoon but this slow is really not good, because the Dragoon maybe pull of the xxz three times before you have done it once.


I dont cry for a higher attackspeed cap on the Overlord but in my opinion this would be a small buff for the Overlord but no over buff, it would make playing Overlord feel a bit better again and there wont be any gamebreak possible for it, if there is one Overlord that knows about attackspeed gamebreak its me cuz i test out my attackspeed over and over again.

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#15 Popcorn



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Posted 22 October 2017 - 11:33 AM

How often shall I tell you guys this discussion is finally over. It stays as it is. Get used to it.



I warned you guys to not turn this into a new speed cap discussion. Topic locked since it always leads into this discussion.


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