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Please Be Aware Roserians

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#1 AndraSyte


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 02:29 PM

Greetings Roserians!

It has come to our attention that there may be a video circulating regarding a possible duping method. Please note that if any account is found to be exploiting bugs the account will be subject to suspension. WarpPortal takes a zero tolerance stance against the exploitation and use of bugs, something that can be further read about here.

 As normal, if you do witness any ill-mannered behavior taking place make sure to send a ticket to the WarpPortal Support Team with appropriate evidence. 

Please note that CMs do not have the power to investigate these types of matters ourselves, but any information sent to us will be immediately forwarded to the Support Team. Please do not post a report directly to the forums as exploit reports/reports calling out other players will be removed.


Thank you again Roserians for your patience while this and other issues are being addressed! If you do have any concerns please feel more than welcome to send a PM regarding it! 

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#2 Feuer


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 06:02 PM

After a year without it being fixed, what'd you think was going to happen. Not that I support it, but give me a break. Here's an awareness check. You have a game breaking and economy crippling exploit that seems to be not be a top priority with your CEO's. I have no doubt the staff takes it seriously, but the fact they've still yet to hire any additional help in the form of a DEV, coder or the like, tells me the CEO's don't give a damn. Prove me wrong, get one of those pompous cash grabbers to take it seriously and allocate a developer or coder to address the issue and SOLELY this issue. To be extremely detailed. I mean they come in, their only task is to fix the issue, in house, and absolutely ZERO time is spent on fluff and costumes. They focus on the exploit, only the exploit, and absolutely, nothing,  not even for a minute, anything else.


Sorry if I'm a bit salty, but coming out and making a statement like this to your community, while all signs point to the directors not giving a single thought about the happiness or stability of their product is a slap in the face to your players and customers. We want the game to succeed just as much as you, but our patience is not being rewarded with equal parts effort on your superiors. 

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#3 meocutduoi


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 06:27 PM

Good game. Duping issues are still being addressed and a fatal bug is not fixed after more than 1 year. Feuer you're right, it's a slap in our face

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#4 thetrangdamvn


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 11:15 PM

You're right, Feuer.


If they want to resolve it that much, they could have borrowed resources from other titles of WP

and concentrate on locating the issues & fixing them within a week or more or so.

Instead of more than a year since crashes in Game Arena become a common thing &

half a year since duplication emerged to the community.


But the fact is, they didn't.

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#5 dixymen


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 11:17 PM

Sooooo .. if there is a video going around showing how to dupe, does this mean that after almost a year of players duping without any real threat of punishment, it will be fixed, finally ?


You understand this has effectively ruined the game . Right ?

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#6 Cortiz


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Posted 16 November 2017 - 04:41 AM

You know, honestly...

Im supprised it has taken this long before someone made a video that would be shared.
even though there is a video now, I can pritty much guess its method was shared almost instantly a year ago among a small group of friends.


After almost a year this "Please be Aware"  topic isn't going to change anything.

The majority of the community, especially the veterans are very well aware of these issues for a longgg time now and I think we all feel not enough is being done.



Put some of that cashgrab money you earned and invest it into the development of your games to resolve the gamebreaking bugs.

You know they say: a happy customer is the greatest advertisement OR a happy customer is a repeat customer.



Edited by Cortiz, 16 November 2017 - 04:43 AM.

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#7 pandasoup23


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Posted 16 November 2017 - 04:54 AM

i honestly laughed at this realise the game is even more empty than before? you guys have access to the logs, you must notice that more and more players are giving up. The community has been saying it for a year now...GET HELP or atleast ASK for it. 

Crashes for over a year, duping for half, like either you guys seriously dont care or you straight up lied on your resumes and dont know a thing about coding. 



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#8 Buffiies


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Posted 16 November 2017 - 06:33 AM

I don't either play anymore, not that I care but I seriously don't find it funny when it's an unfair gameplay. Let's say you play a Monopoly and someone just take a bunch of cash out the bank and no one says anything, that's is how Rose is atm.
People normally excuse me for not loving Rose because of this opinion. Rose gets content so far apart so it's like you get this new content and then you just stand there and wait for the next patch that hopefully comes next year. Don't get me wrong, I understand. Making content can take time, good content. Genesis makes a lot of good stuff, just look at the Orlo update, it's SLLAAAYYYSSSS. But we seriously need more staff to make the game interesting, to get more patches, new content. No, you don't need to say ''Well, William... There is crafting, farming, you can run valor quests for about 80 hours to get a valor chest piece.'' No, I won't. Why? Because nothing exciting is happening.
I completely agree with Feuer and I would say the same thing and I wouldn't even excuse myself for being salty and neither should he. Because this is the reality. This is the state of the game.


