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Several Items, Several Choices =]

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#1 StringTaters


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 07:05 PM

I have more items stored up than you can even mentally grasp lol


This thread should accumulate lots of interest :)


I'll start with a few things off the top of my head, because I have so many storages full that I can't possibly make the whole list in one swap.


Please make your offers.


Tribal Outfit


Servant Uniform (refined to 11)


​Yellow Traditional Chinese Outfit


Rudolph Uniform


​Hunter Costume


Green Snowboard Costume


Frozen Corpse Uniform (refined to 10)


Warlock Uniform


Hawaiian Costume


​Green Ronnin Costume


​Black Ronnin Costume


Fisherman Suit


​White Samurai Costume

​Queen Bibi Wings (refined to 15)


Doctor Uniform (also have the reflector)


Happy Holiday Party Clothes Vest


Hopping Grasshopper Yukata


Peg Leg


Pegasus Tester Tshirt


"I Survived 2014" Tshirt


Wizards Cape (refined to 8)


Fascinating Jewel Set w/ Jade 7's


Yellow Rubber Boots


Rosarian Skis


Ancient Surfboard


Daring Rabbit Wooden Shoes (refined to 15 with 65+40 speed)


Blue Ocean Breeze Yukata (refined to 13)

Blue Ocean Breeze Wooden Shoes (refined to 8)


Eye Contacts/Hair Wax


Nimble Necklace


Easter Basket


White Bunny Backpack




Every type of ancient soccer uniform, literally every country, and all ancient copies. jROSE, pROSE, naROSE, etc, it doesn't matter, I have them all and ancient copies.


Ancient Visitor Gear (not the visitor gear you see nowadays)


Katyusha Kitty Ears (refined to 10)


Ancient Bikini




Soaked Cape


Complete Castle Gear (sheft+spear)


Complete Christmas Cart (all 4 pieces including spare tire)


​Complete Meister Flame and White Cart (with jet booster)


Phoenix Wings (refined to 11)


Oros Present


​R05-E Squirt Gun


​Ancient Swimming Goggles

​Ancient Swimming Cap


​Small Astarot Wings of Forgiveness


​Nature Force Earring (with a Topaz 7)

​Nature Force Ring (with topaz 7)


​Lifeguard Sunglasses

​Lifeguard Bathing Suit


​Blue  Moldie Inner tube


​Magical Ring (with jade 7)

​Magical Earring (with jade 7)


​Black Cat Hat


​Coffin of the Dead


Blue Panda Backpack


Old Lucile Party Wear


Azure Leapold Partywear


Gray Pirate Hook

Black Pirate Eyepatch


ROSE Online Uniform


Ancient ROSE Online Uniform (this one will sell for a lot higher)


Calico Rabbit Hairband


Golden Rabbit Hairband


Ancient Scream Mask (yes ancient! I might sell this one for a 'slightly' high price)


Noble Koi Yukata


Winged Top Hat (no stats)


Ancient Beach Wear


Yukata Plaid Bikini




I'll get more into actual fighting gear when I get to that part of the list. 


EDIT: I'm really tired =/ this is it for now until tomorrow sometime after I get off work.




Edited by StringTaters, 18 October 2017 - 07:48 PM.

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#2 Jeremy44


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Posted 22 October 2017 - 11:08 AM

How much do you sell Ancient Rose Online Uniform and Ancient Soccer Cleats?

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