Court of Owls - Chaos Renewal Recruiting - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Court of Owls

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#1 freddym


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 12:22 AM

Court of Owls



5043.pngWho, indeed.

Yes I went back into the forum archive and nerco-ed the "Fifth Element" guild thread. 

As you can clearly see I'm dipping my toe back in the guild leadership role but with a new guild name :questionmark: :exlamation:R.I.P 11T0uY6.png :sob:


5043.pngAbout me:

My name? Freddy Marzan. I'm 31 years old and live in Puerto Rico and I love Ragnarok Online. International Ragnarok Online was my first online game I have ever played and I started back in 2003, I played on the Chaos, Loki & Iris servers then later Yggdrasil and now back on Chaos.  I had a mage and later wizard named Digic.  :heh:


5043.pngAbout the Court of Owls:

Fresh out of Gotham City! One of the oldest and most hidden evil organization to date! The Court of Owls are a secret society specializing in organized crime and are well suited for the shadows.  We are a tight nit group who excel at teamwork! We know that with dedication, perseverance and a strong focused goal we can accomplish ANYTHING!  The Court or "Coo" and sometimes also referred to as "Parliament of Owls" carry ourselves with a sense of dignity, poise and class; tradition and structure is what we strive for.  Although new to the game you don't want to make a enemy out of the Court of Owls you'll find yourself in our pellets because owls of a feather fly together.


5043.pngCourt of Owls Basic Guild Info:

Guild Name (Court of Owls)

Guild level (46)

Guild Master (G-Force 199)

Guildmen (11/56)

Average level of Guildmen (124)

Territory (0)

Alliances (None)

Antagonists (None)

EXP (94796706)


5043.pngCourt of Owls Are:

As of today the Court of Owls will become a strictly social Guild with some exceptions. 

WOE friendly

PVM / PVP friendly

Instance friendly

Party friendly

MVP friendly

Guild event friendly *This will change once we get more members*


Above all, sociable, helpful & FUN!


5043.pngGuild Spot:

(East from South Prontera Portal)



5043.pngLooking For:

Newbies welcomed.

Active/Mains with some exceptions.



Here's how to join.

1.) Leave in-game name on this thread or other type of contact info.

2.) Send me a private message via forums.

3.) Rodex me in-game my name is down in the signature below.

4.) Find me in-game whilst chat is up for recruiting and leave name.


5043.pngLatitude & Longitude coordinates when recruiting.

Geffen (115,74)

Eden Group First Floor (20,13)


5043.pngUpon Entry:

Once you've proven yourself worthy of the Court's favor you will be handed or mailed a Opera Phantom Mask 5043.png by me. This is our token status symbol in this guild wear it proudly, wear it true! You are also able to improve your Opera Phantom Mask, here's how ------------>

You will be granted specific titles, titles will play a big role in who does what in guild, these roles are TBA.


5043.pngGuild Titles:

1.) Blood Oath  :exlamation: 

2.) Oath

3.) Follower

4.) Sworn

5.) Pinky Promised

6.) Vow

7.) Talon

8.) Head Mistress

9.) Witness

10.) Sealed Contract

11.) Hidden Ties

12.) Pledged

13.) Legally Binded

14.) Bonded

15.) Branded

16.) Secret Handshake

17.) Treaty

18.) Pact

19.) *No title*



The Court of Owls will not be responsible for anything you do outside of the Court.

The Court of Owls have every permission to refuse entry to those we deem unworthy.

If for any reason you leave or are removed from the Court you will not be allowed back in until you trade back your Opera Phantom Mask5043.png. I keep records... :ani_glare:

At this time the Court of Owls will NOT be recruiting new members, thank you for your cooperation and you'll hear from us very soon. :gg:


5043.pngGuild Emblems!

xgtfaKN.png  ohl9uZD.png  oKDL36Y.png  uQ13fLK.png  ZpiUym6.png  gEPR6ds.png  eM2mH20.png  X1CI3IO.png  nj4MOSW.png  LRGI8at.png  GmEQ8rY.png  lANqqHF.png  doc9Yu4.png  


5043.pngScreen shots!







Edited by freddym, 18 March 2023 - 04:08 PM.

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#2 freddym


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Posted 29 June 2019 - 07:02 PM

Ultra slow mega bump!

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#3 freddym


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Posted 03 July 2019 - 04:28 PM


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#4 freddym


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Posted 11 July 2019 - 10:01 PM


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#5 freddym


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Posted 21 July 2019 - 08:19 PM

tumblr_nwv74yBYFY1qems7ao3_r1_500.gif :gg:

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#6 levincsate


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 08:19 AM

bump :D

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#7 freddym


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 08:35 AM

bump :D


omgomgomg my first bump from a guildie! I am so proud! :sob: :no1: :omg:

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#8 freddym


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Posted 16 December 2019 - 02:41 PM

The Court is already in motion! Whomever is planning on playing Ragnarok Transcendence I'm offering my discord for party purposes. Just when you thought we were gone! :gg: 

Edited by freddym, 19 March 2020 - 12:02 PM.

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#9 freddym


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Posted 19 March 2020 - 12:03 PM

It's back. :gg:

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#10 freddym


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Posted 21 March 2020 - 02:45 PM

Petty bump.

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#11 freddym


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Posted 13 April 2020 - 03:41 PM




Edited by freddym, 13 April 2020 - 03:42 PM.

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#12 freddym


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Posted 18 April 2020 - 09:54 PM


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#13 freddym


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Posted 28 April 2020 - 01:51 AM

TdZjPeU.png Bump!

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#14 freddym


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Posted 01 May 2020 - 12:06 PM


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#15 freddym


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Posted 09 May 2020 - 01:23 PM


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#16 freddym


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Posted 20 May 2020 - 08:24 AM

Bump for Views.

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#17 freddym


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Posted 13 November 2020 - 03:35 PM

Bump for the Return of the Court!  :gg:

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#18 freddym


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Posted 06 December 2020 - 04:08 PM

bump it!

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#19 freddym


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Posted 12 April 2022 - 07:29 PM

I think I want to recruit....again? I have to update this guild thread.....this is mad work LOL. But yes I'm recruiting.  :ani_swt:  :ani_swt:  :ani_swt:  :ani_swt:  :ani_swt:  :ani_swt:

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#20 freddym


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Posted 23 October 2022 - 01:35 PM

I'm back for the time being and I'm down to recruit for now.  



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#21 edwardexbr


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Posted 28 November 2022 - 11:20 PM

IGN: Dwarded17
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#22 freddym


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Posted 30 November 2022 - 12:27 PM

IGN: Dwarded17



giphy.gif?cid=790b76112a64e92bce3904737d Since someone dared to join my guild lol! Sorry for the late response I'll send you a Rodex in-game. Good luck.  :gg:  :gg:  :gg:

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#23 freddym


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Posted 18 March 2023 - 04:15 PM

Bumping just for views.

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#24 Zeuk


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Posted 23 April 2023 - 12:48 AM

Hi there! I'm a returning player (91/61 Smith).Got a Discord? Mine is Zeuk#8343. :3

Edited by Zeuk, 23 April 2023 - 12:52 AM.

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