Name of item with issue:
Heaven's Feather & Hell's Fire [1]
Type of Issue (choose): Script/effect, Sprite, Item's description.
Describe the issue:
Increases damage of Desperado, Fallen Angel by 20%.
with the Rebel Awakening patch, Fallen Angel was changed from autocasting Desperado to just a normal movement skill like Snap (Sura skill), which no longer deals damage, so the Fallen Angel can be removed from that line.
also matches the kRO description:
데스페라도 스킬 데미지 20% 증가
Desperado skill damage increased by 20%
A X% chance of inflicting Ignition status on the target when dealing physical attacks.
proc chance is missing, and probably should stick to Burning instead of Ignition, since every other item use that format
Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):
Edited by YongkySH, 23 December 2020 - 01:29 AM.