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#9 KatsuraKujo


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Posted 16 November 2017 - 07:40 AM

The reason why i left the game in the 1st place is cuz of this issue and i'm so sick of it not being addressed for this bloody long time.

(warning storytime ahead) press if you want to know



Now after 1 year, 2 new contents released and the rest of it was lucky spin, costume dress up, some repeated annual events ingame (some new ones cheers for that) and that's literally all the updates given to us. Asides from server upgrade to take care of the lag issue 


So i'm here just sitting on my chair WAITING, and WAITING till at least SOME OF THESE REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT bugs get fixed. Just spying on the patch notes till something comes up. Every time i hope for something, all i see is "Changes to lucky spin" and then i sigh and turn off my computer. Literally at this point i'm not hoping for new content, i'm hoping that you guys, Warpportal, get more staff to SMASH THOSE BLOODY BUGS. I don't even want to care for new content until those god damn bugs get the hell out of this game.


So finally you guys realizing it NOW after so long of this issue already present to the point a VIDEO IS MADE TO TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO DO IT!!! sigh... guys pls, i want to play this game again cuz the community is nice and caring, but i feel as tho you, the DEVs or Warpportal themselves are not caring about what we argue...




Sorry for this long post, just feel like i needed to say it out somewhere, perfect place to do so.  Welp time to disappear again, ciao

Edited by KatsuraKujo, 16 November 2017 - 07:44 AM.

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#10 Phish


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Posted 16 November 2017 - 07:58 AM

Hopefully this thread brings some much needed attention to the game. (Hopefully today's patch is more than just lucky spins and the thanksgiving event.)
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#11 meocutduoi


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Posted 16 November 2017 - 08:34 AM

Only lucky spin (as usual) and IM black friday sale update i guess
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#12 Cortiz


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Posted 16 November 2017 - 09:00 AM

Only lucky spin (as usual) and IM black friday sale update i guess

I think you nailed it.

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#13 Snuwfer


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Posted 16 November 2017 - 01:57 PM

Good to see you guys address this

Edited by Snuwfer, 16 November 2017 - 02:19 PM.

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#14 Hazuki


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Posted 17 November 2017 - 01:02 AM

The situation needs an honest and open letter from Gen to the community explaining exactly whats been happening since they discovered the bug and what they have been doing to fix it.


I don't know if the team have access to the Rose source code or not, but if you do this should have really been fixed a long time ago.


/sad player who hates seeing rose in this state.

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#15 Nura


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Posted 17 November 2017 - 08:30 AM

Sad state of beloved ROSE :(



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#16 Ballistic


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Posted 17 November 2017 - 09:00 AM

i love how they threaten such a hard stance on this, but have yet to fix anything.  its sad that they are unable to fix things.  the solution has always been remove it (like the npc on vacation), threats, or turn a blind eye to it.  players have been using exploits in this game for years and they don't do a damn thing about it. 

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#17 calder12


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Posted 19 November 2017 - 03:32 PM

The more things change the more they stay the same.


I have loved this game for over a decade now. I've been playing since the very early days of iRose. I've watched the rise and fall of many a server.


I try really hard about once a year to love it here. I like the community for the most part, I still love the game, but the company itself just never ceases to amaze me. Any attempt to discuss the state of the game results in someone ranting about some forbidden topic and the thread gets deleted or closed.


I have gone on record more than once with ideas, requests for dialogue and transparency always met with the same response. Silence. I'm not going to go into some long tirade, there's no point. The company has made it quite clear, Rose is not getting any serious investment and they're only interested in pushing more and more low quality crap into the game to enable the item hoarding spinners. The game play improvements are lacking (seriously those new wandering mobs look horrendous. Who the hell thought the massive bloom was a good idea?).


We as Rose players are ever loyal. We aren't often treated with respect from the company, at least not publicly and yet here we are, year after year hoping for better.


Remember the definition of insanity?


All that being said, I am sure I'll be back in another year. Throwing another hundred or two at the game, having fun for a month or two, then realizing nothing has changed. The community keeps trying, the company keeps ignoring and nothing will be significantly different. I'll hope for better, but excuse me if I don't hold my breath.

