I am looking at starting a hunter. Having a hard time deciding which type to make. I'm not exactly poor but have 20mil zenny and maybe another 100 mil worth of items on my knight that i do not plan on selling. Maybe a couple to get gear on the hunter if necessary.
I am interested in easy leveling and farming to 99 with the occasional PvP. People have been recommending traps to me...just not sure of the appeal.
Trap is the meta right now. Its the most powerful and cheapest to gear and grind with.
I suggest this to start with.
DS build will eat sp items and will cost more to gear.
I suggest this if youre a more experienced hunter.
Auto blitz is the most expensive to gear, and will eat arrows like no tommorow.
PVM only
I suggest auto blitz only for the super rich that like to show off in pvm.
Trap is the meta right now. Its the most powerful and cheapest to gear and grind with.
I suggest this to start with.
DS build will eat sp items and will cost more to gear.
I suggest this if youre a more experienced hunter.
Auto blitz is the most expensive to gear, and will eat arrows like no tommorow.
PVM only
I suggest auto blitz only for the super rich that like to show off in pvm.
If I stat for Trap can I switch to one of the others later on?
Trapper will level fastest out of all builds with little/affordable EQ cost and you can solo MVPs easily.
AGI will level the slowest aka you will most likely get stuck around lv 85 and then stop playing unless you change to using traps :I
As Trapper you can still use Double Stafe AND manual Blitz Beat Falcon, in fact once you get +50 INT you can almost indefinitely spam DS, just not as quickly as a Hunter with AGI but the difference isn't that big.
Blitz Beat in fact also benefits from the DEX/INT build of a Trapper, just not as much as Traps do since Blitz Beat uses ATK*Formula, meaning you will have to equip a high ATK Bow, while Traps are total DEX*Formula with INT ideally being dividable by 35.
As a Trapper Hunter you'll be leveling up until 70 by spamming DS only, or a few levels lower if you want to go straight for Anolians the moment you get Blast Mine Lv 5.
So pure PvM/MvP you'd aim for a skill build somewhat like this:
Sandman is useful to set all the MVP's summons to sleep.
Blast Mine (Wind) is your ticket to quick Lv 83 at Anolians.
Claymore Trap (Fire) is for end game leveling to 99 at Anubis.
Land Mine (Earth) you can solo Mistress with.
Blitz Beat can be used in Nogg2 Parties to deal additional damage and break Storm Gust frozen or to kill if you get hit locked and have no bow with you.
With Arrow Shower you can also solo CTHO's if you are a bit bored of trapping. (though the good thing about trapping is, it keeps you focused on the game as it can be a bit stressfull avoiding getting hit locked)
Skill order:
Archer-> DS 10, IC 10, VE 10, OE 10, AS 9
Hunter-> Blast Mine 5 (to lv at Anolians to 83/84), Claymore 5 (to level at Anubis to 99), rest whatever order you like
EQ while trapping:
Ramen Hat (4 DEX)
Apple of Archer (3 DEX but cheaper)
PecoPeco Hairband (for permanent Increase Agi movement speed, not needed once Sniper due to WW)
Robo Eye (1 DEX)
Whatever gives +DEX (Well-chewed pencil not available yet?)
Tights (1 DEX) (If slotted Pupa Card for +700 HP)
Knife [4] + 4x Drops Card (4 DEX) (Knife because lower weight than Main Gauche = more traps)
Composite Bow [4] + 4x Drops Card (meaning: no shield, but you can use Phantasmic Arrow to attack from afar if monsters stop following you or to lure in an MVP without the need to waste carrying capacity on Arrows)
Guard [1] + Race Reduction Card (Rafflesia Card for Anolians, Thara Frog for Anubis)
Guard [1] + Thiefbug Egg Card (+400 HP if can't afford race cards or if not available)
(slotted Guard and Buckler have the same DEF Value, so always go for Guard as it weighs less)
Accessory options:
2x Belt [1] (or any cheap slotted accessory) + Wormtail Card (+4 DEX)
Shoes [1] + Sohee Card or Eggyra Card (Eggyra only if your INT is over 70, otherwise Sohee)
+9 Anything + Orc Baby Card
Anything + Raydric Card
+9 Greed Amistr Bag + Raydric Card (ultimate high end for all PvM classes)
Mantle [1] + Bathory Card (for Anubis to survive Dark Strike, Mantle because all your chars can use it then and it weighs little)
Your goal is highest possible DEX and at least a total of 70 or 105 INT.
