Right so, the topic title says it all; the following is a suggestion on how to bring back premium shop, in the very near future, with no damage to the economy.
Step 1: Do NOT bring back the premium currency exchanger [for now]. This would be a thing to do in the far future after the exploited exchangable materials have been dealt with.
Step 2: Tag everything the premium shop sells with a new ID, and that new ID is restricted from being tradable. This specifically applies to any consumable or stackable. These items should have no chance to leave your accounts inventory.
Step 3: The tomes are already account locked.
Step 4: Enable the shop only.
How this works.
Well for 1, Premium Coins [the consumable that yield Premium Pts] are account locked. This means if they're 'exploited', there's no moving them to any type of mule account, smuggling them, or trying to launder them.
Tomes apply in the same way. In addition to the fact, there's zero reason to even 'exploit' these, as they're infinite use, and account locked. [Can be stored and accessed via any character]
With the locking of Premium Sourced things like Salon Coupons, Hair Dye's etc, the items can never leave the account, and thus 'exploiting' these, would provide no economic damage. In addition to the lack of damage potential, the only reason to 'exploit' them, would be to do it on your 'main' account, which is something the exploiters refrain from doing if they have any brains. Account Main != Hair Color.
In short, so long as the exchanger NPC doesn't come back, there's no way to generate Premium Currency in a way that can cause economic damage, or cost the DEV and Publishers revenue. Just do it correctly, keep it all account locked [the ones sourced from Premium Shop]. Also the differentiation between Premium Sourced vs Item Mall Sourced via different ID's means IM can still be bought & sold, while Premium cannot.
I think this is do-able.
Do not place LS Coins in the Premium Shop.
Edited by Feuer, 21 January 2018 - 02:21 PM.