Does level 10 arrow shower really make that big of a difference? Does anyone use it for leveling?

Is Job 50 Necessary?
Posted 29 November 2017 - 04:33 PM
Posted 29 November 2017 - 05:07 PM
It's not necessary but keep in mind that job levels get slow the moment you get jlvl 26 when second class and you might want that lv 9 AS/DS to get it to level 10 quicker.
Also, getting job 50 as Archer is super easy and fast.
Get Fire Arrows, go to the Porcellio map (1 down, 1 right from Einbroch) and you will be job 50 in 30 minutes, or faster if you find a party.
Posted 30 November 2017 - 06:07 PM
It's not necessary but keep in mind that job levels get slow the moment you get jlvl 26 when second class and you might want that lv 9 AS/DS to get it to level 10 quicker.
Also, getting job 50 as Archer is super easy and fast.
Get Fire Arrows, go to the Porcellio map (1 down, 1 right from Einbroch) and you will be job 50 in 30 minutes, or faster if you find a party.
Posted 01 December 2017 - 03:52 AM
Also as an achievement you get an old purple box if you get job 50, you just need to go collect it.
Posted 01 December 2017 - 08:07 AM
No, its not necessary.
But arrow shower got buffed on renewal, and its not that hard to get jlvl 50 on archer. So you might as well.
At least try to get AS to level 6. You will get larger AS AoE.
Posted 01 December 2017 - 03:19 PM
Its so easy to get job50 on this server. If you find it hard, 99 will be tough.
Posted 01 December 2017 - 06:20 PM
Generally as long as you are going to eventually transcend the character (when the update arrived) job 50 is not needed. But if you don't plan on it you should get job 50. Many players have regretted job changing early since they end up missing skill points that can be used for skills required for second class skills.
Posted 10 December 2017 - 12:07 AM
I personally think Job 50 is necessary. Right now Transcending isn't out yet so It's good to have. Job 50 is pretty easy on this server through Porcellios so there's no reason for any class to not get it.
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