Bow wise, just use your free Hunter Bow from the job change, unless you manage to get a better one.
DS damage will be super high and 12 SP kills can be spammed indefinitely once you have +50 points in INT.
Also here is an awkward video on how to level with traps at Anolias:
Keep in mind you don't need any of the buffs as Trap Hunter, as you will easily 2 hit them once you have Blast Mine Lv 5.
Once your DEX and INT are high enough you will be able to 1 hit Anolians all the time, increasing your exp/h significantly.
This will yield you up to 13m exp/h solo depending on if you are VIP and have other exp modifiers (Event, Costume, BM, etc.) and on how many bots are on the map, the moment you get Blast Mine Lv 5.
Also going Trapper as Sniper is identical to an Arrow Storm build which will be your only reliable way to level with as 3rd class anyway. (once they are introduced)
Ive got a +7 Greed amistr bag and +7 endure bag... was too afraid to try for +9. hope this will still be ok. I gotta farm castle2 on my knight for a raydric card. orc baby card seems way to out of reach.
No, I'm the awkward Rogue in the video with the awkward stat build of not knowing what to go for and desperately finding an awkward way to at least halfway decently level to maybe in 738927498327 years reach level 99.
Ive got a +7 Greed amistr bag and +7 endure bag... was too afraid to try for +9. hope this will still be ok. I gotta farm castle2 on my knight for a raydric card. orc baby card seems way to out of reach.
Where do I farm anolians?
+9 is needed for the effect, other than that any upgrade on any equipment that isn't a weapon is pretty much a waste.
The bonus DEF you get from upgrading gear is worth nothing with Renewal mechanics, like, don't even bother looking fancy with +4's, it's not worth it unless each upgrade increases something extra other than DEF. (i.e. on Amistr Bag this is ok as you get bonus exp and drop %)
On Re:Start -> Only upgrade if you manage to get an effect out of it, i.e. +9 for Orc Baby Card or Firelock Soldier Card, or in case of the Amistr Bag, for the SP regen on each kill.
I only have a +4 Greed Amistr Bag myself, mainly just to be able to use Greed as a +9 one is far, faaaar out of reach zeny wise for me.
Greed is just for convenience, especially when killing more than one monster at the same time, or when you MVP, to pick up the MVP loot before some other player takes it.
If you do go trapper yoyo clips+fortune sword are great for the perfect dodge,especially if you have no agi. Anolian map is tight and you will get whacked, PD helps until you can 1 shot them at level 90ish.
Arbalest[2] with two drops cards is better then a quad dex knife. Unless youre mvping and need the shield. Having arrow skills on tap helps when you need arrow repel.
Trap hunter dont spend much zeny in pvm, but they also dont make much either. Especially on Anolian map where Ori drops maybe twice per hour. So dont expect to get rich unless youre good at mvping.
What're you looking for? Its a great build. You could also 99 dex and get less VIT. Or get more VIT and a bit less int/dex. Just make sure you are able to 1 shot kill Anolian its very important. Dont add LUK or STR. AGI is more for DS/Auto Blitz builds. PerfectDodge gear(cheap) is the way to go.
Thanks for the great feedback. I've got 45 int on my hunter now with the rest in Dex and I can 2shot a lot of stuff. Will probably switch to falcon or DS as I get higher level unless I already put too much int.
Thanks for the great feedback. I've got 45 int on my hunter now with the rest in Dex and I can 2shot a lot of stuff. Will probably switch to falcon or DS as I get higher level unless I already put too much int.
Once a trapper, always a trapper. There is no reason to switch to an inefficient sub par hybrid build mid way, just keep going before you regret it and remake in the 80s. You do not have enough INT. Keep going.
I saw some builds for DS where they put 50 int... Is that no good?
DS will always take several hits to kill something, traps will ideally only take 1 hit and you can have a mob train behind you which is basically like using Bowling Bash but instead it's traps.
91-99 Dex and 91 Int and the rest into Vit for some HP and you are good to level and MvP.