I'm having trouble finding parties with my Priest. I never thought I would see a day when FS priests can't get invited to parties but people do things differently now I guess. The general public seems to have a lot of misconceptions about what's "good" regarding party size, party locations, and composition. I'm looking for 2 person parties. Yes 2 person parties can yield fast exp and valuable loot.
I'm new to the server so I only have NPC gear right now, but I'm a very capable Priest player. If you're an agi based killer we should be a good match. If you're a mage based killer add me anyway and we can party when I get phen and ray. I play every day and you can PM my priest Vermax anytime.
Party ideas:
Byalan card hunting
Raydric card hunting. - I can TU khalitzburg. Will have Aspersio soon.
High Orcs are okay for exp I guess
Anubis - I don't have bathory card so anubis 1 shot me but I can TU if you can tank it.
Pasanas - Card is good. Undershirts, anubis and exp are good.
Pyramid 4 - Should be mobby with a nice jumbled mix of good cards, OC loot, and vend loot.
I'm down to try any place and generally it's best to match our hunting area with the weapons and elements you have.
I insist on splitting loot 50%. For cards and gear we will vend it and split the zeny later. If you want to keep a card or gear you can buy my half off of me at ragial average. And vice versa. If we both want it then we can bid on each others half until there is a winner. Can not bid with zeny you don't have. "Pay you later" doesn't fly.
If that's agreeable and you wanna kill some monsters with me hit me up. Time zone: US east
Update: level 72
Edited by Seasmoke, 16 October 2017 - 10:31 AM.