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#18 thetrangdamvn


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Posted 19 November 2017 - 08:01 PM

We are commenting on this thread because we DO CARE, and we love the game, simple as that.

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#19 calder12


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Posted 21 November 2017 - 06:01 AM

That's very true thetrangdamvn


The problem is the deafening silence in return, that's always been the problem.


Some people will go on about having private discussions with staff, but that isn't transparency.

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#20 Feuer


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Posted 22 November 2017 - 12:25 AM

7 days since OP, and no response. Not even the generic copy + paste 'We're aware of the problem and we're working on it.' that we've all come to expect.


This, this is why I don't care. Why I stopped caring, and why I probably won't care in the future. You fired or moved every last DEV and CM who cared or had a solid knowledge on the game, left us with the scraps of a failed update, and threw a bunch of either new people with extremely limited knowledge, or the one guy who isn't even in house and apparently is scared to publicly speak. Don't think I [we] haven't noticed that Genesis only posts patch notes. I'm starting to get the feeling to a limited degree, that he isn't even working for ROSE anymore. I wouldn't be shocked if you gave him a severance package that included an NDA on the terms of his release or to speak about it publicly. 


The silence is deafening. Whatever is actually going on behind the scenes, the result is painfully obvious externally, there is no priority for ROSE. Just keep throwing your money at Ragnarok, and these stupid flash games. You'll end up losing a stable and steady IP, ROSE.

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#21 meocutduoi


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Posted 22 November 2017 - 12:45 AM

7 days since OP, and no response. Not even the generic copy + paste 'We're aware of the problem and we're working on it.' that we've all come to expect.


This, this is why I don't care. Why I stopped caring, and why I probably won't care in the future. You fired or moved every last DEV and CM who cared or had a solid knowledge on the game, left us with the scraps of a failed update, and threw a bunch of either new people with extremely limited knowledge, or the one guy who isn't even in house and apparently is scared to publicly speak. Don't think I [we] haven't noticed that Genesis only posts patch notes. I'm starting to get the feeling to a limited degree, that he isn't even working for ROSE anymore. I wouldn't be shocked if you gave him a severance package that included an NDA on the terms of his release or to speak about it publicly. 


The silence is deafening. Whatever is actually going on behind the scenes, the result is painfully obvious externally, there is no priority for ROSE. Just keep throwing your money at Ragnarok, and these stupid flash games. You'll end up losing a stable and steady IP, ROSE.


Very true Mister Owl, i couldnt agree more. Sometime i think they'd better close this game if they dont want to maintain it anymore, dont waste players's time and money

Poor ROSE and its players!

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#22 Phish


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Posted 22 November 2017 - 01:14 AM

7 days since OP, and no response. Not even the generic copy + paste 'We're aware of the problem and we're working on it.' that we've all come to expect.


This, this is why I don't care. Why I stopped caring, and why I probably won't care in the future. You fired or moved every last DEV and CM who cared or had a solid knowledge on the game, left us with the scraps of a failed update, and threw a bunch of either new people with extremely limited knowledge, or the one guy who isn't even in house and apparently is scared to publicly speak. Don't think I [we] haven't noticed that Genesis only posts patch notes. I'm starting to get the feeling to a limited degree, that he isn't even working for ROSE anymore. I wouldn't be shocked if you gave him a severance package that included an NDA on the terms of his release or to speak about it publicly. 


The silence is deafening. Whatever is actually going on behind the scenes, the result is painfully obvious externally, there is no priority for ROSE. Just keep throwing your money at Ragnarok, and these stupid flash games. You'll end up losing a stable and steady IP, ROSE.


This for real. 


Give the community some meaningful communication. 

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#23 bertkilo1


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Posted 22 November 2017 - 02:51 AM

I agree also with Feuer, cant they sell the game to another company who have more interest in the game

Edited by bertkilo1, 22 November 2017 - 06:45 AM.

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#24 Cortiz


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Posted 22 November 2017 - 08:31 AM

I would hate to see ROSE being sold off to some other company like cattle...


Just give us some answers on these issues so we can all have some peace of mind.


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#25 Feuer


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Posted 22 November 2017 - 08:40 AM

No, not answers. Put in the work. I'm tired of empty words personally, because that's all we've gotten for the last 6 months on duping and 1 year on group crashing in groups. Either fix it, or walk. 

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